atheists, please explain yourselves..

are you an atheist?

  • yes

    Votes: 38 74.5%
  • no

    Votes: 13 25.5%

  • Total voters
Bring any post of mine which supports terrorism. I completely condemn any and all attacks on civilians, by whomever it is committed by. I have always held this view.

Reading your posts the first time is plenty.

Sorry, but I don't believe you. You might actually be careful not to openly advocate attacks on civillians, but that wasn't what I said either.

Your postions, such as the one concerning the temple mount, and intolerance are no different from the ones which are used to justify islamic terrorism. Nor have I seen any sense of actual brotherhood which those who suffer those attacks.

Show me an actual critique of islam's use of terrorism and show me a sympathetic understanding of some of the issues and I'll consider the matter futher.
man this is so can someone say anything to so many people??
i appreciate those who say what's on their mind..i appreciate those who say what comes to their mind when they read someone else's reply..but i don't appreciate those who jump others personally and generalize their assaults(although some of them are right :cool:)

My parents didn't and they taught me to think for myself.

So why is being a sheep so important to you?

Maybe you should learn how to think and get back with us.

i'm with yoooou..i'm with you all the way..i like people who think for themselves and don't take everything as granted from others..what i like about atheists is that they are thinkers.. but with two connected problems..
1- they don't think everything thoroughly..just like the evolution's fantastic..but go on with it you'll find that it reaches a dead don't take your conclusion cake out of the thinking oven till it's 100 percent done....i know you'll jump me saying how do youknow it's us who need mor coocking not you..and my answer is that none of you so far has come up with a discussion point or objection which i haven't thought of and solved logically before..i'm glad and at ease with myself to say i have the full picture..yes i was born muslim and i was taght islam as a kid..but when i filtered everyones thoughts and ideas i reached the conclusion(on my own) that islam is best, that's hard, and dipressing, to go through a big loop of doubt and analyzing and possibility consideration to reach the point you were taught not to question, but it was worth it..i have no doubt of what i'm doing whatsoever, unlike atheiests who have more doubt in others then in their selves..
so the fantastic question you should always ask is :

why is it you who got the full picture and not us?? why isn't it the other way around?

i though of that for a loooong time..and i'm happy to pronounce the answer..

we know about ourselves and know only about yourselves..i put all posibilities into validity put everyhing into failure know nothing of god and the differences between "all of them" so it makes sense not to believe himm

i'm saying that if i have never heard of islam.. i might've been an atheist too..

gotta a lecture to catch
swarm, you a racist and you think anyone who is Muslim is a criminal. You cannot provide any proof that I allegedly support terrorism, because no such proof exists.

Your dishonesty has been revealed. Do us all a favor and next time when you make such comments, provide us with proof first or ask the person about their stances.

Moderators, is there any recourse for false accusations against a poster, i.e. calling him a murderer or terrorist?
Personally, I never wanted to become an atheist and I certainly didn't intend for it to happen. I went to a Christian school for 8 years and was an overly devout Christian during junior high, so I know the Bible backwards and forwards. I understand what it feels like to accept Christ as your personal savior and honestly try your hardest to please God. However the more I thought about God and religion in general it sounded to fantastic, like the story of Santa Clause, how could someone travel the world in one night with flying reindeer. It's obviously because Santa Clause is magical and the story had to many parallels to God. So like Santa Clause I doubted God's existence at least how he is described in the Bible. And once I lost my faith, I tried so hard to get it back. I didn't want to be an atheist, because I knew atheist went to hell. I tried everything to restore the faith I had before. But I couldn't do it. I didn't believe and I couldn't will myself too no matter how bad I wanted to be a Christian, I didn't believe any more. So I had to accept it and call it like it was. I'm still waiting for my faith to be restored, but at the rate I'm going I seriously doubt it's going to happen. I'm just as happy now with my lack of faith as I was when I had it. It was just a painful transition.
yo want me to be blunt with you cutsie??

i don't blame you..modern Christianity has many illogical gaps in it as well..Christianity was once the right worship god alone..but after they added jesus their messenger and his mother into the equation as gods (although jesus told them he isn't) everything went off's something not to believe in a religion cuz it's majorly's something else to believe your religion cuz it's flawless..and it's totally something else to disbelieve in all religions because what YOU know of them is flawed..
Salvation and hatred

Orleander said:

I've seen religion do a lot of good. Salvation Army comes to mind.

The Salvation Army is a hate organization.
They need to because religion placed that need in them, and then fufilled the need it created. Kind of like alcohol.

i've gotta say, this comment was one possibility i haven't ventured through before..and it got me thinking..but turned out wrong too..

an alchaholist hates alchahol and tries to rid himself of it after time..a person with a religion doesn't..he tries to stick to it and prefers himself with it than before it..opposite to alchohol...

it boils down to that the sweet sensation of perposefulness found in worshipping is something built in humans (which make sense cuz god created us to worship him, that's our goal in life, like a key's goal is to open locks.. you guys are opening boxes and cleaning ears and rubbing lottery cards nd refusing to open a lock..)
unlike alchohol which humans are built to react to but not to to integrate into their lives, becuse it simply destroys it..religion does the opposite..
Why should we believe in your "god?"

Can you grasp why you don't believe in unicorns?
Can you grasp why you don't believe in Zeus or Thor?

What is the difference between Thor and your "god?"

I'm sorry but I don't think bronze age sheep herders are the source of ultimate knowledge about the universe.

Why do you think they are?

our od is like the soul..out of reach but aknowledged because we have enough info on it and it has affected the physical world many ways..greek gods are mythology made up by men..zeus never attempted to reveal himself in any way.. the god jews and christans used to and muslims do worship has sent his word to earth with messengers, and because humans are not all smart or humble enough to accept that..god enforced his messengers with miracles which not even the smartest man on earth can explain otherwise(if you think i'm stupid for thinkng so go research them well and come back to me once you found a way around them) many would argue that these miricles are of the past, hence they're myths..not only are they rendering all human history useless that way but they're also neglecting the miracles which are still living toay, nd the reason they are still present is because no more messengers will be sent..the miracle i'm talking about is the quran( again if you think it's a mere book then go do your rsearch please)

of course i can see that we have bypassed the need to agree on god's existance..some improvement..not bad..

niiiice..i'm enlightened...but still, the norm state of people is that they are born with their parents believing in god..

No, children are born with their parents who indoctrinate them into the religion, because the parents were indoctrinated before them.

How many Christian children are born into Muslim families?
Many Christian religious nuts believe that all children are born Christian and if they're born to Muslims they're then indoctrinated in Islam.

I'm sure there are Muslim religious nuts who believe that all children are born Muslim and those born to Christians are indoctrinated and turned away from Allah.
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greek gods are mythology made up by men..zeus never attempted to reveal himself in any way..

Zeus revealed himself, why would you lie about that?

the god jews and christans used to and muslims do worship has sent his word to earth with messengers

In other words, quite contrary to your claim about Zeus, your god never revealed himself.

and because humans are not all smart or humble enough to accept that..god enforced his messengers with miracles which not even the smartest man on earth can explain otherwise

Are you smart enough to distinguish one mythology from another?

if you think i'm stupid for thinkng so go research them well and come back to me once you found a way around them) many would argue that these miricles are of the past, hence they're myths..

Or, more precisely, that is a question you already answered: "mythology made up by men"

not only are they rendering all human history useless that way but they're also neglecting the miracles which are still living toay, nd the reason they are still present is because no more messengers will be sent..the miracle i'm talking about is the quran( again if you think it's a mere book then go do your rsearch please)

Been there, done that. The Quran is a book of myths and superstitions just like Greek mythology. A book is not a miracle, it's a book.
I'm sure there are Muslim religious nuts who believe that all children are born Muslim and those born to Christians are indoctrinated and turned away from Allah.
you're right..
pure common sense will make any person reach the conclusion that there is a supreme being controlling and guiding the universe..because it's going too smoothly and it's avoidin countless devetating odds to be all coincidence..

"nutty" religions differ on how to worship and show graditutde to this god..atheists have closed their eyes to all this andsunk in their endlessly looping theories..

so admitting tht god is there is the simplest scientific observation that can be made..
you're right..
pure common sense will make any person reach the conclusion that there is a supreme being controlling and guiding the universe..

Ah, so your god did kill over a quarter million people in that 2004 tsunami?

because it's going too smoothly and it's avoidin countless devetating odds to be all coincidence..

You mean, like a tsunami that killed over a quarter million people?

so admitting tht god is there is the simplest scientific observation that can be made..

Then, show us this observation.
Zeus revealed himself, why would you lie about that?
and how did he do so??

In other words, quite contrary to your claim about Zeus, your god never revealed himself.

he showed an action that he does..he sent people with miracles so people cn't deny it..

Are you smart enough to distinguish one mythology from another?

:bawl: i really want to understand what you mean..

Or, more precisely, that is a question you already answered: "mythology made up by men"

Been there, done that. The Quran is a book of myths and superstitions just like Greek mythology. A book is not a miracle, it's a book.

a book is about it's content..which you apparantly hven't confronted yet..
Your words below represent fallacious thinking.

you're right..
pure common sense will make any person reach the conclusion that there is a supreme being controlling and guiding the universe..because it's going too smoothly and it's avoidin countless devetating odds to be all coincidence..

This statement relies on the assumption that the universe is 'going smoothly' when there is clear evidence to the contrary. Indeed, the universe is quite chaotic and inhospitiable. Black holes, frigid and lifeless expanses of space, immense pressures and temperatures, cosmic rays, etc. -we have a delicate bubble of existence that is constantly threatened and even here the evidence shows that mass exctinctions are a common enough occurance to be watchful and mindful. Nothing "smooth" about our universe.

In addition, simply saying that a conclusion for a god is "common sense" doesn't imply this to be the case. Instead, this is an argument from ignorance since, in absence of knowledge or explanation, you resort to 'goddidit' to explain existence as you understand it. Perhaps it isn't "common" sense that is needed but critical thought. In addition, if one were truly relying on common sense, one might begin to wonder if a god created the universe, what created the god? That a god is "timeless" or "eternal" is not a common sense explanation since such a cop-out could just as easily be applied to a universe/multi-verse scenario.

"nutty" religions differ on how to worship and show graditutde to this god..atheists have closed their eyes to all this andsunk in their endlessly looping theories..

This statement makes the assumption that there is something to be seen and that atheists do not wish to see it. Quite the contrary -atheism is a result of not seeing what is actually being looked for. A positive claim for a god is made, an individual asks "where?" and "why?", no good reason is given, the individual declines to accept "just because..." as a good reason and is, thus, an atheist. Until such time as conclusive good reason is provided. This is called reason and rationalism.

so admitting tht god is there is the simplest scientific observation that can be made..

This statement makes the assumption that there is something to observe. There isn't.
we have a delicate bubble of existence that is constantly threatened
yet this bubble has went against limitless odds and for a very long time but haven't burst..wht does that mean??
it's your turn to say: "coincisence"
yet this bubble has went against limitless odds and for a very long time but haven't burst..wht does that mean??
it's your turn to say: "coincisence"

It tells me that you're a fan of argumentum ignorantum and under-educated on the geologic and biologic time-scales and unfamiliar with the anthropic principle.
no it tells ME you are counting the things that went wrong and forgetting the things that COULD'VE went wrong but didn't..

if you you do that and make a ratio it'll be like this..:(call any 12 year-olds if you need help)

things that could've possibly gone wrong= infinity
things that have actually went wrong= constant (no matter how big the number is)

devide them over each other and you'll get
infinity possibility of god's existance..
zero possibility of his non-existance..
no it tells ME you are counting the things that went wrong and forgetting the things that COULD'VE went wrong but didn't..

if you you do that and make a ratio it'll be like this..:(call any 12 year-olds if you need help)

things that could've possibly gone wrong= infinity
things that have actually went wrong= constant (no matter how big the number is)

devide them over each other and you'll get
infinity possibility of god's existance..
zero possibility of his non-existance..

So, how many planets are there with intelligent beings analogous to humans where "things have gone wrong" and what do you define as "going wrong?" I see a lot "going wrong" and people dying/being displaced throughout human history, but maybe I'm working with a different definition that you are.