
They don't have to sign up.

They are not signing up.
You didn't sign up for the terrorist club did you?

Are you purposefully being antagonistic and thick, or do you really not understand???

People accuse Muslims of being terrorists and that bothers you because you are a Muslim and are NOT a terrorist.
Then you turn around and accuse atheists of many different things which many of them are not, but then say it shouldn't bother them if it does not apply to them?

Do you honestly not see the bald-faced hypocricy in that?
I don't see any atheists stand up for their beliefs here then, while I see plenty of support for those who would categorise all the religious as wackos. Silence, in this case, is assent.

People here are not represenative of all atheists.
That's the fucking point - NO ONE IS!


You don't have a problem with atheists, you have a problem with individuals.
As for categorization, if you know it's going to happen, wouldn't you want a hand in its accuracy?

I'd rather point out how absolutely assinine it to try and categorize people into clubs that have nothing in common except for the fact that they have no belief in God.
So I as a Badminton player and member of the club should ignore those who stand outside the club chanting that badminton is evil?

side note: badminton IS evil.

Isn't it rather the other way around ?
For instance you started this thread, not an atheist.
Badminton players want everyone to join their club and if someone refuses they keep pestering them to join. If they really do not want to join they get words like "Hell", "Evil", and "eternal damnation" thrown at them.
Of course this is a gross generalization but that is pretty much what it boils down to.
People that don't believe in god do not have to answer for their non-believing, yet a whole lot of believers demand they explain themselves. It is ridiculous.
How is that different from saying that "religious people are delusional and should not be expected to be treated as other than wackos on a science board"?

Then attack the ones that say that and not everyone else that happens to not believe in any god.
People here are not represenative of all atheists.
That's the fucking point - NO ONE IS!


You don't have a problem with atheists, you have a problem with individuals.

I have a problem with atheists who have signed up for the "religious are wackos" club. If you don't belong, you need not get riled. I didn't sign up for the "atheists are presumptious arseholes" club, until I met the members of the RAW club myself. Just like I haven't signed up for the <insert belief> are <insert opinion> club, unless they tell me what I should or should not subscribe to. Its not related to being a Muslim, I don't take any crap from other Muslims either, but the minute you tell me what a thiest/Muslim/woman etc is, you signed yourself up and God help you. :D

My suggestion: when you make blanket statements [not you specifically], do it in a way that excludes me. ;)
I have a problem with atheists who have signed up for the "religious are wackos" club. If you don't belong, you need not get riled. I didn't sign up for the "atheists are presumptious arseholes" club, until I met the members of the RAW club myself. Just like I haven't signed up for the <insert belief> are <insert opinion> club, unless they tell me what I should or should not subscribe to. Its not related to being a Muslim, I don't take any crap from other Muslims either, but the minute you tell me what a thiest/Muslim/woman etc is, you signed yourself up and God help you. :D

My suggestion: when you make blanket statements [not you specifically], do it in a way that excludes me. ;)

So you did sign up to the "atheists are presumptious arseholes" club..
They are not signing up.
You didn't sign up for the terrorist club did you?

Are you purposefully being antagonistic and thick, or do you really not understand???

People accuse Muslims of being terrorists and that bothers you because you are a Muslim and are NOT a terrorist.
Then you turn around and accuse atheists of many different things which many of them are not, but then say it shouldn't bother them if it does not apply to them?

Do you honestly not see the bald-faced hypocricy in that?

Not at all, I signed up for the "I am a Muslim" club. See?:p

So you did sign up to the "atheists are presumptious arseholes" club..

Did you miss the minutes of all my meetings?:cool:
I think this is indicative of a big part of your problem.
I, like many other people who do not belong to any of the clubs, do not dislike badminton - it is just not for me.
Just because I do not play badminton, thst does not mean that I dislike those who do ot the sport itself. Nor does it necessarily imply that I think it is evil.

I am not a Christian.
In your eyes does that mean I hate Christianity or Christians?

Not at all, until you start spouting nonsense about how christianity is stupid and my God is evil etc. Then you become one of "those" people, and I respond to you with broad fallacious generalizations, hoping that you will see that all such foolishness is foolishness.
Not at all, until you start spouting nonsense about how christianity is stupid and my God is evil etc. Then you become one of "those" people, and I respond to you with broad fallacious generalizations, hoping that you will see that all such foolishness is foolishness.


/doesn't work btw, the infidels are too thick to get it. :confused:
Not at all, until you start spouting nonsense about how christianity is stupid and my God is evil etc. Then you become one of "those" people, and I respond to you with broad fallacious generalizations, hoping that you will see that all such foolishness is foolishness.

Your "broad fallacious generalizations" are exactly that, therefore include others which do not belong.
Furthermore, by admitting what they are, you are admitting that you are being dishonest.
Think about this for a second...
You get upset at people for broad, fallacious generalizations because they include "inncocent" people like you, so you respond in kind including "innocent" people that have nothing to do with your argument.

If you are arguing with a black person who says, "All white people are arrogant assholes who think they still own blacks", would you respond with, "All black people are ignorant niggers who SHOULD be owned by whites"?

If so, you are childish, a liar and an asshole.
If so, you are childish, a liar and an asshole.

And the atheists who make these broad fallaciuous generalisations are... what exactly?

I see plenty of people reprimanding theists here. I get kicked around pretty much myself.

I've rarely seen anyone [with the possible exception of JDawg and once or twice by Skin, of all people] who show the same integrity towards their own group.
Oh, my mistake. I should take their broad fallacious generalizations in stride, perhaps pat them kindly on the head and smile... Right? Turn the other cheek, do unto others... I shouldn't expect such consideration in return, right?
And the atheists who make these broad fallaciuous generalisations are... what exactly?

They are exactly the same.
They are no different than any other bigot.
They are, however, individuals.
As I said, not all Muslims are terrorists, are they?
Not alll theists are deluded morons are they?

And if you think they are pretentious assholes, and you respond in kind - what exactly does that make you?

Mr. Hamtastic said:
Oh, my mistake. I should take their broad fallacious generalizations in stride, perhaps pat them kindly on the head and smile... Right? Turn the other cheek, do unto others... I shouldn't expect such consideration in return, right?
So you WOULD start bashing black people if a black person was bashing white people?
I wouldn't.
I would attack the fallacies of their arguments rather than echo them myself and become what I am railing against.

My integrity is worlds more imprtant than somehow winning or getting even or whatever the hell it is you are aiming to accomplish.
I will not let this person's bigotry make me a bigot and not only lose my integrity and become what I am arguing against, but give them more fuel for their miguided bullshit.
They are exactly the same.
They are no different than any other bigot.
They are, however, individuals.
As I said, not all Muslims are terrorists, are they?
Not alll theists are deluded morons are they?

And if you think they are pretentious assholes, and you respond in kind - what exactly does that make you?

A mirror? You think a demonstration of ridiculousness fails to convince? I think many people do get it. Or if they don't, their lengthy justifications are humorous enough. One could of course, simply strike off all conversation against such people as a waste of time. But a lack of dialogue is often not conducive to either person getting an opportunity to review their POV. I find one can learn a lot even playing, can you see yourself now?