Best Ghost evidence you have come across

It is well documented that ghosts drain electrical energy from machines and spirit energy from people to become more active

Is it? He asked in a incredulous voice

Do we have detection equipment which records the electrical energy being drained from machines and turning up in ? what?

And when was it determined people had spirit energy?

Must have been in the last 10 or so years since I retired from 40 years of nursing and slipped past me. It is hard to keep up with my current interest, TIME being my current main interest

So if you have a link to the research details when people spirit energy was found I would be most grateful


Easy, practically any paranormal investigation show, at times an investigator has to sit down because they feel drained. I suppose I have a vast wealth of background knowledge. Also the camera start fully charged and then just goes to one bar for seemingly no reason.

If I had my own ghost hunting show I'd give them a load of batteries to drain before I activate my listening devices.

Edit:- The energy drained turns up in extra paranormal activity
Easy, practically any paranormal investigation show, at times an investigator has to sit down because they feel drained.
On these shows, do you believe the ads in the commercial breaks are true as well?
I suppose I have a vast wealth of background knowledge. Also the camera start fully charged and then just goes to one bar for seemingly no reason.
If I had my own ghost hunting show I'd give them a load of batteries to drain before I activate my listening devices. Edit:- The energy drained turns up in extra paranormal activity
Are there any accounts of solar powered ghosts?
Easy, practically any paranormal investigation show, at times an investigator has to sit down because they feel drained. I suppose I have a vast wealth of background knowledge. Also the camera start fully charged and then just goes to one bar for seemingly no reason.

If I had my own ghost hunting show I'd give them a load of batteries to drain before I activate my listening devices.

Edit:- The energy drained turns up in extra paranormal activity

Fascinating really fascinating

However you sort of bypassed the question

How has it been determined the energy drained from the investigator or the batteries is the same energy turning up in extra paranormal activity? ie what is the method of exchange?

Waiting for a decent explaination thanks

Interesting. So we are...naturally fearful, you’re saying?
Not really. We are naturally fearful under conditions which, in the wild, put us at risk of injury and death.

Fear of heights? When you are part of a small prehistoric tribe, and even a moderate fall could break your leg and result in your death (and there are no safety railings) - fear of heights is a very wise phobia.

Fear of the dark? When you live in an environment with a lot of nocturnal predators, then it is wise to be afraid of the dark, and use walls/fire/fences to keep yourself safe.

That's the fear side. We also find happiness and joy in things that help us survive - being part of a community, finding a life partner, seeing a sunny warm day etc.
It is well documented that ghosts drain electrical energy from machines and spirit energy from people to become more active.
It's actually not well documented. Degradation and discharge mechanisms for lithium ion batteries, for example, ARE well documented. But I've read dozens of papers on the subject - and none document spiritual or religious battery draining. (And given the millions of hours that such batteries have spent on cyclers and monitors, if it happened at all regularly, it would have been seen.)
But I've read dozens of papers on the subject - and none document spiritual or religious battery draining. (And given the millions of hours that such batteries have spent on cyclers and monitors, if it happened at all regularly, it would have been seen.

But it doesn't happen regularly. It only happens to fully charged camera batteries at haunted locations. I'm pretty sure the industry isn't testing its batteries there.
Not really. We are naturally fearful under conditions which, in the wild, put us at risk of injury and death.

Fear of heights? When you are part of a small prehistoric tribe, and even a moderate fall could break your leg and result in your death (and there are no safety railings) - fear of heights is a very wise phobia.

Fear of the dark? When you live in an environment with a lot of nocturnal predators, then it is wise to be afraid of the dark, and use walls/fire/fences to keep yourself safe.

That's the fear side. We also find happiness and joy in things that help us survive - being part of a community, finding a life partner, seeing a sunny warm day etc.
I think this could also be true for the fear of the unknown.
Fascinating really fascinating

However you sort of bypassed the question

How has it been determined the energy drained from the investigator or the batteries is the same energy turning up in extra paranormal activity? ie what is the method of exchange?

Waiting for a decent explaination thanks


I suppose you could bring two identical cameras: one with barely any charge and one with full charge, and then ask the ghost to transfer the energy from the charged to the uncharged. But in terms of reliable ghost cooperation, this would seem an almost impossible feet.

On these shows, do you believe the ads in the commercial breaks are true as well?
Are there any accounts of solar powered ghosts?

What does it matter that the investigations are for monetary gain? The same stuff would have happened if it was not being televised.

Edit:- In one state in America, ghost hunting is a genuine University course.
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I suppose you could bring two identical cameras: one with barely any charge and one with full charge, and then ask the ghost to transfer the energy from charged to uncharged. But in terms of reliable ghost cooperation, this would seem an almost impossible feet.
Ask the ghost to transfer it? :tongue:

Here's how I would set it up, if money were not an object:

  • You need four cameras minimum.
  • They must be new (only practical way to assure they're all in the same condition).
  • They must all have new batteries (for the same reason).
  • You want a control. So you need to have one camera not in the "the haunted location", but in conditions similar, say a nearby house.
  • Hard to say whether the alleged effect would manifest on a camera in-use versus a camera not in-use. So use one for constant filming, and one stays in its case.
  • So, now you need two controls at the "not haunted" location: one in-use and one in its case.
  • You need to coordinate use of cameras and filming conditions. So, when the camera gets turned on and off at whatever times are appropriate, you communicate this to the control setup, so they can turn their in-use camera on and off simultaneously.
  • If money really weren't an object, then you'd use twelve cameras - three cameras instead of one - in each location and for each setup (in-use v. not in use) for redundancy.
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I suppose you could bring two identical cameras: one with barely any charge and one with full charge, and then ask the ghost to transfer the energy from the charged to the uncharged. But in terms of reliable ghost cooperation, this would seem an almost impossible feet.
Again NOT what is being requested

Your scenario has energy being drained from two massively different sources, one a person the other source a battery, for use BY THE GHOST

Care to try again explaining the process of a ghost extracting energy from both a person and battery FOR USE BY THE GHOST

You might also try answering what is the NATURAL energy source for a ghost?

I mean I would think it would be a bit dicey for a ghost having to wait around for a ghost hunter with nicely charged up equipment for their next meal of energy

This is fun. Would be more educational if I could get sensible answers

It only happens to fully charged camera batteries at haunted locations.
But does it?

Who has carefully done experiments to determine this? Who has had their batteries connected to a data logging device that records their charge continuously while inside and outside the "haunted" location? Sudden ghost-influenced battery drains would no doubt appear on the log records.

Ideally, several identical batteries ought be used, both in the haunted location and in non-haunted locations, to avoid error caused by faulty batteries, for example.

So, you're saying that careful ghost researchers have done the controlled studies and this is verified effect that happens at haunted locations, based on those controlled experiments? Is that what you're saying (you and Hawkl)? If so, great, point me in the direction of the relevant published paper.
Who has carefully done experiments to determine this?

Repeatable controlled experiments haven't been done on this because the paranormal draining of batteries is not a repeatable controllable phenomenon. Sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't. One battery may be drained while another isn't. But it happens often enough on paranormal investigations to be a well known anecdotal occurrence that is not surprising when it occurs.
But it happens often enough on paranormal investigations to be a well known anecdotal occurrence that is not surprising when it occurs.
Arrr the ol' anecdotal occurrence which no person conducting paranormal investigations thinks perhaps we should dig deeper into this phenomenon and get hard evidence which skeptics bang on about

Lazy, incompetent or other excuse not to follow through something which is not surprising when it occurs


How do you confirm thru experiment a non-repeatable phenomenon?
As Michael pointed out, you've said this phenomenon happens "often enough". It's not necessary that it happens every time that a team of paranormal investigators visits a haunted house. If it happens only 1 in 10 times, say, and they visit hundreds of houses, there'd be enough replicability to collect a decent set of data (provided that they don't observe random battery drain at least 1 in 10 times when visiting non-haunted houses).

But I take it that you're saying the work hasn't been done, so the effect hasn't been confirmed.

In other words, business as usual for the Ghost Squad - make claims you have no good evidence to support.