
So I as a Badminton player and member of the club should ignore those who stand outside the club chanting that badminton is evil?

I don't get your point at all.

What does this have to do with what we are talking about?
When did I say anything about ignoring protestors?
I thought this was about categorizing atheists.
Supposedly the first non-step for a scientist is to deny the existence of God in any form. Weird that that club doesn't allow for the possibility within the range of possibilities.
It was, but then it shifted. Atheists are part of a categorization whether they "want" to be or not. The categorization is thrust upon them. I offered some sub-categories in the OP, but they were rejected out of hand because they deny being in a category... One for which there is a name... Atheists.
I don't believe atheists are thrust into a category, I never "knew" any atheists in India, because expressing your religious belief or unbelief is just not of any significance there, its the social behaviour that counts. Either you assimilate or you reject it. It is possible for example, to have a discussion on any social issue without making it about religion. What you believe about God should not be a condition for how you accomodate people, but with atheists, there is no meeting of any minds, because from page one, we are reading a different book.
I know this may be a side note, but if you disliked badminton, would you go to a badminton subforum of a board you otherwise enjoyed?
First of all, who said I disliked badminton?

Second of all, did you bother reading this at all?

It is not confined to the club, it pervades every aspect and sector of society and non members of the club are oppressed, told they are evil, are kept out of public office.
George Bush (the first one) even said that he did not consider atheists to be citizens and they shouldnot be allowed to vote.
The members of the club are the ones protesting, not the other way around.
quite a bit of wishful thinking if you believe that you are not in a club. a loose knit club but a club nonetheless.

unless you are an agnostic.

I have not joined any club.
Hell, as I said more than once, I don't even consider myself an atheist.

There is a vast difference between joining a club and being labeled as something by others.
I don't believe atheists are thrust into a category

That's exactly what this thread is about.
This was the whole point of why Mr Hamtastic started this thread.

Furthermore, you are full of shit.
I see you do it every day.
Atheists are this.
Atheists are that.
Atheists believe this.
Atheists believe that.
The difference etween atheists and theists...
George Bush (the first one) even said that he did not consider atheists to be citizens and they shouldnot be allowed to vote.

How is that different from saying that "religious people are delusional and should not be expected to be treated as other than wackos on a science board"?
That's exactly what this thread is about.
This was the whole point of why Mr Hamtastic started this thread.

Furthermore, you are full of shit.
I see you do it every day.
Atheists are this.
Atheists are that.
Atheists believe this.
Atheists believe that.
The difference etween atheists and theists...

Of course, I am the badminton player, I have opinions about those who do not play badminton. It should not bother those who do not, unless they sign up to a "I am not a badminton player" club. That choice is entirely theirs.
I know this may be a side note, but if you disliked badminton, would you go to a badminton subforum of a board you otherwise enjoyed?

I think this is indicative of a big part of your problem.
I, like many other people who do not belong to any of the clubs, do not dislike badminton - it is just not for me.
Just because I do not play badminton, thst does not mean that I dislike those who do ot the sport itself. Nor does it necessarily imply that I think it is evil.

I am not a Christian.
In your eyes does that mean I hate Christianity or Christians?
Now I'm confused, because you're talking about two club memberships. I, personally, am for true seperation of church and state. That's a whole 'nother topic, though, and worthy of it's own thread.

Here's something I consider comparative. Southern Baptists were all having a dandy unified time, then some Southern Baptists got into this weird patriarchal fundamentalist bs. They got control of the organization. A bunch of formerly "southern" baptist churches chose to stop being "southern", to get away from this foolishness.

This is an example of dissention within a "club".

As for categorization, if you know it's going to happen, wouldn't you want a hand in its accuracy?
I am not a Christian.
In your eyes does that mean I hate Christianity or Christians?

Not at all, however, if your description of "I am not a Christian" includes, I think all Christians are wackos, that puts an entirely different complexion on the matter.
Of course, I am the badminton player, I have opinions about those who do not play badminton. It should not bother those who do not, unless they sign up to a "I am not a badminton player" club. That choice is entirely theirs.

First of all, as I said, you are full of shit because you obviously DO categorize atheists - as you just pointed out.

Second of all, does it bother you when people accuse all Muslims of being terrorists?
Do you try and correct them?

You are being a hypocrite.
First of all, as I said, you are full of shit because you obviously DO categorize atheists - as you just pointed out.

Second of all, does it bother you when people accuse all Muslims of being terrorists?
Do you try and correct them?


Of course, because I am the Muslim, they are not. Its my club. You could have a club that is "I believe all Muslims are terrorists" and as my club is the "I am a Muslim" club, clearly, there will be antagonism there. Its pretty straightforward.
How is that different from saying that "religious people are delusional and should not be expected to be treated as other than wackos on a science board"?

It isn't.
That, however, is not an "atheist" point of view - it is an idividual's point of view because there is NO SUCH THING as an atheist creed or doctrine.
What about that is so difficult to understand?
Of course, because I am the Muslim, they are not. Its my club. You could have a club that is "I believe all Muslims are terrorists" and as my club is the "I am a Muslim" club, clearly, there will be antagonism there. Its pretty straightforward.

But you are trying to force all atheists into a club they do not belong to by suggesting they all thing, believe and behave the same way.
They do not.
Not at all, however, if your description of "I am not a Christian" includes, I think all Christians are wackos, that puts an entirely different complexion on the matter.

And that is exactly the label you are trying to pin an all atheists. They don't all feel that way!
And that is exactly the label you are trying to pin an all atheists. They don't all feel that way!

I don't see any atheists stand up for their beliefs here then, while I see plenty of support for those who would categorise all the religious as wackos. Silence, in this case, is assent.