As an Atheist what do you teach kids?

Which part of "I haven't been in that situation" did you not understand?
Which part of "even a busted cabbage can look pretty to some people" (your own words) did you not understand?


What's your problem?

So you say you have been in the situation of explaining death to children then and that's why you are comming tot he conclusion, so please share with me what was the situation how did you teach a child about death and how did it effect them?
Is it worse to say a child's toy was destroyed beyond repair, or that someone took it and it's in perfect shape, but they can never see or play with it until they themselves are dead?
so please share with me what was the situation how did you teach a child about death and how did it effect them?
A child's relative died and she (in this particular case) asked where grandma had gone.
I replied that grandma was dead and wouldn't be coming back.
"Okay. Has grandad gone too?"

What more do you need?
Is it worse to say a child's toy was destroyed beyond repair, or that someone took it and it's in perfect shape, but they can never see or play with it until they themselves are dead?

What are you talking about? how does a toy represent anything. you compare a piece of plastic to a child? or to a human being.

You want to stone all down syndrome kids?

I've noticed your reading comprehension isn't always that great. Or maybe you don't get inferred statements. Maybe that's why you have so much trouble with Dyw.

No, that was the complete opposite of what I meant. Why would I choose a method that was glorified in the bible?
A child's relative died and she (in this particular case) asked where grandma had gone.
I replied that grandma was dead and wouldn't be coming back.
"Okay. Has grandad gone too?"

What more do you need?

And you gave a famous one liner to the child and suddenly everything was cool no more sadness?

Are you magical?
What are you talking about? how does a toy represent anything. you compare a piece of plastic to a child? or to a human being.


I'm wondering about your conception of a child's mind. As a child, I think I would prefer knowing the toy was destroyed rather than thinking someone is keeping it from me.
I've noticed your reading comprehension isn't always that great. Or maybe you don't get inferred statements. Maybe that's why you have so much trouble with Dyw.

No, that was the complete opposite of what I meant. Why would I choose a method that was glorified in the bible?

What does the methood matter the fact is your saying you want to kill all down syndrome babies, just aslong as you don't use a biblical methid to kill them?

Whats wrong with you I hope you don't have any kids.
I'm wondering about your conception of a child's mind. As a child, I think I would prefer knowing the toy was destroyed rather than thinking someone is keeping it from me.

So you aare saying a child prefers to die and rot never to live again than to go to heaven?

And this is based on your experience? stats? personal knowledge or are you taking a wild guess?
So all of the things in existence you are refering to?

Genetic mutants born with no brain, pinheads, retards, conjoined twins, kids who's skin falls off with the slightest touch... that kind of thing. These are a problem to explain with a just god, but not if there is no god.
Magical one liners are my speciality.

Yeah i have noticed except they are not so magical when you type them ont he forums, So basicaly you told the girl gramma was dead and never comming back and that was it? she was happy afterwards and never asked anything else?

Did you ask her how she felt about it?
Genetic mutants born with no brain, pinheads, retards, conjoined twins, kids who's skin falls off with the slightest touch... that kind of thing. These are a problem to explain with a just god, but not if there is no god.

Are you trying to debate god's existence with me still? and trying to say he doens't exist because bad things happen?
What does the methood matter the fact is your saying you want to kill all down syndrome babies, just aslong as you don't use a biblical methid to kill them?

Whats wrong with you I hope you don't have any kids.

So it's better, given the medical knowledge we have now, to carry to term a baby that will have a difficult and shortened life, possibly in pain, than to end it long before they are conscious of that suffering?

Down syndrome is mild compared to some ailments. Would you want someone to carry to full term a Harlequin baby? Not even going to post the pics they're so disturbing.
So you aare saying a child prefers to die and rot never to live again than to go to heaven?

And this is based on your experience? stats? personal knowledge or are you taking a wild guess?

I think you have internalized values created by a certain religion, that only a certain religion can fulfill. Why is a child supposed to feel better knowing a parent is alive in a manner of speaking, but can't see them, vs. knowing they can't see them because they are no more? I think I would have more comfort knowing that my parent was gone because they were rotting in the ground, rather than thinking they were still around somewhere and refused to see me.