
I told you SS ;)

paradox. :D

There is no way to answer around it.

I tend to base it off of out of the ordinary experiences. And take that, and believe what makes sense to me.

as for Universe being alive, if God exists, then it is alive, heh lol.

If not, it's just... the UNIVERSE.
spiritual_spy said:
you sound like you think the universe is alive :eek:

And as the dust we all made of, and define ourselves alive, the universe made of dust is as alive as we are.
Regulus said:
I told you SS ;)

paradox. :D

There is no way to answer around it.

I tend to base it off of experience. And take that, and believe what I want to believe.

as for Universe being alive, if God exists, then it is alive, heh lol.

If not, it's just... the UNIVERSE.
there is no way around it :eek: Everything breaks down at the singularity so WTF?
samcdkey said:
are you talking about pheromones or MHC-receptors?

MHC receptors. All I am saying is that love is a highly complex set of chemical reactions. But in human world all this has no meaning... Accept love as it is, for it is beautiful thing that can happen to one as a human.
spiritual_spy said:
there is no way around it :eek: Everything breaks down at the singularity so WTF?
I didn't have this infinity symbol in my avatar for nothing SS lol :D

I can quite easily call myself an infinity philosopher. I love infinity, it has so much to do with many of the questions not answered.

But then that means...... athiests have faith :bugeye:

Is it possible that even athiests rely on... faith.
Hmm..i have a theroy! i will use an analogy to present it. Our universe is just a member of a larger multiverse which is infinite. think of it like this. The multiverse is like a infinte pond. Our universe and all other universes are like ripples in this pond. the multiverse could in some way be conidered a "god" but not in the standard sense. And whatever the multiverse is made of some how produces universes...Uggh my head hurts..:bugeye:
spiritual_spy said:
Hmm..i have a theroy! i will use an analogy to present it. Our universe is just a member of a larger multiverse which is infinite. think of it like this. The multiverse is like a infinte pond. Our universe and all other universes are like ripples in this pond. the multiverse could in some way be conidered a "god" but not in the standard sense. And whatever the multiverse is made of some how produces universes...Uggh my head hurts..:bugeye:

one word: proof?
Or how about this. The Multiverse pond is just a home for a creator who makes the ripples..God = Super Fish :bugeye:
Heh, you seem like your tired out there SS lol

as for faith I disagree Dragon, I just think faith is a form of opinion and nothing more.
I happen to except we'll never understand. But that's just me, an infinity philosopher.
well then the universe is more like an apple pie....used to be an apple...but now its a pie...and we are the seasonings of this pie.

Proof? none. just an explanation. No prove doesnt mean thats not how it really is, isnt that how non-atheists think, dont they?

but then I come to think...there are also sweet cherries in this pie...Ill be dreaming of them this night...them cherries.
draqon said:
noone should be ignored, as everyone thoughts must be heard in order for us to arrive to the true conclusion that is formed by logical statements that must have proof.

No, everyone has the right to speak, but no one has to listen. Speak all you want, but do not be suprised if you are ignored :)
Absane said:
No, everyone has the right to speak, but no one has to listen. Speak all you want, but do not be suprised if you are ignored :)

oh no surprises here. Just a trace of the person IP and if that fker ignoring me, he is going to get some sub7 or one of those hacking progs on him/her so that next time he pays attention to the greatest philosopher of all times. So the guy want be surprised if the computer shows up dos error messages...
okay im gonna make a statement..I say that there is one thing that has always existed and is infinte in every sense of the word. It is the only way to stop the progression of infinte sources. This is THE source. i dont know what the "source" is though.
spiritual_spy said:
okay im gonna make a statement..I say that there is one thing that has always existed and is infinte in every sense of the word. It is the only way to stop the progression of infinte sources. This is THE source. i dont know what the "source" is though.

one word: proof?