As an Atheist what do you teach kids?

If you teach a little girl atheism and not religion chances of her being religious compared to atheist in her young life are what?

Your saying atheists brred muslims and muslims breed atheists? get real

There is no really turning back for you isn't it?

He didn't teach her to be atheist dammit!
You just don't get it: I am promoting education of the best academic knowledge this society has to offer and education of every single aspect.

That is a prerequisite before diving into deeper aspects in my personal opinion. I am sure D can leave that up to her parents. What, did you expect D to be her personal tutor or something?

I believe in support for education in all aspects and all fields. Education is what is NECESSARY to live a healthy, successful and wise lives and the ability to make decisions for oneself, whatever it might be.

What do you want? Us to bring back Index Librorum Prohibitorum and the Holy Crusades?

Do you know what you SOUND LIKE right now?

The Knights Templar, the Teutonic Knights, the Al-Queda, the Taliban, OSAMA BIN LADEN, shall I continue?

You are a so called Christian promoting we teach our children anything but the way of god, your just some modern fake believer,

The first thing you should teach your children is the word of god, after they undersyand god created the universe and about his angels and about his messengers then you can teach them about the other stuff.

His first words upon this poor girl who just lost her grandmother were "Granny is dead and she aint comming back" no follow ups no comforting he said he told her that and she accepted it.

What messengers do you follow what books do you follow? what does your messenger say about teaching your kids to be non believers. does your book promote atheism? , do you follow your prophets teachings? do you know what god says about Atheists?

If you are a man of god why are you not speaking of god's teachings as alpha and omega and above all else.
Unless she was below your standards and is anything but attractive, there is no call for that?
Nah, I'd just got through a divorce and was "off women".
It was done humorously, not nastily.
There is no really turning back for you isn't it?

He didn't teach her to be atheist dammit!

He Is promoting atheism for children! are you blind. you cant see through his dumb smoke screens? and the way he tries to weasel out of the fact he is teaching atheism and dissbelief in god.

He even said he didnt teach her about god because theres no evidence for god. He don't care about jesus, he dont care about moses, he dont care about noah, he dont care about abraham, ishmail isaac, jacob, mohammed peace be upon the,.

He insults the prophets and calls them fairy tales you let this Non believer talk about our prophets like that? and let him call god a fake fairy tale?

You let him dissrespect the engels, god, the messengers and you befriend him

Woe to thee who takes the unbeliever as his companions! and conspires witht hem. for we are not blind to what ye do!

Wher is your taqwa and imaan!
You are a so called Christian promoting we teach our children anything but the way of god, your just some modern fake believer,

The first thing you should teach your children is the word of god, after they undersyand god created the universe and about his angels and about his messengers then you can teach them about the other stuff.

His first words upon this poor girl who just lost her grandmother were "Granny is dead and she aint comming back" no follow ups no comforting he said he told her that and she accepted it.

What messengers do you follow what books do you follow? what does your messenger say about teaching your kids to be non believers. does your book promote atheism? , do you follow your prophets teachings? do you know what god says about Atheists?

If you are a man of god why are you not speaking of god's teachings as alpha and omega and above all else.

You speak is the best way to put this...

The Pharisees said similar things to Jesus and had similar thoughts of him.

It is my opinion that neutral opinion must be expressed first. How did you know that her parents did teach her about god, I don't either. Do you expect D to be with her 24/7 or something?! He said and I quote.

Except that it wasn't my child. Her parents agreed with me though. (They'd already gone through it - the kid just wanted a "second opinion").

I bolded it for you.

I know exactly what god says about atheists, God loves all man and every man is a child of god. I would bring out the New Testament, but I know you don't believe in it, so I won't press my religion on you.

Here is a clear question to you: Are you so perfect that you have the authority and right of judgement?
He Is promoting atheism for children! are you blind. you cant see through his dumb smoke screens? and the way he tries to weasel out of the fact he is teaching atheism and dissbelief in god.
Will you ever learn to read and stop projecting?

You let him dissrespect the engels
And I've even insulted Marx a couple of times too.
Ooh I'm just evil.
But literate.
He Is promoting atheism for children! are you blind. you cant see through his dumb smoke screens? and the way he tries to weasel out of the fact he is teaching atheism and dissbelief in god.

He even said he didnt teach her about god because theres no evidence for god. He don't care about jesus, he dont care about moses, he dont care about noah, he dont care about abraham, ishmail isaac, jacob, mohammed peace be upon the,.

He insults the prophets and calls them fairy tales you let this Non believer talk about our prophets like that? and let him call god a fake fairy tale?

You let him dissrespect the engels, god, the messengers and you befriend him

Woe to thee who takes the unbeliever as his companions! and conspires witht hem. for we are not blind to what ye do!

Wher is your taqwa and imaan!

Unlike you I won't start using the New Testament to say anything against your religion, and I can't quote most of it. Read the New Testament, highlight the teachings of Christ, then tell me what I believe.
You just don't get it: I am promoting education of the best academic knowledge this society has to offer and education of every single aspect.

That is a prerequisite before diving into deeper aspects in my personal opinion. I am sure D can leave that up to her parents. What, did you expect D to be her personal tutor or something?

I believe in support for education in all aspects and all fields. Education is what is NECESSARY to live a healthy, successful and wise lives and the ability to make decisions for oneself, whatever it might be.

What do you want? Us to bring back Index Librorum Prohibitorum and the Holy Crusades?

Do you know what you SOUND LIKE right now?

The Knights Templar, the Teutonic Knights, Pope Gregory VII...

What do i suggest, implement shariah law of the entire earth,

Get everyone back on the straight path in worshipping the one true god thats what.

You believe in Teaching the children some BS before you even teach them about god. you and people like you are helping the atheists get a foothold in world power.

You just openly befriend those who curse our beloved prophets and messengers, somebody who openly insults god and you take this man as your friend and get pally with him?

Who are you loyal too god or some unbelievers? you dont even speak out against him instead you take his side and promote teaching children to steer further away from god and the deen.

Whos side are you really on god's or them? and don't act like there isnt a side. can you not see how these unbelievers openly wage war on god and his messengers by insulting them?.

You woudlnt let somebody insult or verbally attack your family members right? you would speak out against it but you let these K....... insult god and the messengers and dont object to it. instead you openly support them teaching against god and his messengers.

this sint a man who just wants the children to learn truths. this is a man who is a proud non believer who openly makes fun of the believers and mocks them all the time and calls our prophets fairy tales and insults out religions.

Get your priority's right
Unlike you I won't start using the New Testament to say anything against your religion, and I can't quote most of it. Read the New Testament, highlight the teachings of Christ, then tell me what I believe.

How can I tell you what you believe why don't you tell me what you believe. how can you use a book i read against me anyway i study the gospels i study the dead sea scrolls i study the quran.

Jesus peace be upon him is my prophet too, you do know muslims believe in jesus and moses and noah and adam and eve and abraaham and ishmail and all of the other prophets too. peace be upon them

And stop using the prophets names like that when you mention a prophet say peace be upon them after it. give proper respect.

What happened EFOC?

I knew you were a bit odd, but this is downright insane....

What happened EFOC?

I knew you were a bit odd, but this is downright insane....

Don't tell me you support teaching our children this stuff too, would you really say to a little girl who just lost her grandma "Ganny is dead and she aint comming back"

I know you don't believe everything i believe but I thought you had some righteousness.
Get everyone back on the straight path in worshipping the one true god thats what.
How do you know it's the "straight path"?
How do you know it's the "one true god"?

this sint a man who just wants the children to learn truths.
Keep that in mind.

this is a man who is a proud non believer who openly makes fun of the believers and mocks them all the time and calls our prophets fairy tales and insults out religions.
Ah you see: I don't "openly mock believers"*. I do, however, make an effort to mock those who claim to be the sole arbiters of truth.
As for insulting prophets and religions, have you not done exactly the same to "prophets and religions" that you don't agree with?

Think on this: if god is real and he made me then am I not as god intended? For some purpose? Am I not using my brain as he wishes?
If not does that mean that god is weaker than I?
Should I use this "god given" intellect in a manner contrary to to my natural inclination?

* For confirmation just take a look at the number of theists on my friends list.
Don't tell me you support teaching our children this stuff too, would you really say to a little girl who just lost her grandma "Ganny is dead and she aint comming back"

Not sure what you mean by "this stuff too..".
But yes, I would indeed say that her grandmother is dead, and will never come back.

I know you don't believe everything i believe but I thought you had some righteousness.

Righteousness has nothing to do with death or fantasy; righteousness is about truth and life.
You will pay for your injustice int his world i hope you realize this. ont he day of judgement you will wish you didn't exist. You openly support abortion, teaching kids there is no hope for heaven and support the words of this man. your a scumbag

I don't respect false hope. Let them hope for something worthwhile, like their first Jihadist scalp, or their first Predator drone strike on an Islamic fundamentalist's compound.
What do i suggest, implement shariah law of the entire earth,

What I suggest, is that religion separate from politics and law, and not force anyone to a certain set of beliefs. What you are basically saying is that every man is not entitled to chose. That is a god-given ( I believe ) and constitutional ( its fact, depending on which country you live in ) right of man.

Get everyone back on the straight path in worshipping the one true god thats what.

People have tried that in the past and that didn't work.

You believe in Teaching the children some BS before you even teach them about god. you and people like you are helping the atheists get a foothold in world power.

Ah, you are saying you want world power to belong to your religion? No, I promote helping future generations making educated choices of their future whatever it might be. What have the Index Librorum Prohibitorum back and embark on a Crusade?

Trust me, the extremists of Christianity won't do very nice things to certain people and I would hate for that to happen.

You just openly befriend those who curse our beloved prophets and messengers, somebody who openly insults god and you take this man as your friend and get pally with him?

I am taking a stance against those who deprive man of their right to knowledge and the right to chose. it is his choice to do so, I can't judge it, I am not entitled to as with all man.

Who are you loyal too god or some unbelievers? you dont even speak out against him instead you take his side and promote teaching children to steer further away from god and the deen.

I expressed my beliefs of God, and I done my part. It is not up to me to choice for him nor to judge him for his actions. I will not press my religion on any man or call for action against any man not expressing my beliefs.

Whos side are you really on god's or them? and don't act like there isnt a side. can you not see how these unbelievers openly wage war on god and his messengers by insulting them?.

Did he wage war on God? Doesn't seem it to me. I am with God and he said all man must chose for themselves and all man are children of God. Or else, this wouldn't appear in the Bible,

"If any man lacks wisdom, let him as of God,"

It is not up to me if he does that or not, it is up to him, and it is not up to me to judge.

You woudlnt let somebody insult or verbally attack your family members right? you would speak out against it but you let these K....... insult god and the messengers and dont object to it. instead you openly support them teaching against god and his messengers.

You just don't get it, I won't waste my time typing.

this sint a man who just wants the children to learn truths. this is a man who is a proud non believer who openly makes fun of the believers and mocks them all the time and calls our prophets fairy tales and insults out religions.

I am can I put it in a sense...a way as to not repeat myself

Get your priority's right

Are you so perfect that you are entitled to judge?
How can I tell you what you believe why don't you tell me what you believe. how can you use a book i read against me anyway i study the gospels i study the dead sea scrolls i study the quran.

Jesus peace be upon him is my prophet too, you do know muslims believe in jesus and moses and noah and adam and eve and abraaham and ishmail and all of the other prophets too. peace be upon them

And stop using the prophets names like that when you mention a prophet say peace be upon them after it. give proper respect.

Woah, woah. Isn't it implied that peace be unto all mankind as they are children of the Lord?

Jesus is not a prophet in my religion, I believe he is the Son of God. You are asserting your religion before other's again...

What? Would you be happy if I said,

"In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen," After each post?
Ah you see: I don't "openly mock believers"*. I do, however, make an effort to mock those who claim to be the sole arbiters of truth.
As for insulting prophets and religions, have you not done exactly the same to "prophets and religions" that you don't agree with?

Think on this: if god is real and he made me then am I not as god intended? For some purpose? Am I not using my brain as he wishes?
If not does that mean that god is weaker than I?
Should I use this "god given" intellect in a manner contrary to to my natural inclination?

* For confirmation just take a look at the number of theists on my friends list.

THANK YOU! That was what I was looking for!
Not sure what you mean by "this stuff too..".
But yes, I would indeed say that her grandmother is dead, and will never come back.

Righteousness has nothing to do with death or fantasy; righteousness is about truth and life.

You deny that god is the truth? and that righteousness comes from god?