atheists, please explain yourselves..

are you an atheist?

  • yes

    Votes: 38 74.5%
  • no

    Votes: 13 25.5%

  • Total voters
i still haven't grasped why atheists don't believe in god..

if it's because we can't directly sense him..then it isn't the first thing we believe in that's beyond our direct senses..

so.. i don't know....:shrug:..i'm lost with trying to understand these guys..they say they stick to logic yet they don't show how logic supports them,,just how logic supposedly contradicts everyone other than them...

so please enlighten me..

These type of atheists believe God does not exist, because they do not
want to believe in God, it is that simple.
You should not worry yourself over it, as it is to be expected at this time.

More desperate absurdity.

I don't want to believe in something I don't know exists, for which I've seen no evidence & for which I've asked evidence & not been given it. How silly of me!

You should not worry yourself over it. Instead, worry yourself over why some people don't believe in Santa Claus.

i still haven't grasped why atheists don't believe in god..

if it's because we can't directly sense him..then it isn't the first thing we believe in that's beyond our direct senses..
Your question doesn’t make sense.

It is not true that atheists do not believe in god. Atheists simply do not believe that gods exist. Your question tends to represent a perspective that atheists have chosen to reject your particular god, e.g. even some dictionary definitions show atheism as denial of God.

So what are these other things you assert are true even though we can’t detect them?

so.. i don't know......i'm lost with trying to understand these guys..they say they stick to logic yet they don't show how logic supports them,,just how logic supposedly contradicts everyone other than them...
So are you claiming something must be true because a lot of people believe it? Do you realize that at one point in time most people on the planet believed the world was flat? If we follow your “logic” then it must be true that the world was once flat because so many people believed it, right? Do you see how popular opinion is absolutely no guide to whether something is true or not.

so please enlighten me..
Unless you can show otherwise there is absolutely no single piece of credible evidence that supports the notion that a god could or might exist, let alone actually does exist. Atheists, despite overwhelming sheep-like popular wishful/hopeful thinking that a god exists, view the facts more objectively and independently and do not see any meaningful reason to believe that gods exist.

For atheists to change their mind the theists MUST show a credible basis for their claims. In the meantime such claims must be considered pure human imaginative fantasy, not worthy of any respect.
He is a new freshman, he doesn't know how to prove anything, hell he hardly can form a sentence let alone an argument.
part one..i proved it beyond doubt..and because i got thrown to the that you know how dangerous it sure not to get your brain washed by it..

part because i can hardly form a sentence makes me wrong?

Your question doesn’t make sense.

It is not true that atheists do not believe in god. Atheists simply do not believe that gods exist. Your question tends to represent a perspective that atheists have chosen to reject your particular god, e.g. even some dictionary definitions show atheism as denial of God.
i know that..miswording:D

So what are these other things you assert are true even though we can’t detect them?
detection is the opposite of sensing..
that's my whole can't sense god but you can detect him..
you detect a punch before sensing it by sensing the fist flying twords you..
you detect a human without sensing him by sensing his footprints..
and in those two don't only sense..but ACT upon what has been sensed WITHOUT the detection..
you can detect god in a million and one way..simplest is sensing his creations.. science proves god in how it simply explains the senses.. the detection of who put the rules of science is one more step you have to take..

evolution is a very good keeps explaining how things got from simple to complex (although it should be the other way around).. but doesn't say anything set up everything for evolution to take procces..
So are you claiming something must be true because a lot of people believe it? Do you realize that at one point in time most people on the planet believed the world was flat? If we follow your “logic” then it must be true that the world was once flat because so many people believed it, right? Do you see how popular opinion is absolutely no guide to whether something is true or not.
no i'm saying don't refrain from following your logic because it puts you to be with the illogical..

Unless you can show otherwise there is absolutely no single piece of credible evidence that supports the notion that a god could or might exist, let alone actually does exist. Atheists, despite overwhelming sheep-like popular wishful/hopeful thinking that a god exists, view the facts more objectively and independently and do not see any meaningful reason to believe that gods exist.
the reason and evidance is sadly in the cesspool..
For atheists to change their mind the theists MUST show a credible basis for their claims. In the meantime such claims must be considered pure human imaginative fantasy, not worthy of any respect.

personally i would consider that theists might be right but are just stupid enough not to be able to show it..
take it as a fair possibility..and research it on my own....actually i would do that even if a side showd credibility in their claims i would suspect the possibility that they could be faking it and...again research it on my own..truth requires self feeding..otherwise it could be poisoned..

i ask of you to me a fair share of consideration and not to be automatically disregarded because of any personal defects in me..truth has come many times from the mouths of children and the insane..

No you didn't.
yes i did:bugeye:

Untrue: they're more or less interchangeable.
in the same way mass and wight are interchangable..i did more than explain the difference of what i meant..
please don't act stupid oli..we have enough of those already..

No you can't.
no YOU can't.

Science in way at all proves god.
i guess you forgot to add "no"..

the link in the cesspool says otherwise..WITH don't stand in my face if you don't have any..

More desperate absurdity.

The observation is neither "desparate", or "absurd".
You said;

I don't want to believe in something I don't know exists,

That is the basis of what I said.

...for which I've seen no evidence & for which I've asked evidence & not been given it. How silly of me!

What is silly is to assume that any evidence that you have seen, is evidence of God's non-existence.
Unless you can prove, that God does NOT exist, then you are resting your conclusion on personal choice. Hence.." I don't want to...

You should not worry yourself over it. Instead, worry yourself over why some people don't believe in Santa Claus.

It is of no concern of mine.
They can choose to believe in him or not.

What is silly is to assume that any evidence that you have seen, is evidence of God's non-existence.
Unless you can prove, that God does NOT exist, then you are resting your conclusion on personal choice. Hence.." I don't want to...

hear hear!!
yes i did:bugeye:
Nope, you posted a link to a load of spurious drivel.

in the same way mass and wight are interchangable..i did more than explain the difference of what i meant..
Oops, you didn't manage to differentiate AT ALL.
you detect a punch before sensing it by sensing the fist flying twords you..
you detect a human without sensing him by sensing his footprints..
In BOTH cases you state that you detect without sensing BY sensing... :rolleyes:
please don't act stupid oli..we have enough of those already..
Quite: and guess who's the prime contender.

i guess you forgot to add "no"..
Yup, I missed a word out.
Shoot me.

the link in the cesspool says otherwise..WITH don't stand in my face if you don't have any..
Oh yeah. Proof...
Typical example:
"We placed firmly embedded mountains on the earth,
so it would not move under them"
(The Qur'an, 21:31)
Is used as "proof" of the geological "function" of mountains.
Except that, due to continental drift etc, mountains DO move (or the Earth moves under them - it's all relative).
And how come the "we" isn't taken as "evidence" that there's more than one god?
Can you say "cherry-picking and biased interpretation"?
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Oli, we cannot take the Quran's statement of a particular statement by just one verse alone. We must judge it with other verses related to the subject.

"Thou seest the mountains and thinkest them firmly fixed: but they shall pass away as the clouds pass away: (such is) the artistry of Allah, who disposes of all things in perfect order: for he is well acquainted with all that ye do. " Quran 27:88

This clearly illustrates that mountains do move, as clouds do. How can someone know of this scientific miracle 1400 years ago? We only recently figured this out.

The verse which you cited from Scifes' post: "We placed firmly embedded mountains on the earth, so it would not move under them…" Quran, 21:31

Harun Yahya explains it thus: As we have noticed, it is stated in the verse that mountains have the function of preventing shocks in the Earth.

Take care
Oli, we cannot take the Quran's statement of a particular statement by just one verse alone. We must judge it with other verses related to the subject.
Don't tell me, tell the guy that wrote that book - he picked that one verse as "proof".
My quote was verbatim from the book.

"Thou seest the mountains and thinkest them firmly fixed: but they shall pass away as the clouds pass away: (such is) the artistry of Allah, who disposes of all things in perfect order: for he is well acquainted with all that ye do. " Quran 27:88
This clearly illustrates that mountains do move, as clouds do. How can someone know of this scientific miracle 1400 years ago? We only recently figured this out.
Again, don't tell me: this is from scifes' link to his "scientific proof" of the Quran.
Personally I think he (and that book) are doing the Quran a disservice.;)