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What about Van Gogh then ?

He was attacked because of his movie showing naked [or semi-naked] Muslim women on a prayer mat. Not sure if it was because they were semi-naked [stripping a Muslim/Asian woman is an insult in most Muslim/Asian cultures] or because she was naked on a prayer mat. Oh and because Quranic verses were written on her naked body, which is an issue of taharrat [cleanliness] in acts of worship. Probably some emotional guy who considered it a racist attack on Muslims or something.
He was attacked because of his movie showing naked [or semi-naked] Muslim women on a prayer mat. Not sure if it was because they were semi-naked [stripping a Muslim/Asian woman is an insult in most Muslim/Asian cultures] or because she was naked on a prayer mat. Oh and because Quranic verses were written on her naked body, which is an issue of taharrat [cleanliness] in acts of worship.

The movie was critical of Islam. That's why.
He was attacked because of his movie showing naked [or semi-naked] Muslim women on a prayer mat. Not sure if it was because they were semi-naked [stripping a Muslim/Asian woman is an insult in most Muslim/Asian cultures] or because she was naked on a prayer mat. Oh and because Quranic verses were written on her naked body, which is an issue of taharrat [cleanliness] in acts of worship. Probably some emotional guy who considered it a racist attack on Muslims or something.

That justifies it?

There is no justification. Just like there was no justification for threatening that European cartoonist for depicting Mohamed. But that's what your kind does.
How is an observation a justification? My ex- was Moroccan and it was just an opinion based on what I have seen in Moroccan culture.

I suggest you check your facts.

I've seen it. It had as much to do with Islam as the Jewel of Medina
How is an observation a justification? My ex- was Moroccan and it was just an opinion based on what I have seen in Moroccan culture.

The correct answer would be, "He was attacked because radical Muslims are the scum of the earth."
Whats a "radical" Muslim? For all you know he wasn't even religious.
I'm a Muslim. You don't have to show me a movie by a kafir to teach me if its about Islam. The purpose of that movie was provocation. Its like making a movie on Stalins gulags and describing it as a movie on atheism. :p

It doesn't matter whether or not you recognize it as a movie about Islam. The fact is that Van Gogh intended it to be about Islam.

"The film's title is a direct translation of the word "Islam" (see also the etymology and meaning of the word)."

"Hirsi Ali has said "it is written in the Koran a woman may be slapped if she is disobedient. This is one of the evils I wish to point out in the film"."

"While the film drew both praise and outrage over its portrayal of the abused women,[9] as a criticism of Islam it drew the following comment from The Village Voice movie critic Dennis Lim, “It's depressing to think that this morsel of glib effrontery could pass as a serious critique of conservative Islam.”"

"Hirsi Ali has stated she would like to make a sequel to the movie because "By not making 'Submission Part II,' I would only be helping terrorists believe that if they use violence, they're rewarded with what they want." When asked if she would submit to threats against her life, she said "Not me.""

Quotes from Wikipedia.
I doubt it. Though you could substitute God for Allah and then see the difference.:D

I think that they used the generic word for god in english because it is not their purpose to target a specific belief