atheists, please explain yourselves..

are you an atheist?

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Beautiful scenery scifes.

Many prominent Muslim scholars believed the Earth was round, proven by the fact by observation of the Quran.

Quran 79:30. And the earth, moreover, hath He extended (to a wide expanse);

The last word in this verse (dahaha) also refers to an egg-shape. Thus this verse can be read as promoting the view that the Earth is of an egg shape (elliptical).
the quran said that the sky and earth were one and god "separated" them..something people that age would use as a proof the quran is a lie..but it's proof of the big band..
The Christian bible says much the same thing.

the quran described how when going to high altitudes..your breath starts getting shallow..(because of the reduction of oxygene) no place in the penunsula will make it possible to observe that..
Jabal-al-Hejaz (الحجاز) has peaks as high as 3000 m in 'Asir (عسير‎), as well as peaks as high as 2,500m throughout much of its length, where as altitude sickness generally occurs at 2400m, so there are plenty of places in Saudi Arabia where altitude sickness could be experienced.

a famous french marine scientist made a scientific break through when he discovered that river water and sea water don't mix..he became muslim when he found out that the quran said that 1400 years ago..and the prophet never saw a sea even was illetrate..
Can you prove that he never say the sea?
Or that he never had the opportunity to observe fresh water and salt water interacting?
They do mix, eventually, it's just that fresh water tends to float on salt water, something you might have the opportunity to observe at say, a particularly bitter oasis.

the quran regarded the existance of iron as "brought down".. and iron isn't one of earth's original only comes from meteors or something like that..
Iron has always been part of the earthe make up, and there is no evidence to suggest anything you're describing here.
However, it is my recollection that the majority of Saudi Iron was, for a while, largely, or partly of meteoric origin.
In fact, according to Bedouin lore, the city of Wabar, in the empty quater, was wiped out by a nickle-iron meteorite 'The size of a camel'.
I should also point out that according to T A Rickard, in his book "The use of Meteoric Iron"

Averrhoes, an Arab philosopher of the 12th century states that excellent swords were made from a meteor weighing 100 pounds that fell near Cordoba in Spain.
And that
The Caliphs, whos swords were made of the same meteoric material as the Kaaba stone that lies in the holy sanctuary in the city of Mecca.
Empericly, this suggests that the knowledge of Iron being brought down, and altitude sickness are related.

the quran described the human creation in the womb in a veary accurate visual discription not possible at that time (duh).. but found so i the age of micro scopes which you stick inside a patient's body and see what's inside.. it also said that bones were created first in the procces..not the fles..CONTRARY to what medicine thought till a close time ago..
I question the veracity of this statement, mostly because a fetus doesn't grow a skeleton then flesh it out.
But there's also a process called an autopsy...
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did i ever mention how i hate growth?? and the thinking changes associated with it??
Well, I guess we're done. If you hate the possibility of improving yourself by learning new things, then why are we having this discussion?
What would be the ideal result? If I found your argument convincing, discovered that the way I had been thinking was wrong, and changed to mach the way you think, would that be a good thing?
Would you hate it if someone changed their thinking to match yours?
Do you believe that your way of thinking is the best that it can be? Can you not consider the possibility of personal improvement?

if we had a flying blimp.. and it held three in chemistry, one in biology. and one in physics..something wrong happened to the blimp, and to mend it they have to reduce weight (aka throw one of them off board)..who do you think they should throw??
Is this a joke waiting for a punchline, or is it supposed to be a serious question relevant to growth?
Serious answer (ignore this if it's a joke)
- The occupation of the people on board is irrelevant
- No one should be thrown off (unless they are already dead)
- One of the occupants may nobly choose to throw themself off in order to save the others, but...
- The reduction in weight is unlikely to make a significant difference to the fate of the others anyway (but, we can pretend it will for the sake of the argument)

why not?
they'll discover a lot of new things rendering the old (us) stupid..
remember that no religion said that the world is flat..only science..
Yes, new things will be learned.
Yes, some things believed now will probably be found to be wrong.
No, that doesn't mean that we'll go back to older beliefs.
Take the example of whether the world is flat:
- Some people in the past thought it was flat (who?).
- It's now generally agreed that they were wrong (not stupid, just mistaken.)
- In the future, do you think that people will think that we are wrong and that the world really is flat after all?
huh, not to mention the thread in general philosephy section..the one about how at last they found the missing part for the evolution theory..then how did people believe in it before that??:confused:
I don't know what thread you mean... there is one in Human Science, [thread=93176]Missing link found[/thread], and one in Biology and Genetics, [thread=93073]Ahhh, finally. The beginning of evolution![/thread].

The first is exciting because it fills in a gap in the fossil record and tells us more about the fine details of the primate family tree. But, I don't know that it adds anything informative to how evolution works in general, just a detail about how it happened in the specific case of primates.
The second is exciting because it tells us something about how things might have first started to reproduce. Evolution is about changes that happen to things can already reproduce. So, it's enough for evolution that things do reproduce themselves - you don't need to know the origins of reproduction in order to understand how it works.

Here's an analogy that might help:
The fossil is like a piece in a huge jigsaw called the fossil record. We have a lot of pieces already, and the theory of evolution is what we use to put those pieces together. When we do, the jigsaw makes sense - we can see the big picture it represents, we can see where the missing pieces are, and we can tell roughly what they should look like.

Every time a fossil is discovered that fits with the rest of the puzzle, that's another indication that evolution is right about the whole jigsaw. This particular fossil is exciting because it fits into a gap in human ancestry, but it's not that exciting because it matches what was expected anyway. What would be more exciting would be to find a fossil that revealed an unexpected segment of the jigsaw, or one that simply didn't fit in at all. If the second happened, that would tell us that evolution wasn't properly describing how to fit the jigsaw together, and we would have a great opportunity to learn.

once a thought engineer..not a thought scientist..if your thinking conclusions don't make you feel warm and cozy..than what use are they??:D
Did you really mean to imply that the only reason for thinking at all is to make yourself feel comfortable?

(note that i'm not telling you to not live your life by logic..but not accepting what makes you live unhappy-also in the long the biggest piece of logic you should hang to:))

do you agree?
No, I don't... but I'm puzzled about its relevance.
Do you think that an atheist can't be happy?
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“ Originally Posted by scifes
did i ever mention how i hate growth?? and the thinking changes associated with it?? ”

Well, I guess we're done. If you hate the possibility of improving yourself by learning new things, then why are we having this discussion?
What would be the ideal result? If I found your argument convincing, discovered that the way I had been thinking was wrong, and changed to mach the way you think, would that be a good thing?
Would you hate it if someone changed their thinking to match yours?
Do you believe that your way of thinking is the best that it can be? Can you not consider the possibility of personal improvement?

He said he stopped thinking long ago.
Of course they crunch, but not because they contain glass..
It's because they have a hard exoskeleton. The crunch is the exoskeleton collapsing.
i can't believe it..i researched that, not to see if the verse was right(because ants DO crunch)..but to prove that i know what i'm talking about..and what do you TURNED ALL FAKE:bawl:

some stupid ass ignorant muslims think that the quran needs them to make up miracles for they keep making all of these "miracles" of how verses were discovered true by some moderen scientefic breakthroughs..and they spread like fire in dried corps..mostly through email..i always pride myself for knowing the ones which are lies..i even discovered some myself..and tell others about it and to stop pressing"forward"..but i never thought i would mess them up with the REAL's embarrassing..

but tell you compensation i give you these links wich give "trustworthy" scientific reverences:
this one is way more know, using words and terms i never heard answering for "god of the gaps" (?)..

i mean.. i know that some people out of enthusiasm or stupidity take a verse, give two pages of how god is great, and two lines where he puts his scientific "discovery"... but we DON'T NEED THEM.....anyway..

Belief in god doesn't stop wars, end poverty, whether it makes people happier is debatable and you don't need a belief in god to have a values system or to be discerning. Life is with or without this belief.
i think all this is more fitting of "disbelief"

So the bible doesn't say that?
The Quran doesn't?

Actually you did: presumably the Quran is a religious book?
And while we're at it do you have a source (at all) for stating that science has claimed the Earth to be flat?

No it isn't.

No mountains then?

But they do.

Or did you just make that up?

Iron is abundant in the Earth and it isn't all meteoritic.

Just one: why don't you actually learn something?

Any sources for that?

The Christian bible says much the same thing.

Jabal-al-Hejaz (الحجاز) has peaks as high as 3000 m in 'Asir (عسير‎), as well as peaks as high as 2,500m throughout much of its length, where as altitude sickness generally occurs at 2400m, so there are plenty of places in Saudi Arabia where altitude sickness could be experienced.

Can you prove that he never say the sea?
Or that he never had the opportunity to observe fresh water and salt water interacting?
They do mix, eventually, it's just that fresh water tends to float on salt water, something you might have the opportunity to observe at say, a particularly bitter oasis.

Iron has always been part of the earthe make up, and there is no evidence to suggest anything you're describing here.
However, it is my recollection that the majority of Saudi Iron was, for a while, largely, or partly of meteoric origin.
In fact, according to Bedouin lore, the city of Wabar, in the empty quater, was wiped out by a nickle-iron meteorite 'The size of a camel'.
I should also point out that according to T A Rickard, in his book "The use of Meteoric Iron"

And that

Empericly, this suggests that the knowledge of Iron being brought down, and altitude sickness are related.

I question the veracity of this statement, mostly because a fetus doesn't grow a skeleton then flesh it out.
But there's also a process called an autopsy...
i remember wanting to say something after saying that believing it all or not is irrelative..but i forgot what it was:D
You asked atheists to explain themselves. There's nothing for atheists to explain. It's as absurd as asking those who don't believe in Santa Claus to explain themselves. If anyone should explain, it's those making a claim. I asked you to do so, early in this thread.
Your question has been answered over&over&over.
You're the 1 with the belief in absurd cruel fantasy. Explain yourself.
He's going at it backward.
It's the same as a theist asking for proof of no god being asked for proof of gods.
It's the most appropriate answer.
The Christian bible says much the same thing.

Much of the koran was plagiarized from the xtians and zoroastrians just as the xtians plagiarized from the jews, mithras and zoroastrians just as the jews plagiarized from the babylonians, zoroastrians and aten. (to mention a few)
Much of the koran was plagiarized from the xtians and zoroastrians just as the xtians plagiarized from the jews, mithras and zoroastrians just as the jews plagiarized from the babylonians, zoroastrians and aten. (to mention a few)

dangerous accusation..

prove me and the million point six who believe it.. the PHD doctors in the many collages around the world studying it..

where's your proof?

(and i'm dying to see that proof go to the cesspool and you banned for a day..)
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