atheism leads to no purpose in living

I breathed in the oxygen that was once a mere waste product that bacteria had given off, and I walked in my chemical nature coprolites up to my knees where the dinosaurs had once tread trod.
Corrected. :p
You guys say that my idea on life sucks but yet you have other great alternative. Ok I admit that the heaven part would probably not be possible since your memory does not you there with your soul but everything else I said still stands to me unless given an alternative that has worth.

I prefer having no purpose, I find great freedom in that, but I realize it's not for everyone, it takes some balls.

How about secular humanism? The idea that your life should be intended to help humanity and society to find greater peace and happiness?
You guys say that my idea on life sucks but yet you have other great alternative.
Why do we need a GREAT alternative?
You don't consider an alternative to be sufficient?

Ok I admit that the heaven part would probably not be possible since your memory does not you there with your soul
This is known as a WAG.

but everything else I said still stands to me unless given an alternative that has worth.
You see? You are deciding what constitutes "worth" with regard to an alternative yet you won't accept OUR view of worth when it comes to living.

And, since you've admitted your "watching from heaven" idea doesn't pan out could you let us know why you consider life worth living? I mean, if you die you go to heaven right?

Notice the subtle social control aspect here:
Boss: Life is hard guys, sure, but live the way I tell you to live and you'll get your reward in Heaven where everything is wonderful.
Slave: Heaven is wonderful? No hardship? No pain? No being bossed around? Cartoon channel?
Boss: Certainly. And free ice cream*.
Slave: Brilliant. I'm gonna go home and top myself now. Heaven here I come, I'm sick of listening to guys telling me what to do and how to live.
Boss. Er. Er. Hang on a sec, you can't do that! Because, er, oh yeah. Suicide is a mortal sin and if you kill yourself you don't go to Heaven. You have to hang around here and do as I tell you, I mean, "suffer life's vicissitudes", until god calls you.
Slave: That sucks, but okay since you're the priest you presumably know what you're talking about.

* But not, obviously, barnacle and telephone flavour.
One day a nervous shrew peaked out to where the dinosaurs had once trod, and said, "Holy cripes! They're all gone. Now I can evolve."
I recently realized that if I was an atheist I would have no purpose in living because what would be the point? At least if you believe in heaven you can believe that you will be able to see the changes you have made in your lifetime. If you do not believe in heaven then what is the point in doing anything in your lifetime (or living for that matter) if you believe that you will not even be able to view the results of your work over time?

Edit: I realize I made a typo in the title of this thread.

um, for the benefit of future generations? even if there is no afterlife you still make an imprint on this world. i also doubt if you'll be all that thrilled if you get to see it.
This is known as a WAG.
which means?
You see? You are deciding what constitutes "worth" with regard to an alternative yet you won't accept OUR view of worth when it comes to living.
umm if you're referring to what I think you're referring to then my answer is because it's not enough to me.
And, since you've admitted your "watching from heaven" idea doesn't pan out could you let us know why you consider life worth living? I mean, if you die you go to heaven right?
either way (as far as the heaven thing goes) I think it would be worth it because you would've made an impact on the development of your race. (humanity)
Notice the subtle social control aspect here:
Boss: Life is hard guys, sure, but live the way I tell you to live and you'll get your reward in Heaven where everything is wonderful.
Slave: Heaven is wonderful? No hardship? No pain? No being bossed around? Cartoon channel?
Boss: Certainly. And free ice cream*.
Slave: Brilliant. I'm gonna go home and top myself now. Heaven here I come, I'm sick of listening to guys telling me what to do and how to live.
Boss. Er. Er. Hang on a sec, you can't do that! Because, er, oh yeah. Suicide is a mortal sin and if you kill yourself you don't go to Heaven. You have to hang around here and do as I tell you, I mean, "suffer life's vicissitudes", until god calls you.
Slave: That sucks, but okay since you're the priest you presumably know what you're talking about.

* But not, obviously, barnacle and telephone flavour.

Extremely great point. I actually had to think about that for a few seconds and then I realized, well, there must be some reason as to why we were born in the first place, which is probably why suicide is a sin in religion.
Eventually the universe will either peter out into cold emptiness - or crunch back down into the singularity it came from.... Either way it's all pointless.
Not if by the time that that happens we find a way to go to another universe.
um, for the benefit of future generations? even if there is no afterlife you still make an imprint on this world. i also doubt if you'll be all that thrilled if you get to see it.

There's always the "Wonderful Life" movie.

“Curses Christmas!” said old Scrooge to his yule log; “Why my hard earnings give to some lowly dog?”

“’Twere all these logs that you stepped upon,” said Christmas Past, “enriching from these, anon, building here your own little private town.”

“Lo”, said Christmas Future, “There’s no one around!”
which means?
Wild-Ass Guess.

umm if you're referring to what I think you're referring to then my answer is because it's not enough to me.
But, presumably, you're not an atheist.

either way (as far as the heaven thing goes) I think it would be worth it because you would've made an impact on the development of your race. (humanity)
And atheists don't have any impact whatsoever? Or do you intend me to read that as atheists aren't tremendously bothered about seeing the impact they've had and it's only theists who are narcissistic enough to wish to check up on what their impact means down the line?

Extremely great point. I actually had to think about that for a few seconds and then I realized, well, there must be some reason as to why we were born in the first place.
The "reason" you were born in the first place?
Well mommy and daddy did something naughty, and nine months later...
You guys say that my idea on life sucks but yet you have other great alternative.

Not that it sucks only that it really doesn't make sense at all. Many people do not believe in religions, China as an example and go on about their lives just like the rest of the believers do. Think about before religions even existed, what did people do to go on living without your "God" or other type of mythology? They seemed to be able to live just fine for they lasted long enough to give birth to their offspring and they did the same until someone one day saw a way to control others with a myth and started up a religion to help others as well as themselves.
But, presumably, you're not an atheist.
yep, and that is one of many reasons why and the strongest of them all.
And atheists don't have any impact whatsoever? Or do you intend me to read that as atheists aren't tremendously bothered about seeing the impact they've had and it's only theists who are narcissistic enough to wish to check up on what their impact means down the line?
no, but it's a bonus. To me though, yes, mostly.
The "reason" you were born in the first place?
Well mommy and daddy did something naughty, and nine months later...

:jawdrop: OMG REALLY I HAD NO IDEA!!!!!! well that changes everything!!!!!!!!! (you know what I mean man, the reason for our existence)

Before I even was, I was coming here to be, the energy of eternity being my maternity. I found myself lost, really, thrust here without my asking… but, eventually, at the lost-and-found place of science, my karma overran the dogma into the ground.
Not that it sucks only that it really doesn't make sense at all. Many people do not believe in religions, China as an example and go on about their lives just like the rest of the believers do. Think about before religions even existed, what did people do to go on living without your "God" or other type of mythology? They seemed to be able to live just fine for they lasted long enough to give birth to their offspring and they did the same until someone one day saw a way to control others with a myth and started up a religion to help others as well as themselves.

Yes that was probably because they didn't think this intensely.
You see? You are deciding what constitutes "worth" with regard to an alternative yet you won't accept OUR view of worth when it comes to living.
there it is..'who determines..'

And, since you've admitted your "watching from heaven" idea doesn't pan out could you let us know why you consider life worth living? I mean, if you die you go to heaven right?
still think there is error in 'watching' from heaven..
don't think that is how it works..

Slave: I'm sick of listening to guys telling me what to do and how to live, please tell me what to do and how to live pastor..
it'll all end when you die if you're an atheist.
and that's a best case scenario :p
The Symphony Plays On

All that they knew, even the loveliest and the best,
Decomposes into the dust of earth compressed.
Those songs they once composed now lie in repose;
With this dust the future will arrange and recompose.
If you do not believe in heaven then what is the point in doing anything in your lifetime (or living for that matter) if you believe that you will not even be able to view the results of your work over time?

First of all we are wired with a desire to continue to exist. It's the most fundamental evolutionary imperative. As a result we naturally find purpose in almost everything that we do and most people are happy enough to simply live out their lives and try to enjoy as much of it as possible. It's no great mystery really.

Choosing to obsess over how meaningless existence is just because it's not eternal to the point where you are no longer motivated to live your life is however a great mystery. You've essentially decided to deny yourself an incredible experience simply because it doesn't last long enough. It would be like going on a date with a pretty girl that you're madly infatuated with and instead of trying to enjoy every minute of it you end up sulking in the corner because you only have 3 hours together. It's fucking absurd.