Atheists : Are you on a crusade?

Atheists : Are you on a crusade?

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If I went on a crusade to make you believe or disbelieve anything...I'd have to care what you think...when what I care about is what you do. If you don't do the following:

-destroy the planet
-order me around
-beat up on other people
-refuse to let children learn science

Then I really don't care what you believe.
OTOH I'm a Pagan, so I'm neither an atheist, nor am I a Christian-in fact, I have to worry about Christians.

BURN the Pagan! Oh no that was a previous life. Oh, so I am not a Christian? I was now I'm not. I'm confused. Maybe I am a pagan too.

On a more serious note, I am on a crusade to get a theist to take me on intellectually, but sadly they all seem afeared.

By the way, I agree with you totally. :)
But even so, most christians aren't on a crusade. Most theists aren't. Most atheists aren't. Most people aren't. It's best to take a step back and see things as they are.

So why did you start this thread?

You were trying to provoke the atheists. So I'm experiencing a bit of cognitive whiplash when you suddenly start talking peace and moderation.
Spidergoat said:
Yes, I'm on a crusade to promote science and reason over superstition and faith.

Jan Ardena said:
Dawkins bulldog?

You made me laugh out loud with that one!

Spidergoat said:
I do. I like to go downtown and pass out blank sheets of paper.

And they had damn well better believe it too!

So why did you start this thread?

You were trying to provoke the atheists. So I'm experiencing a bit of cognitive whiplash when you suddenly start talking peace and moderation.

I started the thread because I knew that those atheists who are on a crusade would get defensive, which is always fun to watch.
Most Atheist here aren't passive. Most have an agenda to fight a "holy war" of sorts and are extremely aggressive, prejudice, obstinate and unyielding-ly illogical about their quest.
In a figurative way they are out for blood with the intent to persecute and dominate those that do not share their particular out looks. The term Angry Atheist is a proper stereotype as can be seen by pulling up almost anything on evolution and Space on YouTube or in this particular "backyard" the common practice of hazing and bullying are permitted and encouraged despite the rules for "civility" that are posted and stickied in most threads. But since when is slinging vulgarities and bullying considered civil?

I'll tell you where...
In Frat House.
Oh yes, the rules. If there were no rules, many of the atheists here would really show their true colours.
More often than not, the arguments of atheists sound more like a politician than purely scientific/rational. That's the most interesting part of the discussion I have been observing in this science forum.
Most Atheist here aren't passive.
If by "here" you mean those that post on this religion sub-forum, that's rather like saying "most people here drink alcohol" when walking into a bar... i.e. a pointless observation of the bleedin' obvious.
Or are you expecting atheists to post in a religion sub-forum and say "I'm here just to watch the scenery"? By posting they act... by acting they are not passive.

And to be honest with you, the rest of your post just smacks of a whiney brat who feels put upon that their points are dismissed so easily, yet can't understand why.
What you see as hazing or bullying is merely due to you not being able to accept the arguments against what you post.

In short - you're whining that you're not getting your own way: Wah wah wah.

If you dislike the treatment your posts get so much, why do you still bother?
I would gladly join a crusade against religion if I thought I could win, but the only weapon I have is "reason" and religion is impervious to that. Reason cannot penetrate fantasy. Such a fight is hopeless until the adherents of religion either learn to think clearly or they all die out.
Would you like theists to die, Cris?
Quite the opposite. It is religion that I would like to die so that its victims could be free to join the rest of us and help move our civilization into a far more enlightened place.
Define victim.
In this context someone who has been indoctrinated and convinced by others that a particular fantasy concept is an absolute truth.

And saviour.
An atheist who has managed to convince a theist to doubt their indoctrination.