Best Ghost evidence you have come across

Oh, never underestimate the ability of people in groups to deceive themselves. Consider Salem in 1692.

I trust alot more in the ability of groups of people to see and hear the same real things that are right in front of them. Consider all of human history.
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This might explain a lot.

The most amazing thing about ghosts is that you swallow a pill (eg aloperidin) and they disappear. How cool!!!!

From article:

"Shared delusional disorder is most commonly found in woman with a slightly above average IQs, who are isolated from their family that are in relationships with a dominant person who has delusions."

So not really common in family situations then..
The most amazing thing about ghosts is that you swallow a pill (eg aloperidin) and they disappear. How cool!!!!

That's a drug for schizophrenia. Are you saying people who witness ghosts are schizophrenic?
That's a drug for schizophrenia. Are you saying people who witness ghosts are schizophrenic?
Not at all! The only rational explanation is that ghosts are allergic to the smell of aloperidin. The fact that it also plays a role in reducing delusion must be purely coincidental. I saw that on a Youtube video on this once, so it must be true.
From article:

"Shared delusional disorder is most commonly found in woman with a slightly above average IQs, who are isolated from their family that are in relationships with a dominant person who has delusions."

So not really common in family situations then..
This is a great example of the very poorly applied logic we've been referring to. The conclusion does not follow from the previous statement.

It is logically equivalent to:

"Red skies are most commonly found in the evening, around sunset."
Faulty Conclusion: "So not really common in the morning at sunrise then." - the implication being: "If you see a red sky, it's gotta be evening. Morning is just too implausible to consider."
Some 3% of population is scizophrenic. Also i roughly estimate that around 10-15% of non scizophrenic people will experience delusions some time in their lives due to various causes (eg illness, intoxication, personality disorders like borderline, shared delusions, coexisting mood disorders, etc). This means that overall billions of people experience delusions. Some of these delusions will involve ghosts.
The problem is that if someone experiences a ghost, then it is hard to tell whether the ghost actually exists or they are among the billions of people that experience delusions.
Also i roughly estimate that around 10-15% of non scizophrenic people will experience delusions some time in their lives due to various causes (eg illness, intoxication, personality disorders like borderline, shared delusions, coexisting mood disorders, etc). This means that overall billions of people experience delusions.

Source for that information?
I'm reminded of when I've watched horror movies. Some of the plots last with you...for a long time. Paranormal Activity, that film series, was terrifying, and why? If it's fictional, why do we get scared when we watch these movies? Not everyone does of course, but many do. Do we merely long for some thrills, like we do when we ride a roller coaster, or is it something more? Like...maybe we fear that it could be real, what we're watching. Just thinking out loud.
Some 3% of population is scizophrenic. Also i roughly estimate that around 10-15% of non scizophrenic people will experience delusions some time in their lives due to various causes . . . .
Yep. It should be noted that "schizophrenic" does not mean "insane." It just means a severe and ongoing mental illness.

Also from what I've seen the percentage of people experiencing delusions is closer to 5% of the total population (i.e. 15 million people in the US.)
Hallucinations and delusions more common than thought
May 27, 2015
University of Queensland
Scientists have found that hearing voices and seeing things (that others cannot) impacts about 5 percent of the general population at some point in their lives.

Hallucinations and delusions in the general population are more common than previously thought.

An international study led by The University of Queensland and Harvard Medical School found that hearing voices and seeing things others cannot impacts about five per cent of the general population at some point in their lives.

Queensland Brain Institute researcher Professor John McGrath said the study, involving more than 31,000 people from 19 countries, was the most comprehensive ever completed.

"We used to think that only people with psychosis heard voices or had delusions, but now we know that otherwise healthy, high-functioning people also report these experiences," Professor McGrath said.
I'm reminded of when I've watched horror movies. Some of the plots last with you...for a long time. Paranormal Activity, that film series, was terrifying, and why? If it's fictional, why do we get scared when we watch these movies?
We get scared by specific environmental cues that we've evolved to keep us alive in a dangerous world - fear of the dark when it is a place where there are threats, fear of heights, fear of certain noises, fear of certain situations, fear of rapid motion and loud noises. Savvy moviemakers know _exactly_ how to use those visual and audible cues to terrify audiences - and the ones that can do that most effectively make a ton of money.
We get scared by specific environmental cues that we've evolved to keep us alive in a dangerous world - fear of the dark when it is a place where there are threats, fear of heights, fear of certain noises, fear of certain situations, fear of rapid motion and loud noises. Savvy moviemakers know _exactly_ how to use those visual and audible cues to terrify audiences - and the ones that can do that most effectively make a ton of money.
Interesting. So we are...naturally fearful, you’re saying?
Interesting. So we are...naturally fearful, you’re saying?
Well, that's what kept us out of the mouths of sabre-toothed tigers, yes.

Our higher intellect is a very recent evolution. Too recent to have bred out our base survival instincts. Our lower brain and our "lizard brain" are still very much part of who we are.
Well, that's what kept us out of the mouths of sabre-toothed tigers, yes.

Our higher intellect is a very recent evolution. Too recent to have bred out our base survival instincts. Our lower brain and our "lizard brain" are still very much part of who we are.
Good points. Now, we look to scare ourselves on purpose through horror films. Humans are strange creatures. Lol
Good points. Now, we look to scare ourselves on purpose through horror films. Humans are strange creatures. Lol
Yes. That is a sign that we feel comfortable and secure.
You don't find a lot of horror movies or bungie-jumping businesses in times of war.
Because, belief is the ultimate fundamental to life.
As I expected, you were unable to answer the question I asked you.

What you need is a filter to help you decide what is true and what is bullshit. There are ones available. For example, there's this thing called science...
Are we collectively happy with our selves that this thread, about asking for the best evidence you have personally come across, has descended into an argument? I didn't expect this to happen, but I guess arguments are not always bad.

What you need is a filter to help you decide what is true and what is bullshit. There are ones available. For example, there's this thing called science...

I believe that ghosts are quantum phenomena we are yet to understand.

Edit:- I believe that ghosts are real

Think of the possibilities JamesR; Spooky action at a distance, (entanglement). Electrons behaving differently because they know they are being watched, (Double slit experiment). I just don't want to see any body totally close their mind off to extra reality. People of so many cultures across time have believed in ghosts.

Think of the possibilities JamesR; Spooky action at a distance, (entanglement). Electrons behaving differently because they know they are being watched, (Double slit experiment).
Are you telling me you think either of those things is evidence for the existence of ghosts?

If that's what you're saying, then you need to make the connection clear.

Otherwise, I may as well just say "Think of the possibilities, Hawkl: oatmeal, little penguins, the germ theory of disease, Thursday night football, the world's loudest sneeze...."

I just don't want to see any body totally close their mind off to extra reality. People of so many cultures across time have believed in ghosts.
Do you think that because a belief is widespread, or long-lasting, that it must be true?
Are you telling me you think either of those things is evidence for the existence of ghosts?
If that's what you're saying, then you need to make the connection clear.

Sorry, I though I made the connection clear by quoting my own message. I am not claiming to know how ghosts work but, I largely suspect it is to do with quantum. It is well documented that ghosts drain electrical energy from machines and spirit energy from people to become more active.