As an Atheist what do you teach kids?

So it's better, given the medical knowledge we have now, to carry to term a baby that will have a difficult and shortened life, possibly in pain, than to end it long before they are conscious of that suffering?

Down syndrome is mild compared to some ailments. Would you want someone to carry to full term a Harlequin baby? Not even going to post the pics they're so disturbing.

I don't know what a harlequin baby is so you will have to give me an example.

and no i would never kill any person no matter what unless i was fighting a war and was engaged in the heat of battle. I don't give judgement on little children and decide which ones are "worthy" of life and which ones deserve death.
Are you trying to debate god's existence with me still? and trying to say he doens't exist because bad things happen?

I'm saying if there were a god who is looking down at these things with satisfaction, that's a wicked thing from whom I have no place in my heart. I'm glad there isn't any evidence for it. Nothing in heaven can make up for the suffering on Earth that some experience.
Yeah i have noticed except they are not so magical when you type them ont he forums
That would be because I tend to associate with more rational people in real life.

So basicaly you told the girl gramma was dead and never comming back and that was it? she was happy afterwards and never asked anything else?
Nope. There were questions later. E.g. "Like what happened to my hamster? Is grandma buried in the garden?" etc.

Did you ask her how she felt about it?
I think you have internalized values created by a certain religion, that only a certain religion can fulfill. Why is a child supposed to feel better knowing a parent is alive in a manner of speaking, but can't see them, vs. knowing they can't see them because they are no more? I think I would have more comfort knowing that my parent was gone because they were rotting in the ground, rather than thinking they were still around somewhere and refused to see me.

Do you really not understand how believers think?. they will meet them in heaven, you will see your family and all your friends in heaven.

Why would a child feel better knowing a prent is alive? do you really have to ask this? So you would feel better if i went and killed your parents? instead of knowing they are alive and not murdered?

What exactly are you saying children are better off away from their parents knowing they are dead?
That would be because I tend to associate with more rational people in real life.

Nope. There were questions later. E.g. "Like what happened to my hamster? Is grandma buried in the garden?" etc.


And how did she feel about this? what does she believe now? is she an atheist now? did you contribute to her being an atheist? or secure her convictions that atheism is the truth.

You atill work under the impression that you know for a fact there is no god and there is no after life. you dont say "there could be a god i dont know~" you actualy say there isnt a god and there isnt an afterlife what makes you any different to a theist then who claims he knows there is a god and there is ana fterlife.

Was she happy afterwards? did you ask her if she is happy with her own future death and the fact that she will no longer ever exist again? what follow up questions did you ask her to ensure her well being and security and peace of mind.
I'm saying if there were a god who is looking down at these things with satisfaction, that's a wicked thing from whom I have no place in my heart. I'm glad there isn't any evidence for it. Nothing in heaven can make up for the suffering on Earth that some experience.

In heaven there is no suffering and every pain you ever knew will be erased. how will you even be bothered about any previous suffering when you have been cleansed of all pain and traces of hardship fromt his dunya.
You have no way of knowing this.

Then don't talk to me about heaven and god unless you want a theists opinion about it. go talk to your atheists about whatever it is you like to discuss maybe?

Who talks to a muslim man about god and heaven then expects him not to talk about god and heaven
And how did she feel about this? what does she believe now? is she an atheist now? did you contribute to her being an atheist? or secure her convictions that atheism is the truth.

You atill work under the impression that you know for a fact there is no god and there is no after life.
Nope. This is your assumption.

you dont say "there could be a god i dont know~" you actualy say there isnt a god and there isnt an afterlife what makes you any different to a theist then who claims he knows there is a god and there is ana fterlife.
Wrong again. Stop assuming.

Was she happy afterwards?
She didn't seem bothered. Kids tend not to. They're resilient.

did you ask her if she is happy with her own future death and the fact that she will no longer ever exist again?
Non-sequitur questions.
These are for later. WTF do you think teenage angst is for? Or a mid-life crisis?

Nope. This is your assumption.

Wrong again. Stop assuming.

She didn't seem bothered. Kids tend not to. They're resilient.

Non-sequitur questions.
These are for later. WTF do you think teenage angst is for? Or a mid-life crisis?

Correct my assumption then and refute it it with an explanation.

"She wasn't bothered Kid's are resiliant"

wow, you really thinka little kid can burden what an adult can? you think they are all grown up and can handle everything without being effected?

How do you know what she is feeling deep down, you do know kid's hide their true feelings sometimes and can bottle it up? what do you think happened to allt he goth kids and emo type kids who are aalways down and depressed?

You said you "dunno" but you assume deep inside she was just fine and dandy.

You are saying you want the kids to basicaly keep everything inside and then have a midlife crisis. Midlife Crisis is some atheist term, ask a muslim about his "midlife crisis" what will they say

Alhamdulilah im fine.

You really think all theists go through the same mid-life crisis that atheists go through? have you ever asked different kind's of theists about this or got any of their opinions.

Ok go and ask Shadow1 about his midlife crisis and watch the reply you get.

Ask me what crisis i will have about my "mid life"

Alhamdulilah alhamdulilah and on my death bed i will say Alhamdulilah!
As an atheist, I mostly teach my kids about how to sell drugs, kidnap and sacrifice religious children, and how to determine the doneness of a steak without using a thermometer. Oh, and backgammon.
Correct my assumption then and refute it it with an explanation.
As I have pointed out before I have not claimed that "god does not exist". I have stated that there's no evidence for him.

wow, you really thinka little kid can burden what an adult can? you think they are all grown up and can handle everything without being effected?
Other things occupy them. What's on TV? Where's the cat? What's for dinner?

How do you know what she is feeling deep down, you do know kid's hide their true feelings sometimes and can bottle it up?
Ah, so you're claiming you do know?

what do you think happened to allt he goth kids and emo type kids who are aalways down and depressed?
Ha ha ha. Goths and emos are always down and depressed? Right. That must be why they're such good company on a night out. :rolleyes:

You said you "dunno" but you assume deep inside she was just fine and dandy.
No. I said "dunno" because I don't know. Haven't seen her for a few years.

You are saying you want the kids to basicaly keep everything inside and then have a midlife crisis.
No. Learn to read.

Midlife Crisis is some atheist term
No it isn't.

You really think all theists go through the same mid-life crisis that atheists go through? have you ever asked different kind's of theists about this or got any of their opinions.
Ah, right.
Maybe you're unaware of the concept of irony.
Then don't talk to me about heaven and god unless you want a theists opinion about it. go talk to your atheists about whatever it is you like to discuss maybe?

Who talks to a muslim man about god and heaven then expects him not to talk about god and heaven

Indeed. We could not think more differently on the subject. I don't think it's good to teach ideas merely because they comfort us, since what is comforting is often not true.

You seem to think that comfort is the highest concern over truth, (and by the way isn't it good that we also think it's true). I think the human appeal of an idea makes it's truth rather questionable, especially when there is no reliable evidence to back it up.

Appealing to the needs of children to be comforted is an appeal to the lowest level of human intellect. People would do anything to comfort the weakest among us. Even if I thought a child would die tomorrow of cancer and it might be ok to lie to them, it's no way to live your life, and no way to raise most children who have to integrate these things into their worldview.
As I have pointed out before I have not claimed that "god does not exist". I have stated that there's no evidence for him.

Other things occupy them. What's on TV? Where's the cat? What's for dinner?

Ah, so you're claiming you do know?

Ha ha ha. Goths and emos are always down and depressed? Right. That must be why they're such good company on a night out. :rolleyes:

No. I said "dunno" because I don't know. Haven't seen her for a few years.

No. Learn to read.

No it isn't.

Ah, right.
Maybe you're unaware of the concept of irony.

So if you dont know if the afterlife is true or not why didnt you teach the girl this? why didnt you tell her "she might be in heaven" and "You might see her again" instead of just saying Grandma is dead and she aint comming back"

You said you never told her anything else regarding god and the afterlife. so if you are an agnostic why did you say so bluntly shes dead wont come back, (Wont see her again?) you said you didnt ask follow up questions.

I know plenty of goths and they are not a "barrel of laughs" yeah they might crack some jokes but deep down they are usualy very dark people who obsess about blackness and death in a bad and depressing way.

Some emo's are different but the goths i know surely are not a cheery bunch of people.

Yes i claim i know.
Indeed. We could not think more differently on the subject. I don't think it's good to teach ideas merely because they comfort us, since what is comforting is often not true.

You seem to think that comfort is the highest concern over truth, (and by the way isn't it good that we also think it's true). I think the human appeal of an idea makes it's truth rather questionable, especially when there is no reliable evidence to back it up.

Appealing to the needs of children to be comforted is an appeal to the lowest level of human intellect. People would do anything to comfort the weakest among us. Even if I thought a child would die tomorrow of cancer and it might be ok to lie to them, it's no way to live your life, and no way to raise most children who have to integrate these things into their worldview.

When you have children and or if you ever have a little cjhild crying in your arms, you tell yourself truth matters more than dying those tears.

Any parents reading this thread are just going to be shaking there heads at you right now,

So if you dont know if the afterlife is true or not why didnt you teach the girl this? why didnt you tell her "she might be in heaven" and "You might see her again" instead of just saying Grandma is dead and she aint comming back"
I wonder if it could possibly have anything to do with the fact that we have no evidence of heaven, no evidence of "seeing people again" and lots of evidence that people don't come back? What do you think?

You said you never told her anything else regarding god and the afterlife. so if you are an agnostic why did you say so bluntly shes dead wont come back, (Wont see her again?) you said you didnt ask follow up questions.
Because I'm not agnostic. I'm an atheist. I don't believe in god.

I know plenty of goths and they are not a "barrel of laughs" yeah they might crack some jokes but deep down they are usualy very dark people who obsess about blackness and death in a bad and depressing way.
In your experience. Not mine.

Some emo's are different but the goths i know surely are not a cheery bunch of people.
Maybe it's you that's depressing them.

Yes i claim i know.
Right. One more bullshit claim from you.
If you would tell a healthy child anything to stop their crying, I think that makes you a bad parent. If you just happen to believe in an afterlife too, then it's natural to share that belief.

I'm not going to tell a child there is no god, they have to make up their own mind about that. I would tell them I don't think there is one, but some people do think there is one, and other people think there are many, that everything has a spirit. At least then they will be free to make up their own minds (or not).