atheists, please explain yourselves..

are you an atheist?

  • yes

    Votes: 38 74.5%
  • no

    Votes: 13 25.5%

  • Total voters
I'd say the number of christians around me was reason enough to question whether god exists. likewise with other religions i've had a look at. unlike with qerg.

So that means god doesn't exist because their are atheists?

Every on inherantly believes in Qerg without awareness of it. Now you have plenty of reason enough to question whether Qerg exists.
my this thread brings back memories..:)

back when i "didn't understand"
All atheists on here I strongly recommend that you read the book "The Language of God" by Francis Collins.

S.A.M. said :
Dawkins was comfortable with politicians lieing.

When pressed, his cite was :

Dawkins looks forward to the day when the first US politician is honest about being an atheist

Which is the OPPOSITE of what S.A.M. claimed !

Dawkins is saying he does not like these lies, and looks foward to when the lies stop - i.e. he does not like the lies, he wants honesty.

But S.A.M. said the opposite - that Dawkins was comfortable with the lies.

S.A.M. - you got it totally backwards.

You claimed Dawkins supported lies,
when the quote shows he does NOT.

Was that a lie, S.A.M. ?
Or just an error on your part?

Obviously total annihilation does not bother an atheist otherwise they
would not be atheists, it's thought there might actually be something on the
other side that they forgot to factor into the equation that scares the Hell
out the poor souls; that's why we are here, to quote T. McKenna "life is a
preparation for a transition to a higher dimension...". OM
Jan -
Seriously, here is what it boils down to :

You're a theist - you believe.

You BELIEVE that
atheist = immoral, unethical.

You are convinced that atheists cannot have morals or ethics or any kind.

Because theists are superior - it is only from theism that morals and ethics can arise.

Any you believe this so strongly that when atheists present morals and ethics, you ignore it.

And then claim they have no morals or ethics !

It's just witnessing jan.

i still haven't grasped why atheists don't believe in god..

if it's because we can't directly sense him..then it isn't the first thing we believe in that's beyond our direct senses..

so.. i don't know....:shrug:..i'm lost with trying to understand these guys..they say they stick to logic yet they don't show how logic supports them,,just how logic supposedly contradicts everyone other than them...

so please enlighten me..

I am often called an atheist even though I think there could be a "creator" however I know there isn't any "supernatural" because I never see anything I can't explain with science. I also know that I am in control of what I do today, nobody can stop me from picking up my pencil right now if I want to do so. I see no evidence of a "controling" god, and I don't think any creator will reward or punish based on what you believe in that you can't prove. I think more likely if any such event takes place it will go along the laws of the universe.. or karma if you like.

I am however agnostic otherwise, there might be and there might not be.. I"ll admit it would be pretty cool if there was an intelligence out there smart enough to set off an entire universe.. could also be pretty scary. I hope smart means good it seems the more intelligent a person gets the more overall decent even if not so charitable or patient. You don't see many very highly educated people calling for war or calling homeless people alcoholics for example...

Its not a matter of logic, its a personal choice what one subscribes to in their view of the cosmos. I believe your life and experience will shape your logic to your person, so why not live and let live and stop preaching and using God to kill and all that good stuff then atheists may leave you alone.
Obviously total annihilation does not bother an atheist otherwise they
would not be atheists, it's thought there might actually be something on the
other side that they forgot to factor into the equation that scares the Hell
out the poor souls; that's why we are here, to quote T. McKenna "life is a
preparation for a transition to a higher dimension...". OM

So you are only decent because the threat of hell? How narrow minded and vulgar. I think atheists are decent and ethical based on THIS LIFE, so though we may not be worried about eternal damnation we will still feed the hungry because its the right thing to do, we also won't go robbing and killing because we don't want to harm life.

See the cop out for religion is reward and punish, what you can't think of is THIS LIFE IS PRECIOUS, its the only one you got and its the only one I got. Why use this life to hoard or be evil when we can use it productively and live as long as possible by being decent people. Evil people generally don't live long lives, also we can't sit down and do 4 hail Mary's and be forgiven.. you think you can lol.

Ethics isn't owned by religion, its a part of the human condition.
Obviously total annihilation does not bother an atheist otherwise they
would not be atheists

False argument. That all living creatures eventually end up 'annihilated', (which is simply an improper word for non-existent), does indeed bother many atheists as much as it clearly bothers most theists. Indeed non-existence should bother any existing creature, (and seemingly tends to do so).

But being bothered by reality as it actually is does not mean deluding yourself into ridiculous fantasies of a life part II, (unless you're theist).

I'm agnostic.

I've seen no concrete evidence of any god or gods, so I can't say that I believe.

But, on the other hand, just because you can't see something doesn't mean it isn't actually there.

I'm agnostic.

I've seen no concrete evidence of any god or gods, so I can't say that I believe.

But, on the other hand, just because you can't see something doesn't mean it isn't actually there.


I agree. Why must these conversations always be so black and white, right or wrong. Isn't life just about living, loving, and experiencing? Who really cares?

Shouldn't it be about being in the here and now? Why are humans so obsessed with having others believe in what they believe in. Is that what we need to do in order to make our "experience" real to us? I think a supreme consciousness desires there to be atheists. It would want there to be agnostics, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, and all manners off consciousnesses experiencing living in the third dimension. We are all so very small in consciousness and being. . . but imagine you were dimensionally supreme in being, consciousness, energy, and matter. Imagine YOU were the one that manifested this entire dimension out of another dimension. Imagine you wanted to experience every possible combination of experience, every planet, supernova, rock, tree, worm, grain of dust, ball of plasma? Then wouldn't the experience of being an atheist be every bit as valuable as being a Christian Jew or Muslim? I would certainly think so.

On that note, consider this. . . if there is a universal consciousness. . . it has manifested us. . . to create MORE consciousness. So it probably doesn't really care too much WHICH religion of peace and love we follow, as long as we basically unite with each other in peace and love. For that is our purpose, to create MORE consciousness, it is the only thing that transcends the third dimension. If we are stupid enough to DESTROY each other, instead of creating more consciousness. . . I think we will be in a world of hurt over this idiotic thing we call. . . . religion.