As an Atheist what do you teach kids?

Like i told you before unbeliever instead of just shouting "Your wrong" why dont you correct the guy and supply us with the correct statistics.
Present your stats

Oh dear.
Another failure to read.
Regardless of the statistics it's unreasonable to assign all the consequences that wellwisher did to a single cause.
It's also unscientific and irrational.
Unless he/ she can show, in any way, that "atheism" is the actual cause of those statistics then he/ she is just blowing smoke.

For example, I believe (and I'm open to correction) that in the USA most unmarried teen pregnancies are in the "bible belt". If this is the case how is "atheism" to blame?

There's a well-known saying, maybe you and he/ she should read up:
Correlation does not imply causation.

Then again, maybe you also subscribe to the Flying Spaghetti Monster credo that the fall in the number of pirates is directly responsible for the rise in global temperatures. Who knows what idiots think?
Also wrong.
I asked a question: you didn't answer that question, but gave a misleading answer.
A dishonest one.

I don't have to just answer the direct point i can add anything i feel relevant to the post, if you then read into my words in a way i did not intend them that's your fault not mine.
Oh dear.
Another failure to read.
Regardless of the statistics it's unreasonable to assign all the consequences that wellwisher did to a single cause.
It's also unscientific and irrational.
Unless he/ she can show, in any way, that "atheism" is the actual cause of those statistics then he/ she is just blowing smoke.

For example, I believe (and I'm open to correction) that in the USA most unmarried teen pregnancies are in the "bible belt". If this is the case how is "atheism" to blame?

There's a well-known saying, maybe you and he/ she should read up:
Correlation does not imply causation.

Then again, maybe you also subscribe to the Flying Spaghetti Monster credo that the fall in the number of pirates is directly responsible for the rise in global temperatures. Who knows what idiots think?

I don't see you offering any statistical evidence to back up your Refute on WellWishers point.
Iif you then read into my words in a way i did not intend them that's your fault not mine.
Also wrong. Again.
I asked a particular question: - Where have you heard this?
You answered a different one: - Two posters on the forum haven't said this.
I don't see you offering any statistical evidence to back up your Refute on WellWishers point.
One more time:
Another failure to read.
Regardless of the statistics it's unreasonable to assign all the consequences that wellwisher did to a single cause.
It's also unscientific and irrational.
Unless he/ she can show, in any way, that "atheism" is the actual cause of those statistics then he/ she is just blowing smoke.

It doesn't matter what the statistics are.
It has to be shown that there is a link between those statistics. Unless, and until, that link is shown (and proven) then there is no direct link between the rise in atheism and whatever statistic wellwisher puts forward.
The one is NOT the cause of the others.
I will ask you again where did i say i have never encoutered this?
You didn't, apparently.
I asked that question and you replied with "I saif "If you teach your kids this" When did i Say You or He said this?" (Post 492)
Which, as it turns out was NOT the answer to the question I asked.
Although, since it WAS the only reply you bothered to make I assumed it was until you later admitted that you hadn't actually answered the question I asked.
One more time:
Another failure to read.
Regardless of the statistics it's unreasonable to assign all the consequences that wellwisher did to a single cause.
It's also unscientific and irrational.
Unless he/ she can show, in any way, that "atheism" is the actual cause of those statistics then he/ she is just blowing smoke.

It doesn't matter what the statistics are.
It has to be shown that there is a link between those statistics. Unless, and until, that link is shown (and proven) then there is no direct link between the rise in atheism and whatever statistic wellwisher puts forward.
The one is NOT the cause of the others.

As far as i read WellWisher said "the stats are interesting"

He did not state they are factualy linked or that they 100% prove anything he just simple put forth something to consider and look into.
Are we sure this is the most comforting message we can tell kids? Why not tell them their dead loved ones become gods themselves? Or that they are still around but become invisible?
You didn't, apparently.
I asked that question and you replied with "I saif "If you teach your kids this" When did i Say You or He said this?" (Post 492)
Which, as it turns out was NOT the answer to the question I asked.
Although, since it WAS the only reply you bothered to make I assumed it was until you later admitted that you hadn't actually answered the question I asked.

Ok then,

Now for the record I have seen Atheists say to children "There is no heaven"
As far as i read WellWisher said "the stats are interesting"

He did not state they are factualy linked or that they 100% prove anything he just simple put forth something to consider and look into.
Then you didn't read far enough:
wellwisher said:
This data tells us something about the atheist influence on the children.
Preferably i won't have to tell them any of the above.
Also it would be situational. If my child is crying because it is scared of hell i would tell it, there is no hell, to comfort it. If my child starts asking questions about it without being sad but out of curiousity I would tell it because I don't believe it, but explain that some people believe in it.