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Are you, in your very round about way, saying that anyone who attacks innocent civilians is not a Muslim, because that person is not following the tenets of the religion, which is a peaceful one?
In other words, people who call themselves Muslim and engage in terrorism and extremist behavior are not really Muslims, because a REAL Muslim wouldn'd do such a thing?

Are you, in your very round about way, saying that anyone who attacks innocent civilians is not a Muslim, because that person is not following the tenets of the religion, which is a peaceful one?
In other words, people who call themselves Muslim and engage in terrorism and extremist behavior are not really Muslims, because a REAL Muslim wouldn'd do such a thing?

Not at all, I'm saying that Muslims [in general] really would not care what non-Muslims believe about religion. So long as they did not attack Islam or its icons. We tend to be very protective and senstitive of our own. Other people's beliefs are like other people's children. We may approve or disapprove, but its really none of our business. Thats why you'll rarely [points to self] see any Muslim attacking other people for being of a different religion
Not at all, I'm saying that Muslims [in general] really would not care what non-Muslims believe about religion. So long as they did not attack Islam or its icons. We tend to be very protective and senstitive of our own. Other people's beliefs are like other people's children. We may approve or disapprove, but its really none of our business. Thats why you'll rarely [points to self] see any Muslim attacking other people for being of a different religion

Wouldn't that add be seen as an attack ?
Allah IS God, isn't he ?

Yeah, but most Muslims know that [most] non-Muslims don't think that, so it would be seen as targeting Muslims.

You don't believe her when she says she's a Muslim. That's the same thing as saying she's not a Muslim.

I don't believe her about anything. Thats saying that she is a professed liar.
I'm tempted to add here:

'To thine own self be true'

But I won't of course as I've got a raging temperature thus am obviously delirious.
It's not the raging temperature that causing the's your raging personality. ;)
Yeah, but most Muslims know that [most] non-Muslims don't think that, so it would be seen as targeting Muslims.

I don't believe her about anything. Thats saying that she is a professed liar.

What about all the reactions on the internet afterwards, cheering the killer on ?
What about the Muslims cheering when they heard the news about the Twin Tower attack ?
I have nothing against Muslims in particular btw, it's just that this thread seems to have taken that direction.
I'm tempted to say here:

Enjoy your life as you'll only burn in hell forever along with the rest of us.
Yeah, but most Muslims know that [most] non-Muslims don't think that, so it would be seen as targeting Muslims.

I don't believe her about anything. Thats saying that she is a professed liar.

So do you believe she was a Muslim or not ?
What about all the reactions on the internet afterwards, cheering the killer on ?

I have nothing against Muslims in particular btw, it's just that this thread seems to have taken that direction.

More people pissed about naked Muslim women on prayer mats. Liek I said, Muslims, especially conservative ones do not like anyone targeting Islam or disrobing their women.
What about the Muslims cheering when they heard the news about the Twin Tower attack ?

Were they? Can I see a video? My own reaction at the time was, say what?

That's a good idea, but I don't think Dawkins wants to die.

More people pissed about naked Muslim women on prayer mats. Liek I said, Muslims, especially conservative ones do not like anyone targeting Islam or disrobing their women.
And how does that make it right to kill an innocent man, or cheer this killer on and threaten to kill more people ?

Were they? Can I see a video? My own reaction at the time was, say what?
It was all over the news at the time SAM..
And how does that make it right to kill an innocent man, or cheer this killer on and threaten to kill more people ?

Who said it makes it right?

It was all over the news at the time SAM..
No doubt, can I see it? I was in Saudi Arabia at the time and we did not get that on the news/
Oh, that's true. I think in the UK you'd at least see threats of violence by Muslims. And once that happens, anti-religious advertising will be banned in the UK, because the UK does not want to upset the violent, ignorant Muslim community. They've proven this time and time again.

Pure ignorance.

The biggest opponents of Dawkins are not even Muslims. As a Muslim I lol'd when I first read about this, its just some advertising. Aren't those sending threats against Dawkins mainly (White) Christians? This is not even your typical nonsensical West vs. Islam type of debate.
I'm saying that Muslims [in general] really would not care what non-Muslims believe about religion.

I don't think people are talking about Muslims in general, unless you ae saying that Muslims in general are extremists and terrorists.
I don't think people are talking about Muslims in general, unless you ae saying that Muslims in general are extremists and terrorists.

I'm making allowances for the oddball here and there. Does anyone here have experience with a Muslim who made derisive remarks about their beliefs? [Besides me, I'm merely talking the talk here :D]