Best Ghost evidence you have come across

Again NOT what is being requested

Your scenario has energy being drained from two massively different sources, one a person the other source a battery, for use BY THE GHOST

Care to try again explaining the process of a ghost extracting energy from both a person and battery FOR USE BY THE GHOST

You might also try answering what is the NATURAL energy source for a ghost?

I mean I would think it would be a bit dicey for a ghost having to wait around for a ghost hunter with nicely charged up equipment for their next meal of energy

This is fun. Would be more educational if I could get sensible answers


Two step process

Step 1
Ghosts absorb electromagnetic fields
Contextual Evidence Sources I literally Googled just now (other search engines are available)

Do Batteries Emit Radiation? - EMF Academy
-ion batteries get a bad wrap because they power EMF emitting deviceslike cell phones. However, it's important to remember that when a cell phone is off, it emits virtually no EMF radiation'

Do humans give off an electromagnetic field? If so, how is it measured? Quora

Wayne Carpenter, AAS Biomedical Electronics
'Humans do produce electromagnetic fields, although very small and difficult to measure. Anytime there is an electric current, a magnetic field is produced and in the process of our bodies' operation there are many small electric currents and voltages produced. The magnetic field from our heart has been measured up to around three feet away and our brain waves which produce much smaller measurable fields are measurable up to 1/10 of an inch from the skull.'

On the physiological function of lithium from a psychiatric view point

Lithium is a naturally occurring alkali metal, which living organisms ingest from dietary sources and which is also present in trace amounts in the human body. In much higher concentrations, lithium is effective as a medication for mania and mood swings including manic depressive disorders.

I think Step 2 is self explanatory and therefor doesn't need to be explained; Perhaps I should enroll on one of these University Ghost courses and become a professor :D
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What does it matter that the investigations are for monetary gain? The same stuff would have happened if it was not being televised.
Who mentioned anything about ''monetary gain''?
I asked you if you believed the ads in the commercial breaks. I was trying to gauge your suasibility.
Edit:- In one state in America, ghost hunting is a genuine University course.
Well, there you go then, God does exist, there's lots of religious universities in American.
Two step process

Step 1
Ghosts absorb electromagnetic fields
Contextual Evidence Sources I literally Googled just now (other search engines are available)

Do Batteries Emit Radiation? - EMF Academy
-ion batteries get a bad wrap because they power EMF emitting deviceslike cell phones. However, it's important to remember that when a cell phone is off, it emits virtually no EMF radiation'

Do humans give off an electromagnetic field? If so, how is it measured? Quora

Wayne Carpenter, AAS Biomedical Electronics
'Humans do produce electromagnetic fields, although very small and difficult to measure. Anytime there is an electric current, a magnetic field is produced and in the process of our bodies' operation there are many small electric currents and voltages produced. The magnetic field from our heart has been measured up to around three feet away and our brain waves which produce much smaller measurable fields are measurable up to 1/10 of an inch from the skull.'

On the physiological function of lithium from a psychiatric view point

Lithium is a naturally occurring alkali metal, which living organisms ingest from dietary sources and which is also present in trace amounts in the human body. In much higher concentrations, lithium is effective as a medication for mania and mood swings including manic depressive disorders.

I think Step 2 is self explanatory and therefor doesn't need to be explained; Perhaps I should enroll on one of these University Ghost courses and become a professor :D

OK since you neglected to provide a link to your information source I Googled

Do Ghosts absorb electromagnetic fields

This is what came up top of list

.... blah blah blah blah blah....

Some paranormal investigators think of this as proof of a supernatural presence -- the ghosts create the field. Others suggest that these fields can interact with the human brain, causing hallucinations, dizziness or other neurological symptoms.

........ more blah blah blah blah blah....

Isn't there a law about misrepresentation?

Science in the link? Seriously???

Perhaps I should enroll on one of these University Ghost courses and become a professor

I really don't trust myself to comment :(

As Michael pointed out, you've said this phenomenon happens "often enough". It's not necessary that it happens every time that a team of paranormal investigators visits a haunted house. If it happens only 1 in 10 times, say, and they visit hundreds of houses, there'd be enough replicability to collect a decent set of data (provided that they don't observe random battery drain at least 1 in 10 times when visiting non-haunted houses).

But I take it that you're saying the work hasn't been done, so the effect hasn't been confirmed.

In other words, business as usual for the Ghost Squad - make claims you have no good evidence to support.

Noone in the field doubts that this happens. Why would they go out of their way to prove it does? It's an accepted annoyance that occasionally happens. If skeptics want proof, then get out there and investigate and quit yer bitchin.
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Noone in the field doubts that this happens. Why would they go out of their way to prove it does? It's an accepted annoyance that occasionally happens. If skeptics want proof, then get out there and investigate and quit bitchin.

Swooosh - Ping - Zzzzzzzzz - DUCKS - Thump

That was close

Thems spat dummies can cause a lota 'arm if 'its ya in the rong place

Noone in the field doubts that this happens. Why would they go out of their way to prove it does?
It's an accepted annoyance that occasionally happens. If skeptics want proof, then get out there and investigate and quit yer bitchin.
An unexpected concession.

This is essentially a sweeping admission that ghost chasers
- are perfectly OK with anecdotal stories, passed around amongst colleagues as urban legend
- have no interest in objective scientific confirmation of manifest phenomena,
- are not skeptical by nature.

I mean, that's a viable test for the phenomena ghost chasers are hoping to get real, hard data on, that, if confirmed, could be presented as compelling evidence for paranormal interaction with the physical world.

It would be the Holy Grail.

It's pity that real, hard, documentable, quantitative data of paranormal interaction with the real world does not seem to suit their objective...
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Noone in the field doubts that this happens. Why would they go out of their way to prove it does?
No one in charge of the Salem witch trials doubted that the plaintiffs were witches. Why would they go out of their way to prove that they were? Not their job! Let the witches do that.
It's an accepted annoyance that occasionally happens. If skeptics want proof, then get out there and investigate and quit yer bitchin.
Actually in the real world it doesn't work like that. In the real world (i.e. the world outside ghost TV shows) if you make an exceptional claim you have the burden of proof.

All those batteries going dead? Simple. They forgot to charge them, and they went dead. Occam's Razor.
It's pity that real, hard, documentable, quantitative data of paranormal interaction with the real world does not seem to suit their objective...
Their objective is to sell airtime. Thus they choose very carefully what they say. ". . . and then all our batteries mysteriously DIED as if the charge had been sucked out of them by a paranormal force!" sells TV time. "Jake the idiot intern forgot to charge them. Again." doesn't.
As I expected, you were unable to answer the question I asked you.

What you need is a filter to help you decide what is true and what is bullshit. There are ones available. For example, there's this thing called science...

Hope can get respect. Even if time repeats its suffering forever, before going to heaven for infinity and beyond.
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No, maybe MR is on to something. Maybe crypto-chasers are looking in the wrong places.

What if ghostologists, so busy looking for ectoplasm, just ignore signs of ghost technology?

Likewise, what if UFOlogists, so busy looking for spaceships, just ignore signs of alien technology?

"Professor, we've dug up a three-fingered hand, holding what looks like a tricorder device."

"Look sonny. Those things turn up every where. It's annoying. We're here to look for alien spaceships, not trinkets. Throw it on the trash heap and keep looking."


Imagine if the world really worked this way.

"Professor, we've split the atom, and - while we haven't found the particles - we did find it released a vast amount of energy. Enough to power a city."
"Look sonny, energy turns up everywhere. It's annoying. We're here to look for particles. Purge the data and keep looking."


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Actually in the real world it doesn't work like that. In the real world (i.e. the world outside ghost TV shows) if you make an exceptional claim you have the burden of proof.

LOL Noone cares what skeptics think. They just mock and ridicule and never accept evidence anyway. Nobody cares about people like that. That's the way the real world works.
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Noone cares what skeptics think.
MR acknowledges that ghost chasers are not skeptical. We already know that.
Ghost chasers are TV show actors - the opposite of skeptical.

MR also acknowledges that he is not skeptical, thus admitting - again - that he will happily accept anything that comes along without analysis.
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MR also acknowledges that he is not skeptical, thus admitting - again - that he will happily accept anything that comes along without analysis.

No I'm not a skeptic. I am agnostic regarding any particular case, neither thinking it is a ghost nor thinking it is not a ghost. Only the evidence decides that. That's why investigators go by the evidence. Many cases are debunked as mundane. Many others are confirmed as paranormal. That's how science works. Sticking to what the evidence shows without bias either for or against the phenomenon.
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No I'm not a skeptic. .
And that is why you're so bad at this.

That's why investigators go by the evidence.
Except recordable, quantifiable evidence that they apparently throw away, thinking it is useless.
Bit of convoluted logic you've got there.

That's how science works. Sticking to what the evidence shows without bias.
And a banging door is unbiased evidence of... ?

Here's one of the best evidences of a ghost I have ever seen on video:

LOL Noone cares what skeptics think. They just mock and ridicule and never accept evidence anyway. Nobody cares about people like that. That's the way the real world works.
Nope. In the real world, people demand evidence. In the reality TV world, people demand outrage, drama and scandal. Now, some people like outrage, drama and scandal over factual evidence - so ghost shows sell to people like you.
Nope. In the real world, people demand evidence. In the reality TV world, people demand outrage, drama and scandal. Now, some people like outrage, drama and scandal over factual evidence - so ghost shows sell to people like you.

LOL Spoken like a true entrenched skeptic..