
Skinwalker, so belief in a god or deity is a mental illness, then?

One_Raven-Could it be further inferred that stereotyping of theists into a group or subgroup doesn't really work either, not just due to lack of accuracy because they are individuals, but also because it is simply disrespectful?

There exists the possibility that an individual would be disrespectful to all those they consider "delusional", of course. But that would be a failing on their part, wouldn't it?
You DO have to take into account, however, that those theists who chose to be a member of a religion are doing just that.
They are compartmentalizing their failt and beliefs and capitulating to a defined system.
Skinwalker, so belief in a god or deity is a mental illness, then?

No more so than the person who wears a lucky shirt on a date or the pitcher who only eats hotdogs the day of a big game. Or the person who plays his daughter's birthdate as a lotto number.

It would depend upon how you define "mental illness" I suppose. I wouldn't define the casual religious adherent as "mentally ill," but I would, perhaps, the zealot or the fundamentalist who reject scientific understanding in favor of mythical beliefs.
You DO have to take into account, however, that those theists who chose to be a member of a religion are doing just that.
They are compartmentalizing their failt and beliefs and capitulating to a defined system.

Kinda like compartmentalising themselves into a political orientation?
So if you're a liberal you must be for abortion and if you're conservative, you must be against gays?

On your previous post:

All people are born in fitra, with a tendency to monotheism and only change with age because they are taught otherwise. ;)
One_Raven-Isn't the decision to be a "known" atheist a desire for said compartmentalization, then?

Skinwalker-So a man that says that evolution, the big bang, etc, was the method God used, he would be mentally ill? Realize, of course, that it has been suggested among christians, at least, that creationism and current scientific theory on the 'beginnings' work well together.
Enmos-We can't have a relationship with another being without coming to some conclusions(judgements) about that being.
Don't identify yourself as an athiest and you won't be judged as one. :shrug:

Who identified me as an atheist then ? I know it wasn't me..
And I repeat, should I be ashamed of the fact that I don't believe in any god ?
You tell me. If you bring God into the equation, you put yourself in a camp. It doesn't matter how you philosophise it.

So if someone asks me whether or not I believe in god I should lie and say I do ?
Uh what ? Should we be ashamed of it or something ?

Who identified me as an atheist then ? I know it wasn't me..
And I repeat, should I be ashamed of the fact that I don't believe in any god ?

It would appear the answer is both yes and no. Apparently some hold anyderivation off of center to be a shameful abnormality. I am not ashamed of my christianity, yet I find it necessary to defend my right to it. Does that imply that I should be ashamed of my "delusional theism"? From the opposing view, wouldn't you be holding onto "delusional atheism"?
So if someone asks me whether or not I believe in god I should lie and say I do ?

If you do not want to be labelled you could always say you are not interested.

But if you are convinced that you do not, you're an athiest.
Skinwalker-So a man that says that evolution, the big bang, etc, was the method God used, he would be mentally ill? Realize, of course, that it has been suggested among christians, at least, that creationism and current scientific theory on the 'beginnings' work well together.

That wouldn't be "mental illness," necessarily (but, again, it would depend on how you're defining 'mental illness'). Allowing onen's cultural mythology to inform their worldview is simply a delusion. We're all subject to delusion from time to time and for various reasons. Some delusions are results of cultural and societal constructs like religion.

NOTE: "mental illness" is your term and is fallaciously applied to my initial explanation. I just want to be clear on that.
My mistake, of course. So from another viewpoint, all atheism would be delusion, when the correct position is,"No way to tell"?