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She pandered to the right-wing factions in the Netherlands to get refugee status. In case you did not know, religious persecution gets you refugee status in the Netherlands
She pandered to the right-wing factions in the Netherlands to get refugee status. In case you did not know, religious persecution gets you refugee status in the Netherlands

You think I don't know these things ? :rolleyes:
No, I don't like her because she maligned her family to get ahead in life and targeted all Muslims to support her fake identity. I have no idea if she is a theist or athiest, what she is, is a poor excuse for a human being.
No, I don't like her because she maligned her family to get ahead in life and targeted all Muslims to support her fake identity. I have no idea if she is a theist or athiest, what she is, is a poor excuse for a human being.

Oh now you have no idea.. a minute ago you were denying she was a Muslim.
She can't even keep her stories striaght:

Another, even more disturbing story concerns her sister Haweya's sojourn in the Netherlands. In her earlier book, ?The Caged Virgin?, which came out last year, Ms Hirsi Ali wrote that her sister came to the Netherlands to avoid being ?married off?. In ?Infidel?, however, she says Haweya came to recover from an illicit affair with a married man that ended in abortion. Ms Hirsi Ali helped Haweya make up another fabricated story that gained her refugee status, but the Netherlands offered her little respite. After another affair and a further abortion, Haweya was put into a psychiatric hospital. Back in Nairobi, she died from a miscarriage brought on by an episode of religious frenzy.

A miscarriage brought on by religious frenzy? :rolleyes:
Oh now you have no idea.. a minute ago you were denying she was a Muslim.

Where? I did not say anything about her faith, I said she clearly has very little knowledge of Islam. She could be Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, atheist, shes still pathetic.

Shall we get back to the original post, if possible?

Sure carry on. Umm haha? how funny, an evangelical agnostic poster?
Where? I did not say anything about her faith, I said she clearly has very little knowledge of Islam. She could be Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, atheist, shes still pathetic.

Here ?

And Hirsi Ali is or was Muslim herself.

Was she? Is that why her father is an athiest and her brother a Christian? She's associated with Zionist and right-wing neo-evangelical groups in the US. I really don't consider her a spokeswoman for anything about Muslims.

Yep.. It's common knowledge that she was a Muslim SAM..

I'm sure it is. I'm betting she has never studied or practised Islam and has created a political identity for propaganda purposes. Like she "defended" liberal values and homosexuals and now works for a neo-con organisation. :rolleyes:

No more than "radical" Muslim.

She has denounced Islam SAM.
I suggest you read that article.

Did she tell the magazine about the other lies she made up to get European citizenship? And the lies she made up about her sister to try and get her an European citizenship?:rolleyes:
Nope I'm sure it isn't