
spuriousmonkey said:
Aren't you supposed to read the quran in arab? Reading translations will ensure a one way trip to hell.

The Quran can be read in any language; its available in all the languages, I think.

In fact, Muslims are warned against simply reading the Arabic words ( Arabic is a phonetic language and easy to read once you know the rules).

But it must never be solely a translation; there must be Arabic accompanied with it.

This is for three very practical reasons.

1. Having the original alongside prevents misinterpretations of the transaltions.

The original is available and this also means that everyone has the same unchanged version of the Quran.

2. Everyone MUST know how to read the Quran in Arabic for their daily prayers and for Ramadan when one paaraa ( or jouz in Arabic, one volume out of 30) is read every night for a special prayer after breaking fast for the 30 nights, ie you finish the whole Quran in 30 days.

This is recited orally by a Haafiz ( one who has memorized the Quran) during a salah cycle, so its helps to know what he is saying during the one hour it takes to get through one volume, especially since you are standing throughout.

3. No matter where a Muslim goes in the world, but especially when he goes to Mecca, the prayers are in Arabic. The call for prayer, or adhan is also in Arabic and every mosque has a muezzin who calls to inform everyone that it is time for prayer. The adhaan is distinctive and any Muslim regardless of age, language, race, color, country can recognize it. When children are born, it is the first thing said into their ears after which they grow up hearing it. And everyone follows the Imam ( priest) leading the prayer in any mosque, in any country, because everyone understands what he is saying.

Finally since Muslims come from all over the world, it is a very significant factor which keeps them united ( you'll rarely have fights between Muslims of different countries)

To give you a very small idea of the experience, here is a picture of the Ramadan pprayer at night after breaking fast in the Haram ( Mecca).

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spuriousmonkey said:
Aren't you supposed to read the quran in arab? Reading translations will ensure a one way trip to hell.

Thats a lie. Its recommended to you read it in Arabic, however if you can't read Arabic then there is not problem with using a translation.
Muslim said:
Thats a lie. Its recommended to you read it in Arabic, however if you can't read Arabic then there is not problem with using a translation.

Everyone MUST know how to read the Quran in Arabic for their daily prayers and for Ramadan when one paaraa ( or jouz in Arabic, one volume out of 30) is read every night for a special prayer after breaking fast for the 30 nights, ie you finish the whole Quran in 30 days.

Thats why; I'll find the sura about reading with understanding the meaning and show you.

BTW, do you know the meaning of the whole Quran in Arabic?

Because I speak Arabic, but I still use an English translation to be sure I understand it.
samcdkey said:
Thats why; I'll find the sura about reading with understanding the meaning and show you.

BTW, do you know the meaning of the whole Quran in Arabic?

Because I speak Arabic, but I still use an English translation to be sure I understand it.

If you don't mind my asking, Muslim, where are you from?
Here are the verses which indicate that the Quran is a source of admonition ( a reminder) and whoever reads it must understand what he is reading.

The Quran can be read in any language

“And we have made Quran easy for admonition. Is there then any seeker of admonition?”(Qamar:17)

Despite this clarification by Quran it is wrong to say that this book is meant for the understanding of scholars only. The fact is that who ever studies Quran with the sincerity of purpose is bound to be benefited by its reading, no matter how less knowledgeable the person is and this is the foremost object of Quran.

“And expound His revelations to mankind that they may be reminded”.(Baqarah:221)

“And we have put forth for man in this Quran every kind of parable in order that they may receive admonition” (zumar:27)

“Nay, verily this is an admonition so whoever will may heed it” (Muddatthir:54-55)

What to talk of scholars, Quran is not restricted to even Muslims; It is a book of guidance for the entire mankind, and it demands that people study it and think over it.“Ramadan is the month in which was revealed the Quran a guidance for mankind.” (Baqarah:185)

“This is a book We have sent down to you blest so that the people may ponder over the verses thereof and the wise may be admonished (Sad :29).

“Those who conceal the clear signs We have sent down, and guidance, after we have made clear for the people in the book, on them shall be Allah’s curse and the curse of the cursers. (Baqarah :159)

“Do they not ponder over Quran or their hearts are locked thereof.” (Mohammed:24)
samcdkey said:
The holy war denoted here must be sanctioned by a major religious/political head of the religion ( which actually does not exist right now in Islam). Moreover, the war must be fought in defence, to defend the faith and a first ( or pre-emptive strike) is not acceptable.

Innocent people must not be injured, the idea of a holy war is DEFEND yourself and your faith.

That is one of the major problems of Islam, it advocates violence and war as part of the faith. It is irrelevant whether or not it is in defence as anyone can see that Muslims will use this to justify their acts of violence. Islam fails miserably as a religion if it advocates violence.

So what the terrorists are doing is called hiraba or crime against society and it is actually the duty of devout Muslims to destroy them as they are a threat to our religion

Here is a link:

Unfortunately, Muslims are doing nothing but paying lip service. Those quotes in that link are dated, and anyone following up on them will realize absolutely nothing has been done to 'destroy them.'
(Q) said:
That is one of the major problems of Islam, it advocates violence and war as part of the faith. It is irrelevant whether or not it is in defence as anyone can see that Muslims will use this to justify their acts of violence. Islam fails miserably as a religion if it advocates violence.

Unfortunately, Muslims are doing nothing but paying lip service. Those quotes in that link are dated, and anyone following up on them will realize absolutely nothing has been done to 'destroy them.'

You need to read all the previous threads . Start at page 25, if you like, we are in the middle of a completely different discussion right now.
samcdkey said:
Thats why; I'll find the sura about reading with understanding the meaning and show you.

BTW, do you know the meaning of the whole Quran in Arabic?

Because I speak Arabic, but I still use an English translation to be sure I understand it.

I am a Jatt Aryan Cheema Punjabi , I am not a native Arabic speaker so I use a dictionary although I can read the Qu'ran in Arabic. I also happen to know the whole Qu'ran off by heart.
samcdkey said:
You need to read all the previous threads . Start at page 25, if you like, we are in the middle of a completely different discussion right now.

Ah, yes, the typical, "I am unable to answer hard questions in which the answers don't appear in the Quran."

Do you actually think you're the first person who has presented that stuff? You're merely re-hashing that which has been re-hashed ad nauseum.

Perhaps it is you who needs to read some previous threads.
samcdkey said:
But it must never be solely a translation; there must be Arabic accompanied with it.

This is for three very practical reasons.

1. Having the original alongside prevents misinterpretations of the transaltions.

The original is available and this also means that everyone has the same unchanged version of the Quran.

Even though the Quran has undergone changes itself. (Previous threads, please read)

When children are born, it is the first thing said into their ears after which they grow up hearing it.

How very sad that newly born children are being indoctrinated into one of the most dangerouus religions on the planet, one that advocates violence and war.

Finally since Muslims come from all over the world, it is a very significant factor which keeps them united ( you'll rarely have fights between Muslims of different countries)

And that is complete bullshit as anyone can plainly see the various factions of Islam killing each other every other day.

To give you a very small idea of the experience, here is a picture of the Ramadan pprayer at night after breaking fast in the Haram ( Mecca).

Is that before or after they've trampled themselves to death?
(Q) said:
That is one of the major problems of Islam, it advocates violence and war as part of the faith. It is irrelevant whether or not it is in defence as anyone can see that Muslims will use this to justify their acts of violence. Islam fails miserably as a religion if it advocates violence.

Unfortunately, Muslims are doing nothing but paying lip service. Those quotes in that link are dated, and anyone following up on them will realize absolutely nothing has been done to 'destroy them.'

We've already had this discussion ad nauseum over the weekend ( you can go over my posts if you like).

1. The Sunni fundamentalists or Wahabis who are involved in this war comprise less than 1.5% of the total Muslim Population

2. Jihad is not synonymous with war. The word Jihad actually means struggle, the struggle to make yourself worthy of your faith.
So if I struggle to memorize the Quran, I am a mujahid.
If I struggle to improve society through acceptable good works like medicine, I am a mujahid. If my faith, with stress on the word faith, is attacked, I am required to defend it. This however is the lesser Jihad, because, it is easy. Controlling your tongue, your impulses, representing your religion well at all times, keeping your heart pure from sin, is the greater Jihad.

If a group of people with militant intentions who happen to be of a certain religious persuasion use a this as an excuse for terrorist activities, it does not mean that they are following the religion, rather they are twisting the meaning to suit their ends.

if you think this is exclusive to Islam, its not.

Terrorism vs Religion

Christian terrorism

However, holding 98% of the Muslim population responsible for the 2% that is extremist, well, it would be more useful to look into the origins of these terrorists Osama, Mujahideen, Al-Qaeda, Saddam, and do a search on the net to realise whose creation they are.

The Muslims are not responsible for thia mess and the negative imagery created against Islam in the media is not conducive to their taking an active role in solving this problem. Most Muslims not associated with the Arabs or the US ( about 20% of the world's population or one in every 5 individuals worldwide) believe that the US has created this mess and they should clean it up). You should also know that the Wahabi form of Islam followed in Saudi has very few followers worldwide. All the Arab countries combined are just 15% of the total Muslim population.

Statements like Islam promotes war and terrorism only prove to Muslims that the USA has no comprehension of their philosophy.
Muslim said:
I am a Jatt Aryan Cheema Punjabi , I am not a native Arabic speaker so I use a dictionary although I can read the Qu'ran in Arabic. I also happen to know the whole Qu'ran off by heart.

Well I am Mahashtrian/Gujarati so I am not either.

And being a Haafiz you speak like this?
"outrageously blabbering wretch and a disgusting, enema-addicted lamentable mistake by your parents an unconscionably gluttonous barbarian and a myopic, coma-inducing dreg of the Internet a precociously narcissistic loafer and a repugnant, sheep-molesting cause of nightmares in small childerin unutterably blighted miscreant and a dastardly, sock-sucking personification of vulgarity petty, air-polluting depraved orgy of subhuman indecency wickedly reprehensible trollop and a dastardly, acidly acrimonious failure to endure the scrutiny of those with distinction"
samcdkey said:
Well I am Mahashtrian/Gujarati so I am not either.

And being a Haafiz you speak like this?

I'm am not a practicing Muslim. Although I will start practicing after I get married, at the moment am enjoying being young. Inshallah, by dad pay's me to go to masjid on Fridays my dads actually a molvi so like he will pay me £200 for reading jumma.
(Q) said:
Even though the Quran has undergone changes itself. (Previous threads, please read)

How very sad that newly born children are being indoctrinated into one of the most dangerouus religions on the planet, one that advocates violence and war.

And that is complete bullshit as anyone can plainly see the various factions of Islam killing each other every other day.

Is that before or after they've trampled themselves to death?

I've been checking your previous postings,you just attack people ( previous postings, indeed)!! and are not really interested in a discussion at all.

So as of now you are on my Ignore list, because that is how I treat children.

Goodbye, have a nice life
samcdkey said:
I've been checking your previous postings,you just attack people ( previous postings, indeed)!! and are not really interested in a discussion at all.

So as of now you are on my Ignore list, because that is how I treat children.

Goodbye, have a nice life

Don't worry about him, his ignorance is encyclopedic.