Atheist bus ads

Like we could trust your opinion about anything SAM.

You are such a twisting liar.

Yeah, how dare I quote the Economist and a Dutch film that interviewed her family. :rolleyes:

How dare I believe Ayan Hirsi Ali when she admitted she lied to get refugee status. :rolleyes:

Why, oh why don't I get my snooze from Faux Noise? :rolleyes:
That's a good one, and my own personal one for those that equate a lack of belief in god, with a belief god does not exist;

" 'I don't believe I'll win the lottery this week', does not mean 'I do not believe there is no lottery to win'. I have a ticket so I know it exists, but I also know the odds are 14 million to one against me winning."

Of course, theists haven't got a ticket.

That is a bad analogy because the lottery undeniably exists, so the unbelief is caused by the odds.
The correct analogy that reflects your point is to say, I don't believe in the lottery, therefore I am not going to partake in it. This will undoubtedly affect your life in some way, because there are underlying reasons why you have made this choice. How it affects your life could be regarded as religion, or a way of life based on your belief.

That is a bad analogy because the lottery undeniably exists, so the unbelief is caused by the odds.
The correct analogy that reflects your point is to say, I don't believe in the lottery, therefore I am not going to partake in it. This will undoubtedly affect your life in some way, because there are underlying reasons why you have made this choice. How it affects your life could be regarded as religion, or a way of life based on your belief.


No Jan, it's a good analogy, but your failure to accept that is part of your flawed reasoning, which also leads you to be a theist.

You see, the analogy is not about God (or the lottery). It's about belief. Two different things. Belief or lack of, is definite. The analogy holds, therefore.
Yeah, how dare I quote the Economist and a Dutch film that interviewed her family. :rolleyes:

How dare I believe Ayan Hirsi Ali when she admitted she lied to get refugee status. :rolleyes:

Why, oh why don't I get my snooze from Faux Noise? :rolleyes:

Or you could listen to what she has to say for herself, that's actually salient, rather than convolving disparate 'facts', SAM.
Yeah, how dare I quote the Economist and a Dutch film that interviewed her family. :

How dare I believe Ayan Hirsi Ali when she admitted she lied to get refugee status. :

Why, oh why don't I get my snooze from Faux Noise? :

Or you could listen to what she has to say for herself, that's actually salient, rather than convolving disparate 'facts', SAM.

Say for herself? You mean her lies are her testimonial? :roflmao:
No Jan, it's a good analogy, but your failure to accept that is part of your flawed reasoning, which also leads you to be a theist.

You see, the analogy is not about God (or the lottery). It's about belief. Two different things. Belief or lack of, is definite. The analogy holds, therefore.

My understanding of one ravens quote was that not believing in God, is as much a religion, as not collecting stamps makes a stamp collecter. Which I agree with, and would like to add that believing in God in not a religion. The religion is how you live your life.
It seemed that your analogy was additionally in support of ravens, and sort to add another in the same vain.

My apologies if I misunderstood.

I reckon that the vast majority of religious folk fail to realise that most atheists are very spiritual.
I think they'd be genuinely surprised to find that most atheists have a well formed moral code and religious type feelings for things (nature for example,.. their kids, their lives.)
Of course they do, they grow up in a religious majority society. Thats like saying, everyone speaks English in the UK.
My understanding of one ravens quote was that not believing in God, is as much a religion, as not collecting stamps makes a stamp collecter. Which I agree with, and would like to add that believing in God in not a religion. The religion is how you live your life.
It seemed that your analogy was additionally in support of ravens, and sort to add another in the same vain.

My apologies if I misunderstood.


Yes Jan, you did misunderstand a little, it wasn't a further explanation of One Raven's stamp collector analogy, but a an explanation of why not believing something does not equate to belief in the non-existence, which is often levelled at atheists.