
samcdkey said:
Its a starting place; do your own research

Is that because you have absolutely nothing to say or offer other than what you can glean from the Quran or google on the internet?

The research would suggest that Islam advocates violence and war.
samcdkey said:
I grew up in a cosmopolitan society; I have friends who are Christian, Hindu, Jew, Black, White, Straight and Gay

What we have in common is tolerance; something you should learn.

Tolerance? There is no tolerance in Islam, that is a fact.

I think you have answered your own question.

It appear that's the only way since you aren't answering any. Why are you here? To provide us all with information that's been shown here many times before?
Muslim said:
I really don't care. You're taking mythological images as reality. And I am this close to make a fool of you on the Internet.


Oh really?
Go back and see!
Of course, you (Muslim) don't care, because your head is very close
to being empty. Otherwise, you would have noticed that your
religion (Islam) is nothing but a bag of 'mythological images'.

I see you guys are having fun again :)

You really shouldn't bait him you know
What's it about anyway? More Dante or did you get something else? I must say whatever the drawbacks these threads are great for getting all this wierd knowledge.
samcdkey said:
What's it about anyway? More Dante or did you get something else? I must say whatever the drawbacks these threads are great for getting all this wierd knowledge.


"A Play in Five Acts written by Voltaire in 1741, complete and unabridged translation by E. P. Dupont publishers (New York, 1901)".

Here is the link again:
This thread has surely deviated from it's intended path. Moreso than usual, that is.
What I've found most interesting to this point is samcdkey's interaction with muslim.

superluminal said:
This thread has surely deviated from it's intended path. Moreso than usual, that is.
What I've found most interesting to this point is samcdkey's interaction with muslim.


I'm fascinated by how little anyone actually knows about what they are attacking OR defending !! On any side !!
Mythbuster said:
God has no beggining and has no end right ?

0 x infinity = undefined
That means he dont exist you twit !

I don't understand why some people simply cannot see this simple, easy fact; it's bloody preschool stuff.

That is a great example of a sophism. What, is your intelligence smaller than the planck?

Anyway it's in my opinion that atheism and theism are equally weak. Both rely on sophistry and unfounded knowledge.
samcdkey said:
Believe me, I can relate to that

If I have unanswered questions that are relevent to the stability of a belief, I do not take that side. So, it turns out I am stuck with almost no beliefs. That is not to say I do not lean towards a specific side, I am just not convinced enough to defend it to the death.

On the matter of "a god," I would say I am an agnostic. And if one does exist, it is deistic. But again, do not hold me to it. I'll argue any issue.
Muslim said:
There are somethings that are illogical but you still believe in them like penguins. So can you elaborate on that a little more please.

What's this then?

The emperor penguin fathers do the most amazing things to keep the eggs warm: they balance them on their feet - while the mother looks for food.

hahahaha :D
There are plenty of penguins in cartoons aswell, but I don't see them burning the penguin embassy.