atheism leads to no purpose in living

The long term results of your actions may result in absolutely nothing. Nothing lasts forever. Will you be able to deal with that?
The long term results of your actions may result in absolutely nothing. Nothing lasts forever. Will you be able to deal with that?

I'll probably be dead before I give in to that truth if it becomes true for me.
I mean if you are sitting watching stuff in heaven, you will "live" to see all you have created destroyed.
I mean if you are sitting watching stuff in heaven, you will "live" to see all you have created destroyed.

oh well in that case I guess I'll have to "live with it" because I don't think it's possible to kill my soul.
oh well in that case I guess I'll have to "live with it" because I don't think it's possible to kill my soul.

A soul is about the most ephemeral thing there is. I find it exceedingly strange that anyone would think it permanent.
'SOUL' is Spirit Of Unconditional Love

and not anything else that duplicates the brain, replaces it, or any such thing.
A soul is about the most ephemeral thing there is. I find it exceedingly strange that anyone would think it permanent.

another difference between theists and atheists. In fact to me that is suicidal thinking.
Why does there have to be a point to life?

Would it be fair to say that the major reason for people accepting a religion is because they do not want to believe that their 'soul' will go on forever?

"Man eats, Man shits, Man dies."

Do theists find that a depressing thought?
Why does there have to be a point to life?

Would it be fair to say that the major reason for people accepting a religion is because they do not want to believe that their 'soul' will go on forever?

"Man eats, Man shits, Man dies."

Do theists find that a depressing thought?

thatte soul will not live on forever? I would think so because I do.
So what is 'your' point to life?
The destination at the end of your life is not the point, so what is?
that no fire, no heroism, no intensity of thought and feeling can preserve an individual life beyond the grave; that all the labour of the ages, all the devotion, all the inspiration, all the noonday brightness of human genius are destined to extinction in the vast death of the solar system, and that the whole temple of Man's achievement must inevitably be buried beneath the debris of a universe in ruins
-Bertrand Russell

You ought not believe in god because it justifies our pathetic short lives. Belief in god is wishful thinking, You hope that there is an afterlife because if there isn't you have to come to terms with the fact that eventually you will die and never feel any emotion or think ever again.
So what is 'your' point to life?
The destination at the end of your life is not the point, so what is?

well considering the attitudes I've seem around here I'll probably get attacked for my answer to that question but fuck it. To make a great impact on the human race with scientific discovery.
I am with you on that one. That's an excellent reason to live. But I feel the same way and I am an aetheist.

I recently realized that if I was an atheist I would have no purpose in living because what would be the point?

Your reason to live would not change if you didn't believe in an afterlife.
another difference between theists and atheists. In fact to me that is suicidal thinking.

And that's what religion is, an instinctual reaction to knowledge of one's unavoidable death, extended into the realms of the imagination. The instinct for self-preservation is an ingrained evolutionary trait, so it makes sense that we would react to death in this way. Since we can't do anything about it in the moment, we plan in our minds to meet death and come out the winner.
Thank you for this insight!
Energy doesn't disappear, it just moves around and transfers.

But I don't think there is any such thing as a 'soul'. I've got a body and a brain that is self-aware. This is enough for me.
If the soul is pure energy(maybe) then does energy ever disappear?
Energy isn't some difficult to comprehend thing which floats around, it's things like movement, or heat (which is vibrational movement), or mass, or the fact that something is at a certain position in a field of force (again, which becomes movement).
Once again, when pondering the meaning of life with depression kicking my ass...I thought about whether anything I could accomplish by continuing to suck oxy-the very best for my fellow humans-was likely to achieve any appreciable difference ten thousand years from now...

I had been here before and found the same thing: could not believe that I was capable of making a difference.

I'm just too insignificant in the greater scheme of things, and at that moment, I was overwhelmed with hurt.

Failing to see that I could make a real, good difference in the continuing survival and happiness of my species, or do much about the planet's problem at large, I then went on to figure out how to kill myself and not leave a carcass for my relatives to identify-something which I did eventually come up with a fairly tidy solution for.

Yes, I just love major depressive disorder. There is no real reason for us to be here; certainly not one I can convince myself is a real reason.

I envy those who can believe in an ultimate purpose, even if I think it's a load of hogwash. It's a very useful belief.

Pass the happy pills.

I have thought about making art out of rocks. Why? well, unless someone deliberately breaks it, it will still be here for some time.
I'm inclined to agree, chimpkin.

Some people find a certain beauty in it though. The cyclicality of it all. Its amazing to be able to study the past and see the changed over time.