As an Atheist what do you teach kids?

You will pay for your injustice int his world i hope you realize this. ont he day of judgement you will wish you didn't exist. You openly support abortion, teaching kids there is no hope for heaven and support the words of this man. your a scumbag

Spidergoat is not a "scumbag" due to what he knows. Judgement days, etc. are suppositions.

I would teach kids not to torture each other, and do all fine things, etc., plus to be very wary of myth.

An ultimate Being or even any old being as elemental is impossible.
Did you hear what the man said to a little innocent girl? he bluntly said "Granny is dead and she aint comming back" that was his "Best of his modern knowledge"

What of it? I don't find anything wrong with that statement. To the best of his modern knowledge and the best of modern academic knowledge of the human society, what he said is a hundred percent true.

Dude, have you even met the man's family?

( hopefully ) As a parent, he weighted and judged the situation before hand as to not psychological harm his child.

And your a christian supporting telling kids there is no heaven what kind of christian are you?

Youmight aswell be an Atheist if you support teacing our little children those harsh cold and blunt words.

When somebody has suffered loss you dont turn around and say "They are dead and not comming back"

I don't care who you are or what you believe this is not what you say to a little child who is confused and just had a family member die.

I dont even believe you are a true believer in god, how can a true believer in god promote telling our children such things. you know what this reminds me of...

The Christian Crusaders and the Mujahadeen fighters...not to count the witch hunts and such...
You will pay for your injustice int his world i hope you realize this. ont he day of judgement you will wish you didn't exist. You openly support abortion, teaching kids there is no hope for heaven and support the words of this man. your a scumbag

Dude...what you said JUST NOW belong to words of extremists in the past...every post I am beginning to know more of your character.

"To kill an infidel is not a sin, it is the path to heaven," DOES THAT SOUND FAMILIAR TO YOU?
Nope. Agnosticism is a stance on the "knowability" of god, not his existence. One can be an agnostic theist or an agnostic atheist.

So you're still playing ignorant.

Why should I introduce concepts that cannot be shown have any truth to them? What's a soul?

Because as far we know and as far as the evidence goes it is true that you die and never come back.

It's a possibility? Really?
How do you know? Oh, that's right. You don't know. You just subscribe to a belief with no evidence.
If I gave her all the "possibilities" should I have mentioned vampires? Zombies? "Uh, yeah, there's a slim chance your grandma will be floating in mid air and knocking on your bedroom window in the middle of the night. If this happens don't open the window and let her in. Here's a wooden stake, just in case."

Wrong. I gave her the known facts.

So what? Do they have any evidence? Any at all?

There is no "atheist school of thought".
Do try to learn at least something.

Your asking for proof of possibility thats F stupid, how can you even have a proof for a possibility? There is a real possibility that even the atheist cannot deny exists.

Your saying there is no possibility of heaven or god

Your teaching the children of this world your own personal beliefs.

You wont even tell her a simple possibility to give her hope you don't have a heart and the way you even said it was just cruel why didnt you even word it better or try to add any variables of possible things that could exist just for the sake of her happiness and future.

More like you don't like religion and you wanted to keep her away from it, you wanted her to become atheist admit it you wretch of a man.

You didn;t want her to believe in god you purposely tried to make her an atheist and you told the girl in your own words "Your granny is dead and she aint comming back"

Do you have any idea how this sounds? to a little child a new child who is innocent to this world. You told her cold words with no regard for her as a seperate person.

Your intentions were not to comfort her they were to install atheism in her brain.

Tell me is she an atheist now? did you succeed in making her an atheist? Or inshallah did she find the light and become a believer later on?
OD, correct me if I said anything wrong or misinterpreted your posts. I don't want to force words in your mouth.
You seem to have pretty much got it. Except that it wasn't my child. Her parents agreed with me though. (They'd already gone through it - the kid just wanted a "second opinion").
Yes, later, years later, I may well (had I still been in contact) have explained religion etc: and given to the best of my knowledge their various positions. And then left it up to the child to decide.
But "heaven". Right... after hamsters, tortoises, a rabbit, a cat etc. death was "common".
The child wasn't stupid (for a given value of stupid), I saw no reason to introduce factors that would confuse her further.

Like Spidergoat pointed out: grandma being dead is easier than "grandma's in heaven and she's not coming to see you anymore" brings in "Why doesn't she want to see me? Doesn't she love me anymore?" etc.
There is a real possibility that even the atheist cannot deny exists.
A "real possibility"?
How do you know? What separates a "real possibility" from, say, a "less than real" one? Or an "unreal" one?

Your saying there is no possibility of heaven or god
No. I'm saying that to the best of our knowledge there is no evidence. Despite 2,000 years of claims.

Your teaching the children of this world your own personal beliefs.
You wont even tell her a simple possibility to give her hope you don't have a heart and the way you even said it was just cruel why didnt you even word it better or try to add any variables of possible things that could exist just for the sake of her happiness and future.

More like you don't like religion and you wanted to keep her away from it, you wanted her to become atheist admit it you wretch of a man.

You didn;t want her to believe in god you purposely tried to make her an atheist and you told the girl in your own words "Your granny is dead and she aint comming back"

Do you have any idea how this sounds? to a little child a new child who is innocent to this world. You told her cold words with no regard for her as a seperate person.

Your intentions were not to comfort her they were to install atheism in her brain.
And you are still clueless.

Tell me is she an atheist now? did you succeed in making her an atheist? Or inshallah did she find the light and become a believer later on?
And you're also forgetful. Remember I said "dunno"?
You seem to have pretty much got it. Except that it wasn't my child. Her parents agreed with me though. (They'd already gone through it - the kid just wanted a "second opinion").
Yes, later, years later, I may well (had I still been in contact) have explained religion etc: and given to the best of my knowledge their various positions. And then left it up to the child to decide.
But "heaven". Right... after hamsters, tortoises, a rabbit, a cat etc. death was "common".
The child wasn't stupid (for a given value of stupid), I saw no reason to introduce factors that would confuse her further.

Oh...I thought it was your child. However, her parents agreed to it.

Like I always say: There is never wrong with learning and obtaining knowledge and having a second opinion.

Even if that opinion doesn't agree with yours, you can still learn in many different ways.

Even if in the extreme case scenario ( sorry D, you are the subject of this discussion, I am going to use you as an example, no offense and this is just purely hypothetical and figment of my mind ):

D is a psychotic killer, she can still learn how NOT to act...

Like Spidergoat pointed out: grandma being dead is easier than "grandma's in heaven and she's not coming to see you anymore" brings in "Why doesn't she want to see me? Doesn't she love me anymore?" etc.

I agree that theism is best to be introduced at an older more mature age and when the child will have a clear view and full knowledge of at least his/her own path.
Tell me is she an atheist now? did you succeed in making her an atheist? Or inshallah did she find the light and become a believer later on?

Dude, he can't MAKE the child atheist, the decision belongs to her and her alone, he might have influenced it in a way, but she chose it in the end if anything.
Dude...what you said JUST NOW belong to words of extremists in the past...every post I am beginning to know more of your character.

"To kill an infidel is not a sin, it is the path to heaven," DOES THAT SOUND FAMILIAR TO YOU?

Yeah it sounds familiar, and i follow islam fully im on my Deen call me whatever hard liner fundementalist i dont care, I am a muslim and who said there was a difference between a moderate and a hard liner? more like moderates aint on their deen properly. and they dont want to fight for islam. but each muslim is his own man and they are entitled to act upon whatever they act upon they are free to do what they want i aint going to force them to fight my personal jihads,

Allah sends soldiers to this world and we are needed, I was built for war and i accept that fact, each man was given his own mission and his own path. Maybe some of my brothers were sent down to be great family men, maybe some were sent down to be great callers to prayer some were sent down to be Imams, Some are sent down to destroy the enemies of god.

This is an internet forum and all im using is words and i condemn your beliefs and that mans actions and im speaking out against teaching the children of this world to be iNon believers.

If somebody tells you they are a "moderate muslim" they are talking crap theres no such thing we are all muslims all equal and we all fight for islam in our own way. be it fighting with words, with taking care of the muslim land and the muslim people as a family guy or being out there on the frontlines fighting off the invaders.

If your iman is high and you truly believe in god and his messengers why the damn are you promoting teaching our kids to be atheists.
Dude, he can't MAKE the child atheist, the decision belongs to her and her alone, he might have influenced it in a way, but she chose it in the end if anything.

If you teach a little girl atheism and not religion chances of her being religious compared to atheist in her young life are what?

Your saying atheists brred muslims and muslims breed atheists? get real
Umm...I see...
"FBI, how may I help you?"
"Yeah, check this might find it...interesting..."
jks bro
It was an occasion when a young lady persisted in expressing a deep interest in me (and I was strictly single and disenchanted with dating at the time).
Rather than be offensive I tried to make light of it and suggested that she didn't want to get to know me any better because I was an axe-murderer.
Unfortunately her reply was "Ooh! Can I see your axe?"
I had to tell her it was at the dry cleaner's to get the blood stains out... :bawl:
Do you even know what Jihad means or have you been watching too much FOX news, Jihad is an honourable thing and ther eisnt just 1 type of Jihad I am doing somethign called "personal Jihad" right now and you might want to research what that means,

PS it has nothign to do with bombs and blowing people up before you get your american brain in a twist
Oh shut up and read the post he quoted. It's nothing to do with you.
Yeah it sounds familiar, and i follow islam fully im on my Deen call me whatever hard liner fundementalist i dont care, I am a muslim and who said there was a difference between a moderate and a hard liner? more like moderates aint on their deen properly. and they dont want to fight for islam. but each muslim is his own man and they are entitled to act upon whatever they act upon they are free to do what they want i aint going to force them to fight my personal jihads,

Allah sends soldiers to this world and we are needed, I was built for war and i accept that fact, each man was given his own mission and his own path. Maybe some of my brothers were sent down to be great family men, maybe some were sent down to be great callers to prayer some were sent down to be Imams, Some are sent down to destroy the enemies of god.

This is an internet forum and all im using is words and i condemn your beliefs and that mans actions and im speaking out against teaching the children of this world to be iNon believers.

If somebody tells you they are a "moderate muslim" they are talking crap theres no such thing we are all muslims all equal and we all fight for islam in our own way. be it fighting with words, with taking care of the muslim land and the muslim people as a family guy or being out there on the frontlines fighting off the invaders.

If your iman is high and you truly believe in god and his messengers why the damn are you promoting teaching our kids to be atheists.

You just don't get it: I am promoting education of the best academic knowledge this society has to offer and education of every single aspect.

That is a prerequisite before diving into deeper aspects in my personal opinion. I am sure D can leave that up to her parents. What, did you expect D to be her personal tutor or something?

I believe in support for education in all aspects and all fields. Education is what is NECESSARY to live a healthy, successful and wise lives and the ability to make decisions for oneself, whatever it might be.

What do you want? Us to bring back Index Librorum Prohibitorum and the Holy Crusades?

Do you know what you SOUND LIKE right now?

The Knights Templar, the Teutonic Knights, Pope Gregory VII...
It was an occasion when a young lady persisted in expressing a deep interest in me (and I was strictly single and disenchanted with dating at the time).
Rather than be offensive I tried to make light of it and suggested that she didn't want to get to know me any better because I was an axe-murderer.
Unfortunately her reply was "Ooh! Can I see your axe?"
I had to tell her it was at the dry cleaner's to get the blood stains out... :bawl:


Unless she was below your standards and is anything but attractive, there is no call for that?

Do you know how I do it? I humor them with a date and see.