Atheist bus ads

Isn't it great though, to have a country where you can put this on a bus and not be stoned to death?
BTW SAM, note that the ad says "There's PROBABLY no God"

How's that any close to a religious affirmation?

That's a ploy to give the appearance of being rational.
Either you believe God does not exist, or, you do not accept the authority of God if he does exist. The idea of not believing in God because there is no scientific evidence is a nonsense.

A person can be religious, and not believe in God, there are good examples of this. The religion of the atheist, is to live without the rules and regulations of organised religion.
The advert is an advertisment to recruit new members, Dawkins and his inner circle crew are like priests, mainstream media is the guru, in particular the one-eyed gure (tv). :D

I like the quote, can't remember who said it...
"If not believing in God is a religion, then not collecting stamps is a hobby."
While religion can be a "way of life", a way of life is not necessarily a religion.
If that were so, every person on earth would be religious, because everyone has a "way of life".
If everything is a religion, nothing is a religion.

While religion can be a "way of life", a way of life is not necessarily a religion.

Of course you are correct, but a way of life can be a religion.

If that were so, every person on earth would be religious, because everyone has a "way of life".
If everything is a religion, nothing is a religion.

That's an interesting take on it.
Perhaps everyone is religious to some degree or other. Maybe God based religion is merely the highest form of religion.
In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna advises his devotee to abandon all varieties of religion and surrender unto him.

Are we still calling non-belief in god a religion? Zzzzzzz....

You don't get to stamp the word religion on anything and everything.
Are we still calling non-belief in god a religion? Zzzzzzz....

You don't get to stamp the word religion on anything and everything.

I didn't say non-belief in God is a religion, and neither is belief in God. Religion is a way of life. Do you have a problem with that?

Was she? Is that why her father is an athiest and her brother a Christian? She's associated with Zionist and right-wing neo-evangelical groups in the US. I really don't consider her a spokeswoman for anything about Muslims.

Like we could trust your opinion about anything SAM.

You are such a twisting liar.
I like the quote, can't remember who said it...
"If not believing in God is a religion, then not collecting stamps is a hobby."

That's a good one, and my own personal one for those that equate a lack of belief in god, with a belief god does not exist;

" 'I don't believe I'll win the lottery this week', does not mean 'I do not believe there is no lottery to win'. I have a ticket so I know it exists, but I also know the odds are 14 million to one against me winning."

Of course, theists haven't got a ticket.