As an Atheist what do you teach kids?

Things you have no logical reason to believe is true, does not have to make sense. Yes invisible chocolate kids. Just as reasonable as an afterlife if you ask me.

What was your other questions? Passing of a personal belief system? You might say that. There's no reason to teach kids about something that you have no chance of knowing anyway. I would however teach my kids that there are some people that believe in ancient fairytales and that these fairytales are really so improbable that you might as well ignore them.

Aliens? As in life in outer space? I think it's improbable that life only exists on earth. So that's what i would say. Not that i know for sure, but that there may be life elsewhere in the universe.

My logic is not your logic,

See you already even in that sentence of trying to be open minded proved close-mindedness, just by s aying "There are people who believe in "Fairy-tales" you are implying they are not true to the child.

How will the child be open to the idea if you have already claimed the idea is "False" by claiming it as a fairy tale. you like many other atheists fail to see you are infact everything that you don't like about theist's just in reverse and opposite belief.

You will say about probability when talking about aliens but not when talking about god? Want to discuss the probability that this entire universe with all its systems and complicated mechanics and laws is just the result of "coincidence". What is the probability that everything came about without a designer? do you know the probability of this? lets get into it i have some good info and some nice documentary's to share on this very matter.
No, you asked a question based on two opposing views.
And then openly admitted that you haven't actually seen anyone use the view you don't agree with.
So why raise that particular issue?
Deliberate (and false) polarisation?
Malicious intent?

When did i say that i havent ever seens omebody use this view? quote me please.
My logic is not your logic,

See you already even in that sentence of trying to be open minded proved close-mindedness, just by s aying "There are people who believe in "Fairy-tales" you are implying they are not true to the child.

How will the child be open to the idea if you have already claimed the idea is "False" by claiming it as a fairy tale. you like many other atheists fail to see you are infact everything that you don't like about theist's just in reverse and opposite belief.

You will say about probability when talking about aliens but not when talking about god? Want to discuss the probability that this entire universe with all its systems and complicated mechanics and laws is just the result of "coincidence". What is the probability that everything came about without a designer? do you know the probability of this? lets get into it i have some good info and some nice documentary's to share on this very matter.

I've actually made a thread on the same topic (the probability of religion being true). You should comment in it. I don't claim to know the truth, but I know that the [insert holy book here] is improbable just because many of the things stated in there are just nonsense. Like the earth being center of the universe for instance.

About being in opposition. Atheist is pr. definition the opposite of theist. I don't see a problem in that.

We all teach our kids what we think is true. I think it would be very strange to teach our kids something we think is false.
So because i havent seen 2 posters say this that somehow means i have never seen it in my life period?
Who mentioned 2 posters?

Again you show your Sith Lord absolutes.
Again you show you can't read.

My question was:
Can you point out where anyone has said this?
Post 490.
It's a simple question, it doesn't refer to posters, it doesn't ask for a quote from a post. It asks where you have heard this and would you please tell us.

Your answer therefore was dishonest since it didn't apply directly to the question asked (as you pointed out later).
I've actually made a thread on the same topic (the probability of religion being true). You should comment in it. I don't claim to know the truth, but I know that the [insert holy book here] is improbable just because many of the things stated in there are just nonsense. Like the earth being center of the universe for instance.

About being in opposition. Atheist is pr. definition the opposite of theist. I don't see a problem in that.

We all teach our kids what we think is true. I think it would be very strange to teach our kids something we think is false.

Sounds like a good thread but im talking about the probability of a Designer not a particular religion being correct, because i think most religions have truths. I still study buddhism even though i am a muslim. See contrary to most popular views from the west many muslims study a huge variety of philosophy and religion

For example there is a store right neaar my house called "Islamic impressions" it is a islamic shop that sells clothes, books, herbs, medicine etc. and in the book section they sell Buddhist books, Zen Books, comparitive religion books. History books etc tec they dont just sell Qurans and muslimsi dont just read Qurans, Seeking knowledge is actualy a direct order in the Quran itself. "You must seek truth and knowledge on this earth" Also prophet muhammed pbuh actualy told the muslims "Read the bibles" and i have heard that some muslim country's actualy ban bibles? i don't understand this they are directly going against what mohhamed pbuh taught.

Teaching your kid's direct lies would ofcourse seem strange upon first look, for me personaly it isnt actualy a lie so this soesn't apply to me per se, but I have noticed some Atheists borrowing religious teachings to comfort the children in times of distress. now when i analyze the intention of this "lie" i find only the want of the parent to comfort the child and although i do not ever want to preach "Teaching lies it good" i must admit i think it is just the parent wanting the kid to be happy. and as a parent i cant appreciate the want to protect a child from anything that makes them sad.

Religion has been on the decline in America over the past 50 years with atheism on the rise over that period. An interesting series of plots would be to superimpose these rise and falls, with other data. For example, over that time acedemic achievement has declined. The amount and variety of case of STD's has risen. The social cost have risen drastically. The amount of divorce has risen. The number of children with various social disorders and attentions disorder has gone up, etc. This data tells us something about the atheist influence on the children.
Religion has been on the decline in America over the past 50 years with atheism on the rise over that period. An interesting series of plots would be to superimpose these rise and falls, with other data. For example, over that time acedemic achievement has declined. The amount and variety of case of STD's has risen. The social cost have risen drastically. The amount of divorce has risen. The number of children with various social disorders and attentions disorder has gone up, etc. This data tells us something about the atheist influence on the children.

Well god did say he will curse those unbelievers in terrible ways if they ever corrupt his children and cause mischief in the lands.
@ wellwisher
Your post tells us something about your lack of knowledge.
Sounds like a good thread but im talking about the probability of a Designer not a particular religion being correct, because i think most religions have truths.

The thread takes all such things into consideration and gathers them all in a very simple equation

Teaching your kid's direct lies would ofcourse seem strange upon first look, for me personaly it isnt actualy a lie so this soesn't apply to me per se, but I have noticed some Atheists borrowing religious teachings to comfort the children in times of distress. now when i analyze the intention of this "lie" i find only the want of the parent to comfort the child and although i do not ever want to preach "Teaching lies it good" i must admit i think it is just the parent wanting the kid to be happy. and as a parent i cant appreciate the want to protect a child from anything that makes them sad.

I believe them (the holy books) to be direct lies, so I won't teach my kids that they are probable.
I won't say something horrible like: "when you die you will be eaten by maggots until only your bones remain."
I would say what i believe to be true. That we simply cease to live and i will try to make them do thought exercises like: "Imagine nothingness" or "imagine infinity".
Religion has been on the decline in America over the past 50 years with atheism on the rise over that period. An interesting series of plots would be to superimpose these rise and falls, with other data. For example, over that time acedemic achievement has declined. The amount and variety of case of STD's has risen. The social cost have risen drastically. The amount of divorce has risen. The number of children with various social disorders and attentions disorder has gone up, etc. This data tells us something about the atheist influence on the children.

Also this:

The thread takes all such things into consideration and gathers them all in a very simple equation

I believe them (the holy books) to be direct lies, so I won't teach my kids that they are probable.
I won't say something horrible like: "when you die you will be eaten by maggots until only your bones remain."
I would say what i believe to be true. That we simply cease to live and i will try to make them do thought exercises like: "Imagine nothingness" or "imagine infinity".

Oh ok i will check the thread out.

I see, But do you atleast tell them that some people believe there is something called heaven?. Even if you say it in this kind of way "Some people think you live on, but I personaly don't think it is true."

Like i told you before unbeliever instead of just shouting "Your wrong" why dont you correct the guy and supply us with the correct statistics.

Present your stats

Thanks for asking.

Here's why it's wrong:

ScienceDaily (Feb. 24, 2010) — More intelligent people are statistically significantly more likely to exhibit social values and religious and political preferences that are novel to the human species in evolutionary history. Specifically, liberalism and atheism, and for men (but not women), preference for sexual exclusivity correlate with higher intelligence, a new study finds.
Oh ok i will check the thread out.

I see, But do you atleast tell them that some people believe there is something called heaven?. Even if you say it in this kind of way "Some people think you live on, but I personaly don't think it is true."


Don't worry. My kids will be plenty exposed to religion. My wife is christian. Raising kids I'm sure will be very in exciting in our house ;)
Who mentioned 2 posters?

Again you show you can't read.

My question was:

Post 490.
It's a simple question, it doesn't refer to posters, it doesn't ask for a quote from a post. It asks where you have heard this and would you please tell us.

Your answer therefore was dishonest since it didn't apply directly to the question asked (as you pointed out later).

How much do you squirm when confronted with a simple fallacy in your post.
