As an Atheist what do you teach kids?

How do you know it's the "straight path"?
How do you know it's the "one true god"?

Keep that in mind.

Ah you see: I don't "openly mock believers"*. I do, however, make an effort to mock those who claim to be the sole arbiters of truth.
As for insulting prophets and religions, have you not done exactly the same to "prophets and religions" that you don't agree with?

Think on this: if god is real and he made me then am I not as god intended? For some purpose? Am I not using my brain as he wishes?
If not does that mean that god is weaker than I?
Should I use this "god given" intellect in a manner contrary to to my natural inclination?

* For confirmation just take a look at the number of theists on my friends list.

You do openly mock believers and you even openly mock god and call him fake and say he is a fairy tale ive seen you do it many times so have other people seen you mock the religious and what we believe in, but everyone here is so PC in a bias way that you guys are allowed to mock us openly and diss us, and when any of you are called the K word you get us banned like little snitches.

2 muslims got banned for using a word than im not even allowed to utter here. you are free to mock God himself but when i call you guys the K word I get banned?

it is openly acceptable to insult religion on sciforums and the religious get banned for calling you guys "unbelievers".

You know full well that you have insulted god many times openly you have also insulted the prophets and the messengers. you requently stalk religious threads and just mock people and make fun of them, not just you many atheists here do this and your scumbags for insulting holy men.

I dion't care how many "so called theists" are on your friends lists, God teaches them not to make friends of the unbelievers so If they truly are believers why are they making friends with the non believers? don't sound like they listen to god to me. sounds liek they pay lip service to him.
Woah, woah. Isn't it implied that peace be unto all mankind as they are children of the Lord?

Jesus is not a prophet in my religion, I believe he is the Son of God. You are asserting your religion before other's again...

What? Would you be happy if I said,

"In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen," After each post?

God has no son, you think god has sex? that is an animal act. your sayign god has a son? so what that makes the holy ghost his wife? instafuallah

He has Creations not Begotten sons.

How is god the son the father and the holy ghost at the same time, that's a divided house, god is one and self sufficient. do you not read the torah? he explained his oneness in the torah and in the dead sea scrolls and in the quran. your gospels are currupted and are the only scripture that has this Shirk of polytheism.

Abrahamic Monotheist and you claim that the god of abraham is 3? you are a polytheist not a monotheist and that is a sin. Yes im comparing our religions and im debating them with you right now.
You do openly mock believers
Ho hum.
Certain believers.

and you even openly mock god and call him fake and say he is a fairy tale ive seen you do it many times so have other people seen you mock the religious and what we believe in, but everyone here is so PC in a bias way that you guys are allowed to mock us openly and diss us, and when any of you are called the K word you get us banned like little snitches.
I see you didn't actually read my post.
How do YOU justify your mocking of prophets and religions you don't believe in?

you are free to mock God himself but when i call you guys the K word I get banned?
Could that because god hasn't been shown to be real but posters on this forum are?

you requently stalk religious threads

I dion't care how many "so called theists" are on your friends lists, God teaches them not to make friends of the unbelievers so If they truly are believers why are they making friends with the non believers? don't sound like they listen to god to me. sounds liek they pay lip service to him.
Ah right. "No true Scotsman". I get it.
Or maybe those people have a particular quality called "tolerance".
I dunno, it's a strange world...

By the way, haven't you admitted to having atheist friends in real life?
Lip service works, I see. And hypocrisy.
You are pressing your beliefs on others again. You can present your beliefs and leave the deciding to them.

Pressuring? why do you feel threaterned n your faith little girl?

Why shoultn your religion be tested? if yours is true then you have no trouble debating it with me i have a good knowledge of your book (gospel right) lets debate.
How is god the son the father and the holy ghost at the same time, that's a divided house, god is one and self sufficient. do you not read the torah? he explained his oneness in the torah and in the dead sea scrolls and in the quran. your gospels are currupted and are the only scripture that has this Shirk of polytheism.

The Trinity...they are SEPARATE but with one PURPOSE...


Learn about other people's religions before you start bashing them, no...even then you shouldn't bash them.

All this time you didn't know about my religion?

You don't know how much I am pushing myself to use language of polite society, you don't know how hard I am trying to be polite.
Pressuring? why do you feel threaterned n your faith little girl?

Press, not pressuring, get the terms right first.

Why shoultn your religion be tested? if yours is true then you have no trouble debating it with me i have a good knowledge of your book (gospel right) lets debate.

You seem to be an extremist and have total disregard for other cultures and beliefs, and you lack understanding of them.

My religion have already been tested by blood thank you very much.
Ho hum.
Certain believers.

I see you didn't actually read my post.
How do YOU justify your mocking of prophets and religions you don't believe in?

Could that because god hasn't been shown to be real but posters on this forum are?


Ah right. "No true Scotsman". I get it.
Or maybe those people have a particular quality called "tolerance".
I dunno, it's a strange world...

By the way, haven't you admitted to having atheist friends in real life?
Lip service works, I see. And hypocrisy.

I never insulted a prophet, Joseph smith is no prophet he is a fraud.

Tolerance? your saying a true follower of god tolerates insults to god?, maybe the christians let you insult god, or the catholics don't mind you insulting the prophets but im not going to let you do it without speaking out against it.

Why are you an atheist spending so much time debating Fairy tales anyway? arent you a bit too old for them?

See I actualy believe int hese things that is why i spend my time on it but you. you spend your time basicaly debating the tooth fairy in your own opinion so whos the foolish one and one wasting their time?

If god like you say isnt real why do you waste so much time talkng about him? because your a militant atheist who is waging verbal war on him and his believers.
No you aren't.
You're doing your usual trick of making flat declarations. That is not debating, despite you claims otherwise.

You mean i actualy have faith and belief in god and the prophets and the angels and the decree and the last day?.

And i dont just pay lip service and go to a church once a week and call myselkf a believer. I actualy live this it's not a sunday thing that i forget when i go home.

You Are strong in your disbelief just like im strong in my belief. but im spending my time doing something i believe in yur spending your time debating fantasy tooth fairys and unicorns.

How can you seriously claim this to be tooth fairy and unicorn related and then spend such an amount of time on the topic? explain that to me
I never insulted a prophet, Joseph smith is no prophet he is a fraud.
According to you. But you're wrong according to others.

Tolerance? your saying a true follower of god tolerates insults to god?, maybe the christians let you insult god, or the catholics don't mind you insulting the prophets but im not going to let you do it without speaking out against it.
I don't know the reasons for each individual being my friend. But, possibly, some of them think god can look after himself.

Why are you an atheist spending so much time debating Fairy tales anyway? arent you a bit too old for them?
This isn't a debate (you overuse, and misuse, the word). Maybe I'm just having a laugh at the expense of an arrogant ignorant bigot. Maybe I'm doing a psychological study of fanaticism. Maybe the invisible penguins in my kitchen cupboard are forcing me to type all of this and I'm waiting for the SAS to come and set me free.

See I actualy believe int hese things that is why i spend my time on it but you. you spend your time basicaly debating the tooth fairy in your own opinion so whos the foolish one and one wasting their time?
I dunno. It's my time. Like I said earlier, you have no idea what I get out of these discussions (not debates). It's none of your business how I choose to spend my time.

If god like you say isnt real why do you waste so much time talkng about him? because your a militant atheist who is waging verbal war on him and his believers.
Only the really really stupid ones.
Press, not pressuring, get the terms right first.

You seem to be an extremist and have total disregard for other cultures and beliefs, and you lack understanding of them.

My religion have already been tested by blood thank you very much.

Yeah the one who takes people who insult god as friends, you claim religion but are you really following the commands of god?.

Do you even get down on your knees and prostrate then fall on your face to pray?. Do you follow the words of god? do you obey his teachings?. Do you put god aboce the prophets or do you associate equals to god?.

You are a polytheist your not even a monotheist how can you claim to be from any abrahamic religion when you commit shirk and are a polyrheist?

I'm curious as to why you started this thread in EM&J.
So far, you've said nothing explicitly relevant to the understood scope.

Are you questioning the ethical concern involved in indoctrination/education???

What exactly are you getting at here?

I'm curious as to why you started this thread in EM&J.
So far, you've said nothing explicitly relevant to the understood scope.

Are you questioning the ethical concern involved in indoctrination/education???

What exactly are you getting at here?

My pont was that teaching children about an afterlife is beneficial to there emotional stanbility and gives them hope, and that teaching children they will have no after life makes them sad.

(in short)
I think he was attempting to claim that atheists are hypocritical because "they" use theists' stories of heaven to comfort small children suffering bereavement but refuse to accept those stories themselves.
My pont was that teaching children about an afterlife is beneficial to there emotional stanbility and gives them hope, and that teaching children they will have no after life makes them sad.

(in short)

Do children that believe in an afterlife feel sad when a loved one dies?
Do children that don't believe in an afterlife feel sad when a loved one dies?

I think the answer to both of these is yes.
Do children that believe in an afterlife feel sad when a loved one dies?
Do children that don't believe in an afterlife feel sad when a loved one dies?

I think the answer to both of these is yes.

Not as sad as an atheist might get, Muslims are taught not to cry alot when people die, its a teaching in the quran actualy that tells you to not shed tears for the dead.

You don't understand theists atall do you. Why would we be sad when we know we will meet them soon inshallah