As an Atheist what do you teach kids?

This is how i know your just robotic and rely on numbers, I can look into the eyes of a little girl and gauge her happiness, you clone.

Get a room full of 6 year old, you offer them your promise of eternal deaath never seeing anyone ever again worms eating them and then game over finito. then i offer them The word of god and promise of heaven eternal paradise where they can do whatever they want and be rulers of there own worlds. where even the lowest person int he lowest heaven will get more than 10 times this earth and more than 10 times it's bounty's all for themselves.

See which one they choose. if we have them a chooice between the 2.

I'll offer them Pee-Wee's Playhouse and win every time.

No matter how nice it may feel
Life after death is a deal
That should be rejected
for as you suspected
Death, unlike god, is quite real
I refer you to my earlier comments:
it's not a "war against god" but rather

Fight? There's a fight? I've been wombling along taking it easy waiting for you to post something of substance.

Oh certainly. I've realised you're a blind bigot with an axe to grind. And insecure. Oh, and (mistakenly) overweeningly arrogant.

But you do insult god you called him a fairy tale and said he isnt real thats offensive, you also dont have respect for the prophets and you dont believe inthem, you dont respect and believe int he angels and the day of judgement or the decree and the good and evil that comes from it.

You have openly made fun of god and said all sorts of things about god over the years you know you have along with tons of other atheists on sciforums. some of you are waging war on gof, dontyou see what you do?, im not just saying oh look you do it and your bad for the sake of it, im asking you to stop it because i cant allow it not anymore i have to be on my deen 100%

I just want you to stop entering allt he religion threads and trying to put god down is that too much too ask?, stop insulting him and be more respectfull tot he prophets and messengers too and the holy people.

You dont have to go into allt hese religion threads and say these things allt he time, you can just leave religion alone until you learn more about it and haave a better respect for god.

But most importanly think of the children, please don't tellt hem such things they are only kids, dont tell them that there is no god and no heaven they dont like it even if you might not be able to tell right away it;s bad for them
Well, first, I'm definitely not a militant atheist(though technically I am an atheist soldier). Despite that, the only two positions that make sense to me are atheism and transcendental theism; and I don't believe in a literal afterlife or reincarnation. Second, I don't have any children, but am the oldest of 12 siblings and have lots of experience teaching children because of that. Also, nothing that I don't clearly state is implied unless it necessarily follows.
When they ask you what happens when you die what do you tell them?,.
I've told my younger brothers multiple times that what most likely happens is that the resources sustaining your body are redistributed into the environment. I've told them just as many times that nobody really knows and even that demons escape from your body and infect the people that love you with various hardships a few times. It really doesn't matter what you tell them. Kids are just like anyone else; they believe what they want for their own reasons.
do you tell them "well see here son when you die worms eat your dead shell and then you never exist again?."
or do you cop out and say "I don't know" (borrowing an agnostic teaching)
Sometimes, but atheism doesn't involve belief or disbelief in the literal afterlife. Granted, most atheists don't believe in an afterlife.
Or do you actualy have the nerve and audacity to steal religious teaching and (to your own understanding) Lie outrigfht to them and actualy try to teach them religious ways about heaven?.
I think if I had my own children, this is exactly what I'd do. It seems ideal to let children learn things on their own and encourage them to follow cultural trends, as long as it's not harmful. Even if it's a trend I don't personally participate in.
Or do you just hope they shut up and stop reminding you of your own death secretly that you deep down resent and hate to think about maybe?.
Of course. Everyone who I've ever met is like that despite their beliefs, as far as I can ascertain.
What comfort do you offer a child who lost her parents when she asks you what hapopened to mummy?
Comforting a child in that situation, if you must be cold and realistic should take place over time and should vary depending on the child you're trying to comfort, Just like when you try to comfort anyone else in any other tough situation.
Be Honest now Atheists and dont even try lying to me it''s better you just hide from my question and not even dare come into my arena and challenge my justice and morals.
As far as I can remember I liked your morals, mostly. You're very pro self-development, right?
are you man and woman enough to be honest and admit you lie to them and steal our teachings of an afterlife?
Everyone's stealing from someone, unless you make it up. Which happens more than you think.
or are you the bold kind who tells them how you really think it is?
is it wrong to do both.
you tellt hem how the worms will eat their lifeless shell while they enter into oblivion never to exist again? never to see anyone or open your eyes again?
Yes, that's why it's so important to be healthy and content.
And also that everything they influence will influence something else, and the that they influence something could potentially have a huge significance.
Well what say you? your space bar sticking?
But you do insult god you called him a fairy tale and said he isnt real thats offensive
To whom?

you also dont have respect for the prophets
And, one more time: you too are guilty of this. I'm just more consistent than you.

you dont respect and believe int he angels and the day of judgement or the decree and the good and evil that comes from it.
Why should I? Can you show they exist?

You have openly made fun of god and said all sorts of things about god over the years you know you have along with tons of other atheists on sciforums. some of you are waging war on gof, dontyou see what you do?
And you apparently can't see that I'm actually "waging war" on claims of god.

im not just saying oh look you do it and your bad for the sake of it, im asking you to stop it because i cant allow it not anymore i have to be on my deen 100%
You "can't allow it"? Tough.

I just want you to stop entering allt he religion threads and trying to put god down is that too much too ask?
Far too much.

be more respectfull tot he prophets and messengers too and the holy people.

You dont have to go into allt hese religion threads and say these things allt he time, you can just leave religion alone until you learn more about it and haave a better respect for god.
Learn more about it? Another assumption.

But most importanly think of the children, please don't tellt hem such things they are only kids, dont tell them that there is no god and no heaven they dont like it even if you might not be able to tell right away it;s bad for them
Bad for them?
Grow up. Get a life. Get some brains.
Please, this has been a contentious thread, but let me just offer some sincere praise for the teachings of the prophet. On the topic of comforting children, he advises:

He said, “Why, don’t you have a liking for the virgins and for fondling them?” Jabir also said: Allah’s Apostle said, “Why didn’t you marry a young girl so that you might play with her and she with you?’

‘A’isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported that Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) married her when she was seven years old, and he was taken to his house as a bride when she was nine, and her dolls were with her...
As we can plainly see, nothing comforts a young child like slipping her a big sausage. After you move her dolls out of the way.

Disclaimer: I do not personally believe that this is proper behavior. It is only to illustrate the absurdity of using the collected sayings of a self-righteous pedophile warlord as a guide to life.
Well, first, I'm definitely not a militant atheist(though technically I am an atheist soldier). Despite that, the only two positions that make sense to me are atheism and transcendental theism; and I don't believe in a literal afterlife or reincarnation. Second, I don't have any children, but am the oldest of 12 siblings and have lots of experience teaching children because of that. Also, nothing that I don't clearly state is implied unless it necessarily follows.
I've told my younger brothers multiple times that what most likely happens is that the resources sustaining your body are redistributed into the environment. I've told them just as many times that nobody really knows and even that demons escape from your body and infect the people that love you with various hardships a few times. It really doesn't matter what you tell them. Kids are just like anyone else; they believe what they want for their own reasons.

Sometimes, but atheism doesn't involve belief or disbelief in the literal afterlife. Granted, most atheists don't believe in an afterlife.
I think if I had my own children, this is exactly what I'd do. It seems ideal to let children learn things on their own and encourage them to follow cultural trends, as long as it's not harmful. Even if it's a trend I don't personally participate in.
Of course. Everyone who I've ever met is like that despite their beliefs, as far as I can ascertain.
Comforting a child in that situation, if you must be cold and realistic should take place over time and should vary depending on the child you're trying to comfort, Just like when you try to comfort anyone else in any other tough situation.
As far as I can remember I liked your morals, mostly. You're very pro self-development, right?

Everyone's stealing from someone, unless you make it up. Which happens more than you think.
. is it wrong to do both.
Yes, that's why it's so important to be healthy and content.
And also that everything they influence will influence something else, and the that they influence something could potentially have a huge significance. your space bar sticking?

I read your post I will reply in more detail another time I have to start getting ready it's already morning (again).

You take itnto consideration the people and how it effects them, even so much as to analyze the trickle down effect everyones actions has upont hem and then the people they effect and so on like domino's.

You don't teach them to try and install your personal beliefs. You would also teach your children of an after life even though you don't personaly have the faith and comfort it provides yet you understand it's value I think.

I don't think it's bad for an atheist to borrow religious teachings if they have good intentions upon teaching them to the children.

I focus on development, which i can surely say many here would suggest I might have even gone downhill because they see progression as based on their own perception and goals. I am trying to develop my Taqwa and righteousness mostly. I am growing less attatched to this dunya I have little care left for it even though i do appreciate the beauty but i want to be a part of infinity not just history.

Truley what does this world matter once every sentient being has passed on? there will be no memory for the atheist to live on inside, no history for people to read no nothing. Walk in this world as a stranger and forge your way towards infinity and paradise with trust in the unseen.

Im going to be late I have alot to do today, cya around.

And for the record to everyone else, Surely you have already lost the battle you lost before you even posted here you lost when your intentions were judged before you acted upon them.

Dyw im leaving you hanging because I don't like your attitude.

But you do insult god you called him a fairy tale and said he isnt real thats offensive, you also dont have respect for the prophets and you dont believe inthem, you dont respect and believe int he angels and the day of judgement or the decree and the good and evil that comes from it.

No we don't respect it, because it's a load of scare stories for goat herders. It's all made up bullshit.

It's the 21st century mate, time to let the silly myths go.

And go get a job.
You take itnto consideration the people and how it effects them, even so much as to analyze the trickle down effect everyones actions has upont hem and then the people they effect and so on like domino's.


How does my not telling my son there is a heaven affect other people?

You don't teach them to try and install your personal beliefs.
No. So why would I teach them to instill the beliefs of other people?

You would also teach your children of an after life even though you don't personaly have the faith and comfort it provides yet you understand it's value I think.
Comfort for whom?

Do you think it brings children comfort to speak to them of death and tell them they are going to a bright and happy place called heaven and where they can see God, etc? Who will that comfort more?

What value is there in teaching children in something one does not personally believe in?

Most importantly, why do I want to lie to my children? What values and morals am I passing onto them by openly lying to them about something they will know I am lying about?

I personally try to teach my children that honesty is important. So why would I want to undo all of that and lie to them and expect them to think or believe it is acceptable?

I don't think it's bad for an atheist to borrow religious teachings if they have good intentions upon teaching them to the children.
Which one?

What if I want to borrow a from a religion that believes little green men come and steal one's soul at night and take it away for medical experiments and that signals one's death, do you think that will bring comfort to my children at night when I turn off the light and shut the door?
And for the record to everyone else, Surely you have already lost the battle you lost before you even posted here you lost when your intentions were judged before you acted upon them.
And once again you use your own peculiar meaning of "lose".

Dyw im leaving you hanging because I don't like your attitude.
Fair enough. I never particularly liked yours.
But I note you have completely ignored my previous questions:
Think on this: if god is real and he made me then am I not as god intended? For some purpose? Am I not using my brain as he wishes?
If not does that mean that god is weaker than I?
Should I use this "god given" intellect in a manner contrary to to my natural inclination?
There are good aspects to "controlled untruths", in that they end before death.
They end when the child reaches a pivotal age when Santa Claus (example) is looked at in a different perspective. The old perspective is thrown out, but the mind mechanisms and brain pathways that were produced by supporting the old perspective, remain intact, and are beneficial for the adult brain.

Be inspired to give other perspectives at least a cursory inspection. Here's a hint: Devil worship and God worship have been found to be bunk perspectives.

A child WILL eventually see a body covered with worms, unless his "mommy" blindfolds him for a lifetime. But "natural human blindfolds" amongst the world's populations are another subject, aren't they.
I'm sure EFOC would also teach kids about ghosts, which is an insidious evil.

If there is a God who will damn his children forever, I would rather go to hell than to go to heaven and keep the society of such an infamous tyrant. I make my choice now. I despise that doctrine. It has covered the cheeks of this world with tears. It has polluted the hearts of children, and poisoned the imaginations of men…. What right have you, sir, Mr. clergyman, you, minister of the gospel to stand at the portals of the tomb, at the vestibule of eternity, and fill the future with horror and with fear? I do not believe this doctrine, neither do you. If you did, you could not sleep one moment. Any man who believes it, and has within his breast a decent, throbbing heart, will go insane. A man who believes that doctrine and does not go insane has the heart of a snake and the conscience of a hyena.
– Robert Green Ingersoll, “The Liberty Of All” (1877)​
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No we don't respect it, because it's a load of scare stories for goat herders. It's all made up bullshit.
That's a little insensitive. Besides, Mormonism isn't geared toward goat herders as far as I can tell. Some early cultures had no goats.
What value is there in teaching children in something one does not personally believe in?
To show them that you're not infallible. To promote open-mindedness.
You don't teach them to try and install your personal beliefs.
Incorrect. There are more subtle ways to teach than preaching doctrine. The value I treasure the most is critical thinking, because it opens the doors to everything else. You don't get that from someone telling you 'it's like this and no other way.' Besides, with this particular belief, there's a reasonable uncertainty.
Think on this: if god is real and he made me then am I not as god intended?
Maybe not. I made a birdhouse once when I was little, and cut the piece for the back all kinds of messed up. It ended up falling apart weeks later, which definitely wasn't my intention. I'm just kidding though, I know you meant an omnimax god.
If not does that mean that god is weaker than I?
No. Maybe god doesn't need to control you. Non-dominance doesn't equal submissiveness, and submissiveness isn't necessarily equal to weakness. Observe the courtier or the left-wing politician(j/k on the last one).
Maybe not. I made a birdhouse once when I was little, and cut the piece for the back all kinds of messed up. It ended up falling apart weeks later, which definitely wasn't my intention.
That explains so much of my life! :D

How does my not telling my son there is a heaven affect other people?

No. So why would I teach them to instill the beliefs of other people?

Comfort for whom?

Do you think it brings children comfort to speak to them of death and tell them they are going to a bright and happy place called heaven and where they can see God, etc? Who will that comfort more?

What value is there in teaching children in something one does not personally believe in?

Most importantly, why do I want to lie to my children? What values and morals am I passing onto them by openly lying to them about something they will know I am lying about?

I personally try to teach my children that honesty is important. So why would I want to undo all of that and lie to them and expect them to think or believe it is acceptable?

Which one?

What if I want to borrow a from a religion that believes little green men come and steal one's soul at night and take it away for medical experiments and that signals one's death, do you think that will bring comfort to my children at night when I turn off the light and shut the door?

Don't let your heart become hard Bells, remember what you feel when you look up at the night sky (yes i do remember).

I was refering to a trickle down effect, for example a family tree, you have the grandfather, he then teaches his children that god is a fairy tale, which his children then taught to their children and it goes on and on down the line. Like you can get an entire "Racist family" alot of the time it is because the elders of the family preached racist to the young ones, who then grew up preaching racism to the even younger ones and then before you know it BANG you have 5 generations of Racist Bigots who all join the BNP.

Not everyone is going to follow the traits of the father ofcourse this is true, i might teach a child about god and they totaly reject it when they are say 14, this canot be avoided and ofcourse each man or woman to his or her own people will make their own mind up sooner or later. but the start in life you give a child is very important. for instance you might have a very giften child who is obviously born with talents and prowess. do you nurture his gifts? or do you ignore tham and not give him learning material. If you have a natural born intelligent minded person but neglect to gice him any form of learning sources his brilliance surely will start to diminish. Your start in life does matter alot regardless if you are a genius or a layman.

If you only teach your children what you personaly believe in then you are preaching personal belief to them, See I admit i preach to children where an atheist would deny it fiercely and say "but its the truth im teaching" the exact same answer a theist would give "But it's the truth i teach them"

I am not speaking out against teaching them that you don't knowif you teach your child many different possible ways of thinking this surely is the way to go. You can teach them that you personaly do not think god is real, you personaly don't think heaven and an afterlife is real, but you should say "but lots of other people think it is real" ?It's all about giving your child choices and options.

See Im a muslim but as much as many people don't want to believe me my Daughter is a christian for now. I am letting her be taugfht christianity because i dont object to her having options and making her own mind up when she gets older, plus i have faith that she will after learning islam come to understand this is the truth. But im not forcing islam upon her i made a decision and it went like this "Ok loading her brain at this young age with tons of detailed conflicitng beliefs is most likely going to confuse her, so i will allow them to teach her christianity, and when she is older in a few years i will show her what I believe and explain to her my logic for concluding this as truth and that as false"

Im not saying run up to your kids and say "your gonna die!!!" No no never, Im saying when your child understands death then you explain to them, when they come to you and ask questions about death this is when you apply my statements. if she is blissfully un-aware of death then leave her in her innocent state of existence until she comes to understand that yes people do die. I have family members who do not know what death is they are babies basicaly and i would never teach them about death before they even questioned it for themselves.

Incorrect. There are more subtle ways to teach than preaching doctrine. The value I treasure the most is critical thinking, because it opens the doors to everything else. You don't get that from someone telling you 'it's like this and no other way.' Besides, with this particular belief, there's a reasonable uncertainty.

Yes you are right you don't have to lay down doctrine and scripture and "Sith lord style Absolutes" I can't argue with letting them blossom and just offering them "What if's" In the end we will all make our own mind up about what is true and what isn't this is why we have converts and reverts, and this is why some people lose faith and leave religion it is evident.

Giving your child options is important though and letting them know "There are other beliefs other than my own" is good.

My argument is that teaching your child "There is no heaven and there is no god" especially at a young age when they are asking questions about mortality and life has negative effects on the child's emotional state and his or her security and comfort levels.

If you only teach your children what you personaly believe in then you are preaching personal belief to them, See I admit i preach to children where an atheist would deny it fiercely and say "but its the truth im teaching" the exact same answer a theist would give "But it's the truth i teach them"

So you admit you are preaching your belief, as you believe it to be true. OK, fine.
I'm sure many atheists do that too.

So why are you having a go at people (atheists) who do teach their kids about death in the scientific sense? Or do you just want them to admit they are teaching their personal beliefs?