atheists, please explain yourselves..

are you an atheist?

  • yes

    Votes: 38 74.5%
  • no

    Votes: 13 25.5%

  • Total voters
You seem to be handicapped, dear DiamondHearts, you don't know what's moral without first consulting a book. I can do it by myself. Being materialist doesn't necessarily mean greedy or gluttonous, it means having a proper awe for the complexity of material interactions. Nature doesn't need anything outside of itself to explain itself. Jesus said it best himself, attributed to him in the Gospel of Thomas:

Jesus said, "If the flesh came into being because of spirit,
it is a wonder. But if spirit came into being because of the
body, it is a wonder of wonders. Indeed, I am amazed at how this
great wealth has made its home in this poverty.​
I believe that this world is to complex not to made by a higher being than us. I'm sorry but I definitely I'm not buying that crap about evolving from hairy apes.
Why should we believe in your "god?"

Can you grasp why you don't believe in unicorns?
Can you grasp why you don't believe in Zeus or Thor?

What is the difference between Thor and your "god?"


niiiice..i'm enlightened...but still, the norm state of people is that they are born with their parents believing in god..what made you people decide to leave the flock?

Why do you think they are?[/

no way..te answer is too back then was too simple..easier to see the truth of things than this day and age..look at all the philosophers..where would the world be if not for those sheep herders..they were people like us you know..not half monkeys or something..

That doesn't explain anything.
I believe that this world is to complex not to made by a higher being than us.


I'm sorry but I definitely I'm not buying that crap about evolving from hairy apes.

Why? What's more complex: evolving or being created in a single act?

If your argument is that complexity is the signature of God, then it seems to me more likely that God made evolution than made each animal and human separately.
Very possible...but either way man or creature would have been created by God whether it was seperately or we evolved from a tiny organism. Just my personal opinion.
I believe that this world is to complex not to made by a higher being than us. I'm sorry but I definitely I'm not buying that crap about evolving from hairy apes.

I believe that a higher being would be far too complex not to made by a higher being than it & that higher being, of course, would be even more complex thus it must be made by an even higher being & that higher being would, of course, be yet more complex.
I believe that a higher being would be far too complex not to made by a higher being than it & that higher being, of course, would be even more complex thus it must be made by an even higher being & that higher being would, of course, be yet more complex.

Are you trying to confuse me? :rolleyes:
Atheists will not understand until they force themselves too.

I used to be what you'd call a "born again" Christian. I got an education and realized how stupid every religion on earth was. I fully understand, I just reject the belief in fairy tales.

Debating with many Atheists reveals they have a tendency to see themselves as far superior that someone who doesn't agree with their conclusions.

That sounds awfully like debating a closed minded Muslim, like you.

When asked to prove their assertions with logic, they tend to get defensive and ridiculing of their opponent.

My beliefs don't require defense. They are self evident to those who give up ancient dogma. I guess I could go out an protest, toss Molotov cocktails in a few embassies and foreign businesses, and demand the death of those who paint comics making fun of my belief, but I try to be original and come up with my own ways to protest.

Atheism is the end result of the materialistic and nihilistic philosophies. It is the end result of rejection of the people of this world, and by extension God.

Or, it could be just the obvious: the rejection of primitive stupidity.

The rejection of morality and moral codes, and absolute anarchy in the judgment between good and evil.

Uh. What? Who's rejecting morality? Atheists just reject primitive pettiness. There are things that are right and wrong, that's obvious to any sane person. It's just that people have different beliefs about what's right and wrong. I guess I could just go crazy, run up to some mountain, fast for a month, and come up with my own religion to dupe a billion people, THAT way I can dictate what is and what is not morally acceptable.

It also precipitates destruction energies on a society, such as in the West, which are already reeling under perversion, the break-up of the traditional family, lack of historical experience (due to cut off from ancestry), and the rise of greed, selfishness, and violence (due to materialism).

Sounds terribly like any wealthy human class. You see a lot of that in the Mideast these days.

Debating with many Atheists reveals they have a tendency to see themselves as far superior that someone who doesn't agree with their conclusions...

When asked to prove their assertions with logic, they tend to get defensive and ridiculing of their opponent.

Thank you all for proving me correct. :cool:
I see my thinking & reasoning skills as superior to those who accept absurd cruel fantasies without evidence & force/coerce it on others & condemn those who don't follow just as blindly.
I believe a higher being would want to hug you a lot or really look at his hand. He might even giggle for no good reason and eat a lot of pizza.
niiiice..i'm enlightened...but still, the norm state of people is that they are born with their parents believing in god..what made you people decide to leave the flock?

My parents didn't and they taught me to think for myself.

So why is being a sheep so important to you?

Maybe you should learn how to think and get back with us.
Nothing like a self rightious theist.

Terrorism is good, but if you enjoy life, that's bad.

Bring any post of mine which supports terrorism. I completely condemn any and all attacks on civilians, by whomever it is committed by. I have always held this view.

I expect a public apology from you.