atheism leads to no purpose in living

Religion leads to a wasted life.

only for some.

i think the term purpose is just a buzz word and has little meaning applied to religion.

it seems when it is used in the context of religion it is used more as a 'give me a reason to live' context.

simply because in religion there is the element of not knowing you have a purpose but having faith that you do have one,even if you do not know what it is.
I recently realized that if I was an atheist I would have no purpose in living because what would be the point? At least if you believe in heaven you can believe that you will be able to see the changes you have made in your lifetime. If you do not believe in heaven then what is the point in doing anything in your lifetime (or living for that matter) if you believe that you will not even be able to view the results of your work over time?

Edit: I realize I made a typo in the title of this thread.

this is going to be like training a horse to do a backflip but where is your logic? your equating believing in god to the advacements in technology and others directly to believing in god/heaven? im neutral on the subject im 26 and have seen myself change so much its incredable.

then you ask why i dont believe in a fairy tale and because of that why dont i just commit suicide. then you go on to say that if you have no belief that it is impossible to see changes and results from you I have done in my life time

take a step back from this topic look at it from a 3rd person. Read your post which says in short
"If you dont believe in heaven then why do you live. To see the changes you have made the results from the work you have don you need to believe in heaven or you cannot see them. actually why dont you just commit suicide because without believing in heaven there is no point in living."

then you have the people asking why.. and how can you directly link change over a period of time and results of work you have done "if athesiest can even physically work without belief in god" over your life time, in belief of god/heaven
You guys say that my idea on life sucks but yet you have other great alternative. Ok I admit that the heaven part would probably not be possible since your memory does not you there with your soul but everything else I said still stands to me unless given an alternative that has worth.

no I for one never said your idea on life sucks, more like bitchslapped you into trying to realize how idiotic your post sounds. and with the heaven part "probably not be possible since your memory does not you there"

hate to say it but newsflash your memory doesnt take you there either.. the only thing that takes you there is your faith in a book which there is no evidence whatso ever of. but proof of heaven there is zilch
I recently realized that if I was an atheist I would have no purpose in living because what would be the point?
You have a long way to go...

Life is purpose for living in and of itself.

At least if you believe in heaven you can believe that you will be able to see the changes you have made in your lifetime.
If I believe in heaven, then I can believe I will be able to see the changes I've made in my lifetime.
If I don't believe in heaven, then I cannot believe I will be able to see the changes I've made in my lifetime.

If you believe this, then thank bejesus you believe in heaven. Otherwise you would not learn from your mistakes.

If you do not believe in heaven then what is the point in doing anything in your lifetime (or living for that matter) if you believe that you will not even be able to view the results of your work over time?

So, if I don't believe in heaven, I do not possess any hindsight?

If I don't believe in heaven, then my life means more to me than a theists life means to the theist. Without the purpose of serving god, greater ideals of this life, like serving others, becomes realized and more valuable.
but proof of heaven there is zilch

again with the proof..
there are many testimonies from ppl who have died and came back, who claim they got a taste of heaven..
the proof in in the validity you give those testimonies.

and for the record 'proof' to me equals you have no choice but to do as you are told.
again with the proof..
there are many testimonies from ppl who have died and came back, who claim they got a taste of heaven..
the proof in in the validity you give those testimonies.

and for the record 'proof' to me equals you have no choice but to do as you are told.

it has also been proven the brain acts in crazy ways when it isnt getting what is needed you can have very vivid dreams. and everyone has heard you see the light just before you die.. so that memory couldnt pop up in the panic and "project" what you have heard

to add to that i have never once hard of anyone seeing hell when they had a near death experience, and if there is a heaven then there has to be a hell
it has also been proven the brain acts in crazy ways when it isnt getting what is needed you can have very vivid dreams. and everyone has heard you see the light just before you die.. so that memory couldnt pop up in the panic and "project" what you have heard

to add to that i have never once hard of anyone seeing hell when they had a near death experience, and if there is a heaven then there has to be a hell

Interesting point, I never considered the lack of testimonies of "hell" experience.

It is a good point though that the brain could cause halucinations, especially close to death. We don't know enough about the brain to know if what people are seeing is a manifestation, or just dream-like brain activity that occured before or after the brain ceased functioning temporarily.
Interesting point, I never considered the lack of testimonies of "hell" experience.
it has been a long time since i have watched this show,but this is the show that has the testimonies of ppl who have died and came back, i am sure they have testimonies for hell (been so long, i have forgot) beyond and back
It is a good point though that the brain could cause halucinations, especially close to death. We don't know enough about the brain to know if what people are seeing is a manifestation, or just dream-like brain activity that occured before or after the brain ceased functioning temporarily.
i cannot argue with this point because this too i can believe as the bible says that we ALL will die, then there will be a reckoning after we have all died..
IOW we have to wait for everyone else to die before geting into heaven.
Well if delusion makes you happy then go for it. You can be king of Siam if you like?

Perhaps you'd like to explain why you need to see your work to have a point to it. Other than for your sense of smug satisfaction, the consequence has already occured and cannot be changed - some would argue the better people are those who do it for reasons other than being able to look back for their own glorification .

You make it sound like it's selfish which isn't the point since the reason why you would look back is to see how much of an impact you had on the human race.
So, if I don't believe in heaven, I do not possess any hindsight?

If I don't believe in heaven, then my life means more to me than a theists life means to the theist. .

I guess so because it's all you would have.
no I for one never said your idea on life sucks, more like bitchslapped you into trying to realize how idiotic your post sounds. and with the heaven part "probably not be possible since your memory does not you there"

hate to say it but newsflash your memory doesnt take you there either.. the only thing that takes you there is your faith in a book which there is no evidence whatso ever of. but proof of heaven there is zilch

aaww I sense your strong atheism but it has given you a poor idea of the word "belief." You can believe that your memory come with your soul.

then we go and all of the theists can stay here since god created this planet for us probably didnt intend on us leaving here

but he didn't just create the planet. He created anything and everything.
You make it sound like it's selfish which isn't the point since the reason why you would look back is to see how much of an impact you had on the human race.

Why would it matter? What is it specifically about looking back after you die that gives you purpose you wouldn't have otherwise?
Why would it matter? What is it specifically about looking back after you die that gives you purpose you wouldn't have otherwise?

Exactly, what's the point of being in heaven? By the time God raises the dead to go to heaven, all your mortal works will be dust. At least, that's the premise as I understand it.
Why would it matter? What is it specifically about looking back after you die that gives you purpose you wouldn't have otherwise?

Again, why does it not matter? My logic behind this idea is simply this, what is the point of doing something if you can't even remember it?
What's the point of remembering something? If something is worth doing, isn't that enough?
What's the point of remembering something? If something is worth doing, isn't that enough?

No, not to me. Especially if you don't get to see the long term results if what you've done if you've done something extraordinary. (this must be one of the internal differences between theists and atheists)