
It would appear the answer is both yes and no. Apparently some hold anyderivation off of center to be a shameful abnormality. I am not ashamed of my christianity, yet I find it necessary to defend my right to it. Does that imply that I should be ashamed of my "delusional theism"? From the opposing view, wouldn't you be holding onto "delusional atheism"?

To my knowledge I have never said such a thing.
I believe it was skinwalker that first brought up the delusion of theism, do you hold a similar view, Enmos?
Ok. Can we agree to disagree, treat each other with respect in spite of our differences? Or do one or the other side need to correct the other side on an individual level all the time?
My mistake, of course. So from another viewpoint, all atheism would be delusion, when the correct position is,"No way to tell"?
Which is why I'm a rationalist first, which informs my atheism. I don't say that gods "absolutely" don't exist or that "I know gods don't exist."

I simply maintain that I live my life without the necessity to believe that I should appease any gods that almost certainly don't exist. And, if one or more did exist, there's no good reason to believe that anyone has picked the right god, so how would one go about picking the right doctrine or even know one had the right doctrine to follow?

As an rationalist, I'm more than willing to revise my atheist status should good reason be presented, so my position could not logically be described as delusional since I'm not allowing myth or doctrine to inform my worldviews.
I live my life with the hope that the God I have chosen to have what I believe is a relationship with will take care of me for eternity. No evidence is available to discount Him, so rationalism is feeding my theism, especially because I see every occurance as an act of God.
I live my life with the hope that the God I have chosen to have what I believe is a relationship with will take care of me for eternity. No evidence is available to discount Him, so rationalism is feeding my theism, especially because I see every occurance as an act of God.

Sorry, but that is as rational as believing in fairies.