atheists, please explain yourselves..

are you an atheist?

  • yes

    Votes: 38 74.5%
  • no

    Votes: 13 25.5%

  • Total voters
So, how many planets are there with intelligent beings analogous to humans where "things have gone wrong" and what do you define as "going wrong?" I see a lot "going wrong" and people dying/being displaced throughout human history, but maybe I'm working with a different definition that you are.

yes you are.. i'm going with the definition of the BIG "going wrong"s..

like us not created in the first place..including earth's orbital displacement ith one meter..coming up with total freezing and total the coincidence of all people getting one of their chromosomes wrong resulting in us coming into life without mouths so we starve to death.. or the coincidence of one of the billions of meteors not shattering earth to pieces..or the coincidence of us being made with gills instead of lungs(add to it a world with no water)..or the coincidence there are many man many..but the true wonder is not in how everything didn't go wrong..but in how everything went the coincidence of earth's distance to the could've been any number..and numbers are countless..but earth isin the right exact number..if you apply the correct coincidencr method to all variable values which our lives are built upon..the result is overwhelming..that's why there HAS to be a god...
and to be fair..if the posibility of this whole world whould've been one to google..then there is a small tiny itsy bitsy possibility that it's all coincidence(still not takec with) BUT thank god for eleminating even's not a matter of one in a google..but a matter of one in infinity..because human knowledge has always and will always keep increasing..mixing old pieces of info with new ones to make even more new's not only the facts..but alo the relation between the EVEN IFfacts were counted..the mixture of possibiliteis of relations between them are countless..and in each posibility is a true= humans live..and false= humans die..

and strangly enough..they're all turened "true"
yo want me to be blunt with you cutsie??

i don't blame you..modern Christianity has many illogical gaps in it as well..Christianity was once the right worship god alone..but after they added jesus their messenger and his mother into the equation as gods (although jesus told them he isn't) everything went off's something not to believe in a religion cuz it's majorly's something else to believe your religion cuz it's flawless..and it's totally something else to disbelieve in all religions because what YOU know of them is flawed..

Christians have always worshiped Jesus, it's the definition of being Christian. I explained why I'm an atheist. So now it's your turn, how do you manage to maintain faith in God, when you know most stories about him are flawed?
swarm, you a racist and you think anyone who is Muslim is a criminal. You cannot provide any proof that I allegedly support terrorism, because no such proof exists.

Your dishonesty has been revealed. Do us all a favor and next time when you make such comments, provide us with proof first or ask the person about their stances.

Moderators, is there any recourse for false accusations against a poster, i.e. calling him a murderer or terrorist?

Calling someone a terrorist is a personal attack, usually out of desperation in losing an argument. Now I asked this poster to substantiate his claims from my posts, but he hasn't done this because he knows it isn't possible.

Now I want to know what the moderators think about this. Is this acceptable behavior? Seeing as a moderator has already posted, he should answer my question.
I understand why. They need to. They need to think there is something more than this. They need to believe someone loves them.
I don't need to. I'm ok with this being it.

What is so wrong with having faith? I don't bear down on atheists because they don't believe in God. In fact, I could care less. To each his own.
I'm actually agnostic, but I do think that I understand the atheist position fairly well.

Atheists don't believe in God for the same reason that you don't believe in leprechauns. It would be quite difficult to prove that leprechauns DON'T exist (you'd have to search every inch of the globe), but all it would take to prove that they DO exist is one verifiable sighting. If there were leprechauns, it seems likely that we would have some evidence of their existence by now (evidence beyond simple story-telling).

You have no reason to believe that leprechauns exist, therefore you assume that they probably do not. Atheists follow the same thought process when it comes to God.

Of course, there are some atheists who deny God simply because they cannot stand His followers. These are probably the ones that you are having difficulty reasoning with.
I agree that every person who claims their christian doesn't exactly practice what they preach. I have no problems pointing out the hypocrisy and shallowness I've seen in some churches. I understand witnessing this can discourage a person from believing there is a God at all. However, I don't feel any differently about God because his followers aren't always "saints".
What is so wrong with having faith? I don't bear down on atheists because they don't believe in God. In fact, I could care less. To each his own.

So what about the threats religion makes to atheists and other groups outside if it ?
You have no reason to believe that leprechauns exist, therefore you assume that they probably do not. Atheists follow the same thought process when it comes to God.

To be honest, leprechauns would be a whole lot more plausible than any god. At least they would be part of nature.
So what about the threats religion makes to atheists and other groups outside if it ?

I don't support those threats. Religion is a constant war. What about those that get killed in the name of the Lord? I can't defend someone that is willing to kill another person because they do or do not believe in God. I can only speak for myself.
I don't support those threats. Religion is a constant war. What about those that get killed in the name of the Lord? I can't defend someone that is willing to kill another person because they do or do not believe in God. I can only speak for myself.

I respect that, but those threats are supposedly the words of God.
As a believer, how can you not support them ?
If you are referring to the bible, I have my doubts about some of the text. The bible was written by man. I'm no expert when it comes the concept of God. I don't believe the crap that televangelists try to sell people. I'm sometimes skeptical about the words that come out of my Pastor's mouth. I'm not a sheep who will choose to follow anyone just because they believe in God.
If you are referring to the bible, I have my doubts about some of the text. The bible was written by man. I'm no expert when it comes the concept of God. I don't believe the crap that televangelists try to sell people. I'm sometimes skeptical about the words that come out of my Pastor's mouth. I'm not a sheep who will choose to follow anyone just because they believe in God.

Ok, so how did you learn about God initially ?
Was it your parents, church, the bible, etc ? I mean, where do you get your concept of God ?
A mixture of both my parents and attending churches. I've been introduced to many religions. I felt that Christianity made more sense to me personally. I don't feel superior to other religions or atheists. Maybe God and Buddha are shooting the breeze in heaven. Who knows...?
A mixture of both my parents and attending churches. I've been introduced to many religions. I felt that Christianity made more sense to me personally. I don't feel superior to other religions or atheists. Maybe God and Buddha are shooting the breeze in heaven. Who knows...?
Well, you do realize that you get your concept of God from the bible, right ? Be it indirect in your case.
So how do you determine what in the bible to believe and what not to believe ?
Yes I do understand the concept of God comes from the bible. The bible was created many years ago. I feel everything in the bible cannot exactly pertain to the modern world. Times are much different from back then. Do I believe in a paradise after of this life? Of course. If there is no God or heaven after this life I guess I will be strongly disappointed but that is a risk I'm willing to take.
Yes I do understand the concept of God comes from the bible. The bible was created many years ago. I feel everything in the bible cannot exactly pertain to the modern world. Times are much different from back then.
But how do you determine what to believe in what not to believe ?

Do I believe in a paradise after of this life? Of course.
Huh ? What do you mean 'of course' ?
Why do you believe in paradisaical afterlife aka heaven ?

If there is no God or heaven after this life I guess I will be strongly disappointed but that is a risk I'm willing to take.
I promise you that you won't be disappointed in that case :D
But how do you determine what to believe in what not to believe ?

I determine what I believe on my own understanding and feelings. It may sound like a crock of shit but hey...

Huh ? What do you mean 'of course' ?
Why do you believe in paradisaical afterlife aka heaven ?

Honestly, what person wouldn't want to believe that there is something better after this life. Unless you don't believe at all.

I promise you that you won't be disappointed in that case :D

I hope so... :D