atheists, please explain yourselves..

are you an atheist?

  • yes

    Votes: 38 74.5%
  • no

    Votes: 13 25.5%

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don't worry.. anti-creation will be looked upon in a future age as a remnant of an ignorant past age too..

how does that make you feel??

All warm and fuzzy, like when Dorothy squeezes her eyes shut and says "There's no place like home!"

And if you keep saying what you want to happen, scifes, then maybe it will work for you too. Just don't forget your ruby slippers.
i didn't undrstand you..and i think it's mutual..

i'm just putting them in the other side of their assumptions,,if you assume the old ages were badly mistaken or didn't even exist...than what stops future ones from thinking that about us...
Its funny I neve wonder why others believe. Not believing doesn't need an explanation. If god exists believing or non-believing wouldn't change things very much. Belief in god doesn't stop wars, end poverty, whether it makes people happier is debatable and you don't need a belief in god to have a values system or to be discerning. Life is with or without this belief.
...than what stops future ones from thinking that about us...
Growth. The same thing that stops you from reverting to believing things you believed as a child. If you once believed in Santa but now don't, do you think that you will one day believe in Santa again?

Future thinkers will no doubt know things that we don't. But it doesn't follow that they will regress to old ideas.

Your hope that one day your pet beliefs will be generally accepted is similar to Dorothy closing her eyes and saying "There's no place like home" in the Wizard of Oz; it might make you feel warm and fuzzy, but it is only self delusion.
Growth. The same thing that stops you from reverting to believing things you believed as a child. If you once believed in Santa but now don't, do you think that you will one day believe in Santa again?
did i ever mention how i hate growth?? and the thinking changes associated with it??
if we had a flying blimp.. and it held three in chemistry, one in biology. and one in physics..something wrong happened to the blimp, and to mend it they have to reduce weight (aka throw one of them off board)..who do you think they should throw??
(i have a point in that stupid quiz, is that OK moderators??)
Future thinkers will no doubt know things that we don't. But it doesn't follow that they will regress to old ideas.
why not?
they'll discover a lot of new things rendering the old (us) stupid..
remember that no religion said that the world is flat..only science..
huh, not to mention the thread in general philosephy section..the one about how at last they found the missing part for the evolution theory..then how did people believe in it before that??:confused:

Your hope that one day your pet beliefs will be generally accepted is similar to Dorothy closing her eyes and saying "There's no place like home" in the Wizard of Oz; it might make you feel warm and fuzzy, but it is only self delusion.
once a thought engineer..not a thought scientist..if your thinking conclusions don't make you feel warm and cozy..than what use are they??:D

(note that i'm not telling you to not live your life by logic..but not accepting what makes you live unhappy-also in the long the biggest piece of logic you should hang to:))

do you agree?
remember that no religion said that the world is flat..only science..
"He hath spread the earth as a bed, and hath traced out paths for you therein, and hath sent down rain from Heaven, and by it we bring forth the kinds of various herbs..." (Sura 20:55).
"Who hath made the earth a bed for you, and the heaven a covering, and hath caused water to come down from heaven, and by it hath brought forth fruits for your sustenance!" (Sura 2:20).
"And God hath spread the earth for you like a carpet,
That ye may walk therein along spacious paths." (Sura 71:18-19).
Beds aren't flat?
Carpets aren't?

Isaiah 11:12
12 And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH. (KJV)
Revelation 7:1
1 And after these things I saw four angels standing on FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. (KJV)
Job 38:13
13 That it might take hold of the ENDS OF THE EARTH, that the wicked might be shaken out of it? (KJV)
Jeremiah 16:19
19 O LORD, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ENDS OF THE EARTH, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit. (KJV)
Daniel 4:11
11 The tree grew, and was strong, and the height thereof reached unto heaven, and the sight thereof to the ENDS OF ALL THE EARTH: (KJV)
Matthew 4:8
8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; (KJV)
Spheres don't have corners or ends.
You can't see the entirety of a sphere from the top of a mountain, but you can of a flat surface.
"He hath spread the earth as a bed, and hath traced out paths for you therein, and hath sent down rain from Heaven, and by it we bring forth the kinds of various herbs..." (Sura 20:55).
"Who hath made the earth a bed for you, and the heaven a covering, and hath caused water to come down from heaven, and by it hath brought forth fruits for your sustenance!" (Sura 2:20).
"And God hath spread the earth for you like a carpet,
That ye may walk therein along spacious paths." (Sura 71:18-19).
Beds aren't flat?
Carpets aren't?

"He hath spread the earth as a bed, and hath traced out paths for you therein, and hath sent down rain from Heaven, and by it we bring forth the kinds of various herbs..." (Sura 20:55).
"Who hath made the earth a bed for you, and the heaven a covering, and hath caused water to come down from heaven, and by it hath brought forth fruits for your sustenance!" (Sura 2:20).
"And God hath spread the earth for you like a carpet,
That ye may walk therein along spacious paths." (Sura 71:18-19).
Beds aren't flat?
Carpets aren't?

wow..i'm reeeealy totally impressed:jawdrop:

but how come?? if you know so much....

OH I GET just read these off some atheist site right?? really think you know what you're saying?? you really think you have a "proof" now?

the quran has some verses with normal apparent meaning..some are ambigous..and some have more than one's god's words for crying out load..

so you want the quran to tell the bedwens in the Arabian peninsula that they're walking on a ball?? come on!!
not to mention..isn't the world flat on the small scale and round on the big scale?? lol besides:what shape does the carpet and bed take?? don't they take th shape of what they're put on?? so if you go to a planet of 5-meter will your blanket or 600 b.c bed fit on it??


but now that you brought up the quran..which i didn't to bring because i know i'll never give the subject it's proper share.. i'll just give you a list off the top of my research or copy paste:

the quran said that the sky and earth were one and god "separated" them..something people that age would use as a proof the quran is a lie..but it's proof of the big band..

the quran described how when going to high altitudes..your breath starts getting shallow..(because of the reduction of oxygene) no place in the penunsula will make it possible to observe that..

a famous french marine scientist made a scientific break through when he discovered that river water and sea water don't mix..he became muslim when he found out that the quran said that 1400 years ago..and the prophet never saw a sea even was illetrate..

the quran regarded the existance of iron as "brought down".. and iron isn't one of earth's original only comes from meteors or something like that..

the quran described the human creation in the womb in a veary accurate visual discription not possible at that time (duh).. but found so i the age of micro scopes which you stick inside a patient's body and see what's inside.. it also said that bones were created first in the procces..not the fles..CONTRARY to what medicine thought till a close time ago..

prophet jesus was sent with medical miracles..cuz he's people specialized in that..same for moses and magic..the tribe quraish were soo good in linguistics that tribes from around the peninsula came to them as referees in their was also where they sent their poets to learn arabic,,lol,,when the prophet came with the quran THEY KNEW THE TRUTH..THEY COULDN'T FRECKING DENY IT..THAT WHAT HE SAID CAN NEVER BE COMING FROM THE MOUTH OF A HUMAN.. let alon, some just believed..(that's what niracles are for anyway)..but some didn't, their ego stopped them from leaving the sculptures they worshiped along with their fathers and grand fathers and the was heir duty and privilage to keep it they said no..ust like a kid saying no to food although he's hungry..i mean.. people from around the penunsula (which was like the milky way back then) came annually to slaughter animals for the their season more than 1000 camel would be slaughtered(or maybe more..and a camel back then was your travelling van..your free milk vending machine..your beauty that you show off with(peek at their women and they'll kill you)..many times even your buddy.. and you don't slaughter your buddy for anyone..)

bottom line is..they called him a sorcerer and magician..because they sure as hell know he isn't a poet..they stood at the entrences to mechha warning people not to even listen to him, so as not to fall to his magic..and that's what happened to reasonable people, they'd listen and KNOW the guy isn't lying..

so bottom line of the bottom line is that the biggest miracle of the quran is linguistic..suiting those who it was sent to..

i'll also add that it's a whole life system compressed in one which whole countries go by..and individuals live their personal lives to divide money of a dead person between his family includes a LOT of possibilities,, in two to three pages..when put into normal words by special scholars who specialize in explaining the quran it goes into a whole book..

i have some question marks on parts in the quran which seem contradictive..i really enjoy reading the explanation afterwards..don't kow how to say it..but it's a really nice feeling..

ok class history class is over, any questions??:D
oh i forgot one..some wise asses read how the quran descibed stepping on an ant as "shattering", they were like "YAAAAAY" we found it.. ants are squashed not shattered..

it turned out ants contain alot of yes they shatter..i once flicked a BIG ant once to a wall and the collision sound was like that of a small pebble..i also tried "squashing" ants..but they only "crunched"..

man i'd give anything to see the faces of those guys when they heard that..
ok class history class is over, any questions??:D

Yeah, is any of that going to be on the final?

The Bible is a good read too. While all of that is interesting and all, it does nothing to even really suggest God's existence. I've yet to hear a story about God that doesn't sound like a guy made it up to get his followers to do what he wanted them to. really think you know what you're saying?? you really think you have a "proof" now?
So the bible doesn't say that?
The Quran doesn't?

but now that you brought up the quran..which i didn't
Actually you did:
remember that no religion
presumably the Quran is a religious book?
And while we're at it do you have a source (at all) for stating that science has claimed the Earth to be flat?

the quran said that the sky and earth were one and god "separated" them..something people that age would use as a proof the quran is a lie..but it's proof of the big band..
No it isn't.

the quran described how when going to high altitudes..your breath starts getting shallow..(because of the reduction of oxygene) no place in the penunsula will make it possible to observe that..
No mountains then?

a famous french marine scientist made a scientific break through when he discovered that river water and sea water don't mix
But they do.

..he became muslim
Or did you just make that up?

the quran regarded the existance of iron as "brought down".. and iron isn't one of earth's original only comes from meteors or something like that..
Iron is abundant in the Earth and it isn't all meteoritic.

ok class history class is over, any questions??:D
Just one: why don't you actually learn something?

it turned out ants contain alot of glass
Any sources for that?
Yeah, is any of that going to be on the final?

The Bible is a good read too. While all of that is interesting and all, it does nothing to even really suggest God's existence. I've yet to hear a story about God that doesn't sound like a guy made it up to get his followers to do what he wanted them to.

making it up is immpossible.. can only know that by studying what he says..

btw did you read the other threads i posted in this forum??


it's true..try it yourself..

ants crunch when sqwashed..and the big ant was as big as that bug you took a pic of..look my discription might not be that good..but IT DID HAPPEN..just try..

it's true..try it yourself..

ants crunch when sqwashed..and the big ant was as big as that bug you took a pic of..look my discription might not be that good..but IT DID HAPPEN..just try..

Of course they crunch, but not because they contain glass..
It's because they have a hard exoskeleton. The crunch is the exoskeleton collapsing.