As an Atheist what do you teach kids?

Inane claims again.

Since this thread, and others where we have engaged, have been about your claims then why do you need "detailed explanation" of my opinion?

Correct. You won't discuss the topic at hand and keep seeking to divert from the fact that you don't actually have anything other than hearsay, bigotry and opinion.

Yup. I'm rational.

Your ignorance? Probably.

No, it's a failure on your part to address the actual issue. I understand you.

A mutual understanding? When your stance and argumentation is irrational? Right.

Then you obviously haven't read my posts. Or if you have read them your comprehension is lacking.

And I have told you each time you have asked that I have already done so and have at one point actually linked you to that post.
Do you see the problem now - you're irretrievably stupid.

And i will ask you one more time, get all of your opinions and points, gather them together into one main post and submit it so i can better understand your actual stance and position are you refusing to combine aall of your things into one main post for me to review? I dont want a link to 1 liners, i want a detailed post that explains your exact position on this issue.

Can you do this? oif not why are you still posting here if you dont want to continue this debate? or do you want to continue talking about rubbish and keep telling me the same thing over and over and over.
I chose my words carefully, I could tell them a lie like they can eat candy forever, but would not be so cruel.

I never said death was a bad thing per se, only that it's the end. when you tell a child that their parents were taken by god, I wonder if they have to ask why god would take their parent from them in the first place. You can't get away from the fact that a child losing a parent is about the worst thing anyone can experience.

I would certainly answer all of my child's questions about things I know about, but I'm not going to make up a story when I don't know. I know many people prefer a conspiracy theory or a wrong answer to no answer at all, but that is not the way to knowledge.

Your video is an example of child abuse. Did you miss this one where they teach a child to hate Jews? ...and kill infidels?
Why? Because you missed every other time I have done so?

Detailed post?
how much "detail" do you need?
I answered your questions. You dismissed them. Therefore it's YOUR failure, not mine.

Now, what, exactly, do you require further?


And that is your entire argument?. So you tell me how does telling them they die finished end gone, make them feel better than telling them they will live forever in heaven?

Do you think it is better for the child's emotional stability and comfort to tellt hem this? do you think they will be more happy with what you tell them will happen after death than what i will tell them?

If you think they will be happier with knowing that they die and that's it, explain your reasons for them being happier and have you ever tried this and experienced the child beccoming happier knowing his death is eternal and his life is short and finite.
And that is your entire argument?
What do you mean "argument"?
You asked a question. I answered it.

So you tell me how does telling them they die finished end gone, make them feel better than telling them they will live forever in heaven?
Because it prepares them better for life, they learn not to rely on fairy stories, they learn that I'm not going to bullshit them.

Do you think it is better for the child's emotional stability and comfort to tellt hem this? do you think they will be more happy with what you tell them will happen after death than what i will tell them?
Overall, yes.

If you think they will be happier with knowing that they die and that's it, explain your reasons for them being happier and have you ever tried this and experienced the child beccoming happier knowing his death is eternal and his life is short and finite.
Because they learn to get on with life as it is and not lean on mythical beings for support. They do the best can here and now without expecting some sky fairy to coddle them.
For one thing, there is no one for them to blame. If this all part of the plan, it's a sucky plan where your parent has to die, and god is a bastard.

If we are animals, and animals die, then that's just the way it is, there is no one to blame. Might as well go on with your life. The god hypothesis creates more questions than answers.
What do you mean "argument"?
You asked a question. I answered it.

Because it prepares them better for life, they learn not to rely on fairy stories, they learn that I'm not going to bullshit them.

Overall, yes.

Because they learn to get on with life as it is and not lean on mythical beings for support. They do the best can here and now without expecting some sky fairy to coddle them.

So how are you better equiped for "Life" than the billions of christians and muslims and jews?, your saying your better than them because your an atheist? your saying you are "better" at life than believers?

You are also saying "overall yes" that people who believe they will die and never see light again (inbcluding little children) are happier. So what do you use to support this claim that they are overall more happy?

So when they are on their death bed how is an atheist better prepared for death than a believer? Deathis a part of life, so why do you say that they are better equiped and generaly and overal more happy?

Your just saying these things without giving reference or even a personal experience to back up your personal claims, you might have personal experience but you havent shared it, you might have valid reference also but again you have not shared it you just made a statement with nothing behind it other than a word comming from you.

And about gairy stories your an atheist yet you spend much of your time debating about fairy storys and you don;t even beleive in them, so how is that productive couldnt you be spending your time doing something more "productive" than debating fairy tales with woo woos on a forum and don;t tell me you dont spend alot of time debating these religious tales because we both know and your post history testify's against that.
There is little more important than debunking the fairy tales that much of humanity labors under. It's the basic question before all others.
So how are you better equiped for "Life" than the billions of christians and muslims and jews?, your saying your better than them because your an atheist? your saying you are "better" at life than believers?
Because they're not reliant on fairy stories.

You are also saying "overall yes" that people who believe they will die and never see light again (inbcluding little children) are happier. So what do you use to support this claim that they are overall more happy?
See above.

So when they are on their death bed how is an atheist better prepared for death than a believer?
Well for a start they aren't going to be disappointed if "heaven" turns out to be crock of shit.

Your just saying these things without giving reference or even a personal experience to back up your personal claims, you might have personal experience but you havent shared it, you might have valid reference also but again you have not shared it you just made a statement with nothing behind it other than a word comming from you.
And your references are...?

And about gairy stories your an atheist yet you spend much of your time debating about fairy storys and you don;t even beleive in them, so how is that productive couldnt you be spending your time doing something more "productive" than debating fairy tales with woo woos on a forum and don;t tell me you dont spend alot of time debating these religious tales because we both know and your post history testify's against that.
Since you have no clue what else I do with my time (and I'm not going to tell you anyway) what is it to you how I spend my free time? Nor do you have any idea what I get out of these discussions. Your "point" is null and void.
For one thing, there is no one for them to blame. If this all part of the plan, it's a sucky plan where your parent has to die, and god is a bastard.

If we are animals, and animals die, then that's just the way it is, there is no one to blame. Might as well go on with your life. The god hypothesis creates more questions than answers.

What makes you think the beleivers can't get on with theit life?. atleast we have come to a conclusion and we are not scared of dseath and we can enjoy the life in-betweenw ithout worry of death.

Why do you and others seem to think believers dont "get on with this life" Do we not have family? have jobs? create business? found country's was the country you live in and political system itself not the base of religious foundings of your forefathers?

Was algebra, many sciences, many inventions, many forms of linguistics not a direct result of religious people? if we are so busy not getting on with our lives howcomes we have been so productive over the years?

And you do have hatred for god i can see, you think he is cruel for letting us die, you think he is a bastard who lets us suffer, but he isnt he has sent down so many messengers telling you "chill the fuck out in the end you get justice" and he promisses you rewards and an even better life than this one. he tells you it is a test and he hasn't left you all hanging he told you have faith in the unseen because i am here.

Your hatred is driving you further and further away from god and peace of mind.

Look what are you gonna do on your death bed? what choice do you have what other hope do you have other than god? what if you died tommorow? what about when a family member is on a death bed. yeah you claim to be so logical and atheists are wise etc and have good logic, but what is your atheist logic going to do with a aunty dying of cancer on her death bed? what hope do you bring them. none you probably couldn't even comfort a little child whos crying.
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Because they're not reliant on fairy stories.

See above.

Well for a start they aren't going to be disappointed if "heaven" turns out to be crock of shit.

And your references are...?

Since you have no clue what else I do with my time (and I'm not going to tell you anyway) what is it to you how I spend my free time? Nor do you have any idea what I get out of these discussions. Your "point" is null and void.

You are just repeating yourself and not answering all of my details, your giving one liners and not supporting them with anything, then you have the nerve to claim i haven't given good reasons when i have made tons of detailed reasons to tens of different posters including you.

Is this your plan on how to win? your set on that civtory arent you because i was so bold. and just repeating the same crap over and over without supporting your claims isnt going to get you victory.

refusing to back up any claims with no references and no personal first hand experience. not even a single example.

Support your answers with reasoning and back them up with a reference or an explanation as to why you think this is true because your just saying one liners when i have typed out heaps of paragraphs to over like 15 different debators.

I asked you for a reference and your answer was "well what are your references"

You answer questions with questions , I ask about your personal experience with kids and with teaching them these things and about death and you refuse to say anything about your personal experience you also refuse to back up anything you say.

And how will a theist be dissapointed by "finding out heaven isnt real" why will he suddenly exist again and realize he "doesnt' exist" you don't make sense
You are just repeating yourself and not answering all of my details
All of what "details"?
All you are doing is making unsupported (and unreferenced) claims.

and not supporting them with anything, then you have the nerve to claim i haven't given good reasons when i have made tons of detailed reasons to tens of different posters including you.
No, you've given personal opinion and hearsay.

refusing to back up any claims with no references
Go ahead then. I'm waiting for you to back up your claims.

and no personal first hand experience. not even a single example.
What "first-hand experience" would you like? I've already told you that I have told kids what I've said here.

Support your answers with reasoning and back them up with a reference
When you do.

when i have typed out heaps of paragraphs to over like 15 different debators.
Every single one of which comes down to your personal belief or hearsay.

I asked you for a reference and your answer was "well what are your references"
Because you haven't provided any.

You answer questions with questions , I ask about your personal experience with kids and with teaching them these things and about death and you refuse to say anything about your personal experience
Ah, I see you ignored that post too.

you also refuse to back up anything you say.
The way you do? Correct.

I also asked you what you would tell your disfigured fdaughter if she looked like the elephant man, she ask's do you think im ugly. you said truth is always the way you will go regardless. so your saying you would tell your own daughter she looks like the elephant man when she asks "daddy am i pretty"

If you do it int hat situationw hy are you having double standards?
All of what "details"?
All you are doing is making unsupported (and unreferenced) claims.

No, you've given personal opinion and hearsay.

Go ahead then. I'm waiting for you to back up your claims.

What "first-hand experience" would you like? I've already told you that I have told kids what I've said here.

When you do.

Every single one of which comes down to your personal belief or hearsay.

Because you haven't provided any.

Ah, I see you ignored that post too.

The way you do? Correct.


Fail, give evidence,

References please,



Fail Fail Fail
Change of topic again?
Beauty is more than skin deep. Didn't you know?
Change of topic again?
Beauty is more than skin deep. Didn't you know?

I said if she asked you if she is "Pretty" not inner beauty, girls care about physical appearance it means alot tot hem.

Now answer this question would you tell your dis-figured daughter who looked like the elephant man she is "Pretty" (Physicaly pretty), If she said to you "Do you think my face is still pretty" even though you knew she looked like the elephant man.

What would you tell her.
I have no idea since I've never been in that situation.
Presumably, if she's my daughter, I'd still think she was and answer that way.
But, one more time: this is NOT the the topic.
I have no idea since I've never been in that situation.
Presumably, if she's my daughter, I'd still think she was and answer that way.
But, one more time: this is NOT the the topic.

So you wouldnt tell her the truth that her face now looks like the elephant man even if it was the spitting image of his face?

So you would protect her feelings by lying to her?