atheism leads to no purpose in living

science man has demonstrated a fairly consistent trend amongst theists. Theism has ingrained a rather destructive message into people at an early age. The message is composed of lies.

LIE #1:
Objective purpose exists.

LIE #2:
Objective importance exists.

LIE #3:
You and / or life are not objectively important without objective purpose.

It's quite damning for people like science guy.
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The house of cards falls, for its higher levels were not only shaky, but even more so since the bottom basis was falsely claimed as truth. Dishonest at best, a lie at worst.
can't life have just an inherent purpose without having a contrived one? let's say, whatever your life amounts to, that's it. it's affect, it's accomplishment, whether good or bad, prolific or not. i think there's a lot to be said about what people don't do while they're alive, as well as what they do. if you believe in god, then objectively you have to realize that in regards to your life, that is what god wanted, that is what you did, and that was your purpose, whether you think so or not.
it'll all end when you die if you're an atheist.
and that's a best case scenario :p

Agreed. In the atheist scenario it will all end completely after death and there will not even be an identity. Whatever trace in whatever form there is left after an individual passes away will also wear away and turn to dust.
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science man has demonstrated a fairly consistent trend amongst theists. Theism has ingrained a rather destructive message into people at an early age. The message is composed of lies.

LIE #1:
Objective purpose exists.

LIE #2:
Objective importance exists.

LIE #3:
You and / or life are not objectively important without objective purpose.

It's quite damning for people like science guy.

An objective purpose or importance isn't required but one should at least ponder a sufficient answer is out there.
I can't find an ultimate purpose for life that I can actually believe in. Despite my wishy-washy Pantheism.

When I'm not depressed that doesn't bother me.

It's only when I'm miserable that I start to need an "ultimate purpose," and the point of that ultimate purpose-seeking is to justify the internal state of agony I'm in. So I wonder if the need for ultimate purpose doesn't come from having a miserable existence, such that you need external justification to go on living, as you take no delight in it?
Religious people seem to put some sort of value on internal states of suffering. I'm not religious enough, I guess, because I've adopted the medical model. To me, it's just as frustrating and pointless as my migraines; nothing exalted about major depression.
So my solution to what the ultimate purpose is, since I haven't found an answer that I find satisfactory in years of trying... is to unprioritize the question via meds, therapy, exercise, diet, and assorted coping skills.

My reply to your statement "Atheism leads to no purpose in living..." would be to ask the question " Why is it that you (meaning you, in specific), need a purpose in order to live?"
science man:

I recently realized that if I was an atheist I would have no purpose in living because what would be the point?

What's your purpose in life as a theist? And what's the point of having that purpose?

At least if you believe in heaven you can believe that you will be able to see the changes you have made in your lifetime.

Won't you be able to see those just before you die, anyway?

If you do not believe in heaven then what is the point in doing anything in your lifetime (or living for that matter) if you believe that you will not even be able to view the results of your work over time?

Wait. Do you mean that you think the value of going to heaven is so you can see what happens after you're dead? That might be all very nice, but how does it give you a purpose in life? I can't see the argument. You seem to be saying something like this:

"I have a purpose in life [to do what?] because after I die I will be able to see the results of the actions I carried out during my life (even if I can't do anything further on Earth after I die). If I was unable to see the results of my actions after I die then I would have no purpose in life because ....[?]"

I don't get it. Can you explain a bit more and fill in the gaps for me?
Conjecture will not help out in any way against the Truth, so shun anyone who avoids mentioning Us and only wants [to enjoy] worldly life; that will be their range of knowledge.-Quran
I recently realized that if I was an atheist I would have no purpose in living because what would be the point? At least if you believe in heaven

What's the point in your existence if you are living a lie? Answer me that, sparky.

Oh, and please change your name, you do science a disservice.
I recently realized that if I was an atheist I would have no purpose in living because what would be the point? At least if you believe in heaven you can believe that you will be able to see the changes you have made in your lifetime. If you do not believe in heaven then what is the point in doing anything in your lifetime (or living for that matter) if you believe that you will not even be able to view the results of your work over time?

Edit: I realize I made a typo in the title of this thread.

Its very useful information
Life is what you (can) make out of it.

So the sole purpose for your life would be to hope that you'll end up in heaven where you can observe those who outlived you - you abstain from all the colourful and joyful fruits life has to offer to you just so you can get into heaven where your sole purpose would be to watch the effects of your failed attempts at saving the world..a la Jesus..

Question: what's so great about that?
I recently realized that if I was an atheist I would have no purpose in living because what would be the point? At least if you believe in heaven you can believe that you will be able to see the changes you have made in your lifetime. If you do not believe in heaven then what is the point in doing anything in your lifetime (or living for that matter) if you believe that you will not even be able to view the results of your work over time?

Well if delusion makes you happy then go for it. You can be king of Siam if you like?

Perhaps you'd like to explain why you need to see your work to have a point to it. Other than for your sense of smug satisfaction, the consequence has already occured and cannot be changed - some would argue the better people are those who do it for reasons other than being able to look back for their own glorification .
And if we turn the tables on the Subject and look at the opposite side of the coin.

Religion leads to a wasted life.

(when you die and that's the end because there is no afterlife).