
(Q) said:
It may not have been only Islam in the past, but it is now.

I don't hold Muslims responsible, I hold Islam responsible. Those others are creations of Mohammads teachings.

Islam may not promote terrorism, but it does promote violence and wars, and sugar coats it as 'defending the faith.'

Torture and violence
samcdkey said:
What is the point of this?
I already researched this and Dante was doing what he thought was right i.e. defending his faith, because he was afraid people were being seduced away from Christianity into Islam. he did it because he was a devout Christian.
What's your excuse?


Dante Alighieri is one of the greatest poets of all times.
In his 'Divine Comedy', he condemns the Muslim Prophet
to an eternal suffering in the Inferno, not because Mohammed
did not believe in the Church, but because the Muslim Messiah
was a tyrant.
So stop using this 'devout Christian' thing, because
Dante can hardly be described as a 'devout Christian'
of any sort.

AAF said:

Dante Alighieri is one of the greatest poets of all times.
In his 'Divine Comedy', he condemns the Muslim Prophet
to an eternal suffering in the Inferno, not because Mohammed
did not believe in the Church, but because the Muslim Messiah
was a tyrant.
So stop using this 'devout Christian' thing, because
Dante can hardly be described as a 'devout Christian'
of any sort.


Dante, was a intolerant racist pig.
baumgarten said:
Scientology shouldn't be considered a religion. :p

Neither is athiesm but its a comparative chart and if read some of the posts by athiests, believe me, it is a religion :rolleyes:
(Q) said:
Herein lies the problem, why would it be necessary to include defensive actions in a religion? If Allah created all things, then he is admitting error by placing those defences within Islam as he is certain his creations will war with one another, regardless of threats of eternal damnation and hellfire.

But it is also not unreasonable to understand why it is present within the doctrine as it has been found that Mohammad was indeed a violent person who offered the sword or Islam to anyone he conquered. Clearly, Mohammad was sure such violent acts would occur based on his own reign of terror that he would include such defences.

How can they be twisting the meaning to suit their needs when violence is part of Islamic doctrines? They are simply following the teachings of Mohammad.

It may not have been only Islam in the past, but it is now.

I don't hold Muslims responsible, I hold Islam responsible. Those others are creations of Mohammads teachings.

Islam may not promote terrorism, but it does promote violence and wars, and sugar coats it as 'defending the faith.'

Rules of war in Islam
Muslim said:
Dante, was a intolerant racist pig.

Dante was a Christian. As such he belonged to the People of the Book.

This is the aayat after Ammanar rasoolu in Surah Al-Baqarah

285. The Messenger believeth in what hath been revealed to him from his Lord, as do the men of faith. Each one (of them) believeth in Allah, His angels, His books, and His apostles. "We make no distinction (they say) between one and another of His apostles (including Christ or Moses; they are Equal to Mohammed in Islam)." And they say: "We hear, and we obey: (We seek) Thy forgiveness, our Lord, and to Thee is the end of all journeys."

Are you a man of faith? Do you follow the teachings of Mohammed? Christians and Jews are automatically a part of Islam.

Do you notice the word books? Look it up; if you read the Quran you should recognize the Arabic word for the Torah, The Bible and the Quran
Believers and unbelievers does not automatically translate to Islam and Christianity. The believers are the ones who follow the admonishments of God ( Allah is the Arab word for God same as Rab as in Ya-Rab ) you recognize that, right? also from the Quran.

The admonisments of God.

La ikrahafiddeene. There is no compulsion in Religion.

Kad tabayyanar rushdo min al gayye. What is right is clearly different from what is wrong.
The Apostles

Abraham: Khaleel-ullah - Friend of God
Moses - Qaleem-ullah - the one who spoke to God
Jesus - Rooh-ullah - the Spirit of God and Mohammeds favorite apostle
Muhammad - Rasool-ullah the Messenger of God
samcdkey said:
The Apostles

Abraham: Khaleel-ullah - Friend of God
Moses - Qaleem-ullah - the one who spoke to God
Jesus - Rooh-ullah - the Spirit of God and Mohammeds favorite apostle
Muhammad - Rasool-ullah the Messenger of God

None of those people existed, other than the blood-thirsty tyrrant Muhammad.
(Q) said:
That's it? A link to wiki?

Obviously, you're only here to preach religious propaganda, like the other Muslims before you.

I grew up in a cosmopolitan society; I have friends who are Christian, Hindu, Jew, Black, White, Straight and Gay

What we have in common is tolerance; something you should learn.
(Q) said:
Herein lies the problem, why would it be necessary to include defensive actions in a religion? If Allah created all things, then he is admitting error by placing those defences within Islam as he is certain his creations will war with one another, regardless of threats of eternal damnation and hellfire..'

(Q) said:
None of those people existed, other than the blood-thirsty tyrrant Muhammad.

I think you have answered your own question.
(Q) said:
Even though the Quran has undergone changes itself. (Previous threads, please read)

How very sad that newly born children are being indoctrinated into one of the most dangerouus religions on the planet, one that advocates violence and war.

And that is complete bullshit as anyone can plainly see the various factions of Islam killing each other every other day.

Is that before or after they've trampled themselves to death?

(Q) said:
That's it? A link to wiki?

Obviously, you're only here to preach religious propaganda, like the other Muslims before you.

As compared to the secular beliefs expressed by you ?