
Muslim said:
Oh my bad I thought I was on your "ignore list" :confused:

Kos okht ile nafadak

there you go muslim, as the good little muslim you should be able to figure out what that means, it is in arabic afterall
Muslim said:

Oh I am on your ignore list Oh god what am I going to do now I must surely end my life, the woman I have so much love for is "ignoring" me.

"on my ignore list" - like I give a pink flying unicorn fuck.( why pink? ) And anyway waiting for you to say something intelligent is like putting a candle in the window for Jimmy Hoffa.

It's hard to bait me...I'm too old and I only reprimand children when they've been especially naughty :bugeye:

Plus, I'm better at it than you are, I don't even need the pink unicorns.

So there!
Muslim said:
Why should Muslims be apologetics?

And anyway, your argument is like a black man saying to a white man who doesn't have jack all to do with the slave trade to apologies for it - like as if he was the one started it. Its just silly you can't hold a whole race/religion accountably for the actions of a minority.

Its like saying all Germans are Jew killers and Germans should apologize for the actions of Nazi's

I completely agree with these sentiments. Its pathetic that, in our day and age of political correctness and all that rubbish, that present day leaders are exprected to apologise for events so far back they are clouded in myth. Its about time that the past was consigned to the history books. I am not sure what this has to do with Athieism though.

Should I apologise for Agincourt, the invasion of the Americas, colonisation, slavery, Bannockburn or Glencoe, liberating France, crushing Germany in 2 world wars - no, of course not and I do not hold any nation, people or religion responsible for anything in the past beyond current generations. The Zulu nation do not hold us responsible for the Zulu war, why should they? My uncle died just before Alamein, I do not blame Germany.

99% of all muslims are decent people, 99% of the beautiful people of Eire do not have blood on their hands. But, its that damned 1% who screw it up in people's minds. Also, most support for these 1% are in name only, people too frightened to take a stance and say enough is enough.

I do blame religion for most of what happens but in name only, I cannot blame the church in rome for the inquisition etc and do not expect the same to apologise now.
thedevilsreject said:
Kos okht ile nafadak

there you go muslim, as the good little muslim you should be able to figure out what that means, it is in arabic afterall

I speak Arabic too, and you are a naughty boy
thedevilsreject said:
Kos okht ile nafadak

there you go muslim, as the good little muslim you should be able to figure out what that means, it is in arabic afterall

Translation: "fuck he who brought you into this life"
samcdkey said:
It's hard to bait me...I'm too old and I only reprimand children when they've been especially naughty :bugeye:

Plus, I'm better at it than you are, I don't even need the pink unicorns.

So there!

I'll be the first to admit, my grammar sucks. You're "too old" how old as I its against my morals to attack the elderly. By the way I am 23, young wise, pretty and witty.
Muslim said:
Its like saying all Germans are Jew killers and Germans should apologize for the actions of Nazi's

They did actually apologize and still do so. Because they realized that their nation had been responsible.

"The memory of the National Socialist era, of war, genocide and infamy, has become part of our national identity. It has left us with an abiding moral and political duty," German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder said.

some of the resulting actions:

Germany has also worked to face up to the crimes committed by the Nazi regime and acknowledged its obligation to provide material restitution.

A total of 104 billion US dollars have been paid in compensation to the victims, and about 624 million dollars continue to be paid each year to about 100,000 pensioners.

In 1952, West Germany and Israel and the Jewish Claims Conference signed the Luxembourg Agreement, making available payments to Israel, which bore a heavy financial burden of accepting many victims of Nazi persecution.

In 1956, West Germany approved Federal Law for the Compensation of the Victims of National Socialist Persecution. Over four million claims have been submitted under this legislation.

In 2001, the Bundestag approved the establishment of a fund worth 4.5 billion dollars to compensate labor slaves under the Nazi regime.

In order to keep the holocaust relevant to next generations, the German government built the Topography of Terror Memorial Museum in 1995 on the 50th anniversary of the war in central Berlin. The Holocaust Memorial in downtown Berlin will be open to public on May 10.

Meanwhile, the Nazi dictatorship and the Holocaust are widely discussed at schools.
Red Devil said:
I completely agree with these sentiments. Its pathetic that, in our day and age of political correctness and all that rubbish, that present day leaders are exprected to apologise for events so far back they are clouded in myth. Its about time that the past was consigned to the history books. I am not sure what this has to do with Athieism though.

Should I apologise for Agincourt, the invasion of the Americas, colonisation, slavery, Bannockburn or Glencoe, liberating France, crushing Germany in 2 world wars - no, of course not and I do not hold any nation, people or religion responsible for anything in the past beyond current generations. The Zulu nation do not hold us responsible for the Zulu war, why should they? My uncle died just before Alamein, I do not blame Germany.

99% of all muslims are decent people, 99% of the beautiful people of Eire do not have blood on their hands. But, its that damned 1% who screw it up in people's minds. Also, most support for these 1% are in name only, people too frightened to take a stance and say enough is enough.

I do blame religion for most of what happens but in name only, I cannot blame the church in rome for the inquisition etc and do not expect the same to apologise now.

I never thought I would agree with and Atheists, but word that is so true.
Muslim said:
I'll be the first to admit, my grammar sucks. You're "too old" how old as I its against my morals to attack the elderly. By the way I am 23, young wise, pretty??? and witty.

This is not a dating forum, you know; and I was talking about mental age, but I can give you a decade, so you are free to consider me elderly.

And if you are 23 ( I thought you must be 18 from the picture), well, I'm speechless.
spuriousmonkey said:
They did actually apologize and still do so. Because they realized that their nation had been responsible.

some of the resulting actions:

Thats B.S I am talking about the average German, as and average germen to apologize for the holocaust and he will tell you to go get fucked. Politicians always say crap like this to win brownie points. And plus I thought it was the "survival of the fittest" the weak get conquered and subjugated thats our genetics you can't argue with science.
samcdkey said:
This is not a dating forum, you know; and I was talking about mental age, but I can give you a decade, so you are free to consider me elderly.

And if you are 23 ( I thought you must be 18 from the picture), well, I'm speechless.

What the hell are you trying to say that I am not pretty? and what the hell are you talking about woman mental age bla, bla I bet you nag your husband alot.

I've grown up that picture was taken some time back. I am getting married soon. And anyway are you not supposed to be in the Kitchen cooking something for your hubby rather posting a load of tripe on a forum?
Muslim said:
Thats B.S I am talking about the average German, as and average germen to apologize for the holocaust and he will tell you to go get fucked. Politicians always say crap like this to win brownie points. And plus I thought it was the "survival of the fittest" the weak get conquered and subjugated thats our genetics you can't argue with science.

Well the average German now, lets say he's 50 years old ( more than that and it would be against your morals to harass him) would have been (2006 minus 1945 is equal to 61) minus 11 years old i.e. just a twinkle in his Mama's eye. Why would he apologize?
Muslim said:
What the hell are you trying to say that I am not pretty? and what the hell are you talking about woman mental age bla, bla I bet you nag your husband alot.

I've grown up that picture was taken some time back. I am getting married soon. And anyway are you not supposed to be in the Kitchen cooking something for your hubby rather posting a load of tripe on a forum?

Why do I need to know all this?
Muslim said:
What the hell are you trying to say that I am not pretty? and what the hell are you talking about woman mental age bla, bla I bet you nag your husband alot.

I've grown up that picture was taken some time back. I am getting married soon. And anyway are you not supposed to be in the Kitchen cooking something for your hubby rather posting a load of tripe on a forum?

Muslim said:
I never thought I would agree with and Atheists, but word that is so true.
Here in Birmingham UK, I have a good friend who is a muslim; he has told me some insight into the Koran (eng) and nowhere does it tell your nutter 1% that what they are doing is either right or condoned by the religion of Islam. Also, and quite relevant, lets assume that Islam is the one and only true religion for a moment. The 1% claim that by committing suicide and by obliterating hundreds, possibly thousands of "infidels", they are guaranteed a place in Paradise. WRONG! According to their own holy book they are condemned to eternal torture in Hell. Great, if you believe in it.
Muslim said:
Thats B.S I am talking about the average German, as and average germen to apologize for the holocaust and he will tell you to go get fucked. Politicians always say crap like this to win brownie points. And plus I thought it was the "survival of the fittest" the weak get conquered and subjugated thats our genetics you can't argue with science.

The survival of the fittest is a political idea, not a scientific one. I think we have tried to explain to you a few dozen times that your scientific knowledge is seriously lacking or consist mostly of popular misunderstandings. That never urged you actually to educate yourself because you continue on the same footing. I think it is safe to say you are the most dangerous type of moron around. The moron who thinks he isn't one.
The survival of the fittest is not Facist at all, its natural selection, according to Mother Nature, not a human concept at all.