Are men afraid of women who know what they want?

OH god is ABS STILL going on about that?????
I suport human rights, both personally and proffessionally (well if i ever finish my degree).

There are some area's where men are discriminated against, intentionally or not (health care, domestic vilonce being and sexual assult being some good examples). Now there are various reasons for thing ranging from shame and fear (in the case of sexual assult and domestic vilonce) to down right lazyness (in the case of some area's of health care)

However those reasons are just the epidemology the policy workers need to know to actually help in the area's

There are also some apaling cases of reverse discrimination (see the "discrimination, but against who" thread) aplied by the very people who should be ELIMINATING discrimination

There was another artical recently about the new goverments policy convention. Feminst groups were complaining that one one of the chair's was a women which seems out and out wrong until you realise that of the cabinate minsters CO-chairing the meeting 8 (there are only 10 policy discusion groups) are women. This means that there are 9 women chairs and 11 men, which is slightly out of balance but not nessarly out and out discrimination (i mean im assuming that one of those minsters is actually the PM)

BY THE SAME TOKEN however there are some really APALING cases of discrimination against women as well, For instance the former goverments IR laws which increased the gap between mean male and female wages. Does this show that women felt they were in a worse bargaining position? of course it does. Does this excuse it? HELL NO

so what do we do about it? My personal opinion is that the word FEMINST is counter productive because it IMPLIES (even when its not the truth) that the aim is to only raise a benifit for women and mostly thats just not true. I prefer the term Human rights activist because it doesnt MATTER what gender (or sex) you are you have the right to equal legal protection, equal service delivery and equal pay for equal work (rather than female tenis players who wanted equal pay for LESS work:p)

There are lots of area's where there is gender inequality in the workforce and it shouldnt be concidered discrimitory for the goverment to put mesures in place to encorage more women say into the science area's or more men into the teaching\nursing proffessions. It just makes sence that different people whoever they are all bring themselves into there work (especially when your talking about the caring proffessions like health and education). There was even a scraped plan to deliberatly pay men more in education than women to encorage them to join, now THIS i dont agree with. If you need a higher salery to encorage workers them im SURE that the women would welcome it as well (i would assume the reason it was going to be gender biased was to save on costs and thats just wrong)

Back to the origional topic however no not all men are afraid of strong women, as a guy who suffers a mental illness i am VERY happy my partner is a strong person because we have to surport eachother and without her strength there are times I would fall to pieces. The same goes for her too, she needs my surport as well. Thats what a PARTNERSHIP is all about

Ok i have no idea where im going now so i will just shut up:p
originaly by tiassa
I don't see the criteria you've listed as being the same. Now, maybe you see emotional commitment and sexual obligation as the same thing, but have you ever had a penis inside you? Have you ever experienced another man ejaculating inside you? In your mouth? On your body?

There don't have to be the same, people dump people for diffeent reasons, the fact is that women dump guys for their own reassons and guys dump women for theirs, everybody is fundamentaly selfish. Each's own reason is paramount. And whats all this about having a penis inside you? Does that mean anything, I mean really? If it does mean something then why do women dump the same guys like they are changing underwear?

What I'm getting at, Mike, is that there are fundamental differences between the emotional and sexual obligations of relationships.
I agree but sometimes when the sex is so bad there can't be any further emotional develoment. Sex is just as fundamental to a relationship.

Now, I could argue that I should have ended a relationship over sexual issues, but it's not quite the same; there were issues of honesty involved there. And I did try once. And she lied to me in order to keep the relationship going. To this day I don't understand why. Then again, I got a daughter out of it, so it's not really worth worrying about what could have been. And it should be said that the fact that she was a bad lay with an unsatisfactory schedule is not the reason she's not a decent girl. The fact that she's a lying, manipulative person whose parental formula is that her own indulgence is the first priority is what wrecks my opinion of her character.
Your priority in that relationship became her honesty, she was probably so manipulating that it shifted your attention from the unsatisfactory sex to her moral characteristics. You are not the only guy to go through this, women are naturaly very manipulative when they want to. This doesn't mean mikenostic was wrong about his assessment. Most rosy relationships are overated, it takes some work and sacrifice to make any relationship work in sync, so anybody quiting a relationship for one reason or the other is betraying the relationship. This doesn't make them a bad person, people get tired, but you can't say your reason is more paramount than the other's; thats borderline selfish. To be totally honest with you thebest time to be in a relationship is when you are like in the 30's, when you are truely lonely. Fuckers under that age are too selfish, "the world is mine", confused, ignorant, and unlonely to be in a realistic relationship. Real relationships are for lonely mature souls, thats when you have left all your crap behind you and willing to actually commit and enjoy a relationship. At that age when you actually do leave a relationship there are no fucking ridiculus excuses like the ones you get in the 20's, folks just realize the sizzle is over one morning and they amicably pack their shit. All the shit we call relationships below the 30's are experiences, preparing us for the real deal.
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And what about when your cheated on?

Is THAT enough of a reason to leave a relationship WITHOUT betraying it?

One thing i am REALLY sick of is that men who cheat get blamed with being selfish bastards (which they are) but men who have been cheated ON get labeled as selfish bastards who didnt satisfy there partner. She was just a selfish bitch, no other reason for it. Cheaters are the lowest scum

Anyway continue:p
Hey tiassa, i just found a post of you being a shovinistic pig:p

If you want to know which one i will send you the link because i doubt you want me to drag it up from the distant past:p

Edit to add: i was just as bad in the thread to be honest
When you get cheated on, thats obviously fucked, and you have no business commiting to that relationship. Its different from just quiting a relationship for your own reasons, which people do more often in my opinion. Sometimes a woman who's been dumped is also labelled "a whore who didn't satisfy her partner" or simple " a whore". I think.
Once again, in the midst of all that puritanical bullshit, drivel and utter fucking hogwash it comes down to a childish phrase; Think of the children!


Women are people too!

Iran, Iraq - who gives a fuck

Anyways, as I said before: Any functional man should be able to overcome the demands, roars and physical attitudes of vigorous women with a simple shrug, sincerely unobjectionable yet deceitful nod or a roll of the eyes.

I'm not advocating jaw breaking (in this matter), I'm merely proclaiming that compounding two mismatched facets into a mesh they often clash - In the dumbfuck way. The reference point from which I spread my wings and fly is tangling between my legs, goddamnit. I can sense the shriveling testicles overcompensating with an overtly emotional understanding towards women’s burdenous journey.

All I'm saying is; Women too, respect you more when you appreciate, celebrate the separate axioms of being male or female.
I urge us to act accordingly.

I'll tell you why you can't see straight on this subject: tiassa has too many sensitive, borderline gay attributes. Bells is a woman. And asguard would have trouble telling left from right if some caustic individual ripped off the markers sown to his jacket.

Now, maybe you see emotional commitment and sexual obligation as the same thing, but have you ever had a penis inside you? Have you ever experienced another man ejaculating inside you? In your mouth? On your body?.

Non but a silly faggot who thinks getting cock up the ass gives him extrasensory insight would write a sentence like that with no glare in it, and an absolute mushy, touchy feely aura around it.

I was actually going to reply properly, but I've a shit of a hangover and a headache of epic proportions so I kind of flung it.
Um ... that's hilarious. Morbidly so, but hilarious nonetheless. While you're probably right, you seem to be shifting the responsibility for men's behavior back onto women.


Now, I could argue that I should have ended a relationship over sexual issues, but it's not quite the same; there were issues of honesty involved there. And I did try once. And she lied to me in order to keep the relationship going. To this day I don't understand why. Then again, I got a daughter out of it, so it's not really worth worrying about what could have been. And it should be said that the fact that she was a bad lay with an unsatisfactory schedule is not the reason she's not a decent girl. The fact that she's a lying, manipulative person whose parental formula is that her own indulgence is the first priority is what wrecks my opinion of her character.

I think we're just going to have to agree to disagree on this subject. There seems to be mixed opinions about this. Some agree with my point of view and some with yours.
I know I'm not an abuser (mentally or physically). While you may not agree with my view towards sex (which I feel is every bit as important as the emotional/love aspect of the relationship), that's fine. I won't date a girl just for sex. I won't dupe a woman into having sex, nor will I mislead her.
Just like Chatha mentioned, people have their own agendas. Some are good willed, some are ill willed. People will stay with or dump someone for different reasons. Some good, some bad, some ridiculous. I don't feel that my standards or criteria are absurd.

Let me ask you this, if you went into a car dealership, and they didn't have the vehicle you wanted, didn't have the options you wanted, would you stay there and buy a car from them anyway? Even if a salesman who didn't agree with your wants and needs tried to push something else on you to buy?
Why or why not?
wow because bells is a women she cant have any idea what she wants, she needs some mussle head to tell her want she wants

And of course I, having 2 sisters and having been in a relationship for 5 years and about to be married (as soon as i save up for the engagement ring anway) means i OVIOUSLY know nothing about women

Oh and tiassa being previously in a relationship (cant rember if you said you were married mate) and raising a daughter would know apsolutly nothing about women either

We bow to you perfect mussle brains, oh teach us your infinite wisdom about women
Whats a myocardial infarction and whats the treatment?
how do you deliver a baby?
whats a normal BP and how do you elevate a low BP with nothing but whats in an ambulance?
whats the treatment for seizure?
can you give an IV bag to a pt with left side heart failure?
what are the symptoms of right side heart failure?
what is a pnemothorax and how is it treated?
what is the difference between a tension pnemothorax and a normal pnemothorax?
whats is a QRST complex?
What is the normal interval between the p wave and the Q?
what does an artiral flutter look like on an ECG?
how do you USE an ECG?
what is the difference between VT and VF?
can VT be treated with defribulation?
can you shock a pt with a normal electrical output but no pulse?
what is the most dangorious time to be electrocuted?
Whats a myocardial infarction and whats the treatment?
Heart attack, call for an ambulance.
how do you deliver a baby?
The stork brings it, duh.
whats a normal BP and how do you elevate a low BP with nothing but whats in an ambulance?
What's a gas station got to do with anything?
whats the treatment for seizure?
Slap them in the face and shout loudly "snap out of it".
can you give an IV bag to a pt with left side heart failure?
Give him what you like he's still fucked.
what are the symptoms of right side heart failure?
Confusion, seizures, irregular breathing.... Oh heart failure? I'm sorry I thought you said alcohol poisoning.
what is a pnemothorax and how is it treated?
Take it to the vet.
what is the difference between a tension pnemothorax and a normal pnemothorax?
It's probably been on it's perch too long.
whats is a QRST complex?
Queer Site without the vowels, abbreviation for a big building with lots of gays in it.
What is the normal interval between the p wave and the Q?
It's something like now, and..... NOW.
what does an artiral flutter look like on an ECG?
A butterfly, clues in the name ain't it?
how do you USE an ECG?
What I do in my bedroom is none of your business.
what is the difference between VT and VF?
About 120 pounds (Very Thin - Very Fat)
can VT be treated with defribulation?
A regular 3 course meal works better.
can you shock a pt with a normal electrical output but no pulse?
You can try hiding behind a door and jumping out.
what is the most dangorious time to be electrocuted?
When you're alive.

So how did I do?:p

Thats great:p

i especially liked the

"give him what he likes hes still fucked":p
oh and next time im out on the road i must rember to call for an ambulance when i find a pt with an MI:p

EDIT TO ADD: Anti flag i will add this one just for you (trust be the truth will be funnier than ANYTHING you can make up)

What is GTN used for treating and what commonly perscribed drug stops you using it?:p
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This and that

Asguard said:

Oh and tiassa being previously in a relationship (cant rember if you said you were married mate) and raising a daughter would know apsolutly nothing about women either

It's not so much that, Asguard, as the idea that I find it absurd to claim emotional and sexual obligations are comparable in such a context. I wonder how these men would feel after a year in a relationship with someone trying to enter their body for sexual relief every day. Hell, even I wouldn't know how that feels. The point being that the comparison of the failure to meet emotional or sexual needs is not reasonable grounds for accusing a double standard.

I mean, that's just ridiculous.

Oh, and post away if you want. I have a feeling I'll be amused.

• • •​

Mikenostic said:

I think we're just going to have to agree to disagree on this subject


I know I'm not an abuser (mentally or physically)

Okay. Congratulations.

While you may not agree with my view towards sex (which I feel is every bit as important as the emotional/love aspect of the relationship), that's fine.

Look, the importance of those components in a relationship is its own thing. And they are important. But claiming a double standard is crap, man. It's real easy to say when you're the one doing the penetrating.

I won't date a girl just for sex. I won't dupe a woman into having sex, nor will I mislead her.

But you'll stick around and put up with being annoyed if you think you're going to get laid.

Don't get me wrong. I've done it, too. But at that point it's not about the woman.

Just like Chatha mentioned, people have their own agendas. Some are good willed, some are ill willed. People will stay with or dump someone for different reasons. Some good, some bad, some ridiculous. I don't feel that my standards or criteria are absurd.

Which is why I've acknowledged that you may simply be communicating the point poorly. However, that's also why I keep mentioning a theme. You're consistently off in one direction.
Look, the importance of those components in a relationship is its own thing. And they are important. But claiming a double standard is crap, man. It's real easy to say when you're the one doing the penetrating.
It takes two to have sex. So you can throw the statement in bold above right out the window.
There are exceptions on both sides, but we can generally say that women want emotional support, men want sex.
Society has dictated that women should get the emotional support 24/7, but men can only have sex when the woman is in the mood. If they think they're entitled to emotional support all the time, why can't we have sex when we want?
-If you don't want to have sex at a particular moment, fine. Just don't come to me wanting to talk about trivial shit, or ask me to do anything for that matter, when I'm watching a football game on Sunday afternoon.

But you'll stick around and put up with being annoyed if you think you're going to get laid.
Actually no I won't, not in the long term. Concerning the same girl that I mentioned, I tried to like her, but she was just too annoying. I wound up breaking up with her after about two months. I just couldn't deal with her brattiness and pushy/bossy behavior. I even brought it up in casual conversation that I don't like condescence from her. She didn't listen. I hated to do it. She was quite pretty quite fun in the bedroom, had a lot of good qualities, and I would have loved to have kept her if she wasn't mentally unstable. I could have very easily have put up with her crap to keep getting laid, but I didn't.

Don't get me wrong. I've done it, too. But at that point it's not about the woman.
As Chatha mentioned, people will put up with more than they normally would (that goes for men and women) when they are getting something they want that makes up for it.
Some women will date men they otherwise find physically unattractive if he's loaded...and at that point, it's not about the man.

Which is why I've acknowledged that you may simply be communicating the point poorly.
And likewise you could be simply interpreting my point poorly. Some of the other members here seem to understand what I'm getting at.
But claiming a double standard is crap, man. It's real easy to say when you're the one doing the penetrating.

I'm a girl, and I don't agree with that at all. It's just a physical act. Why should it be more emotionally significant for one sex than the other?

we can generally say that women want emotional support, men want sex

Am I the only female besides Orleander who likes sex as much as a male does? :cry:
Yay! *high five*

I get so sick of hearing how men are only allowed to want sex and women are only allowed to want love. Now, it gets worse because there's the evolutionary psychology element to it. There's an evolutionary reason why I should be a certain way, and if I don't behave in that way there's something wrong with me, I have too much testosterone, etc...Yup, people have actually said that to me. Ngh, I fucking hate the evo-psycho brigade.
Yay! *high five*

I get so sick of hearing how men are only allowed to want sex and women are only allowed to want love. Now, it gets worse because there's the evolutionary psychology element to it. There's an evolutionary reason why I should be a certain way, and if I don't behave in that way there's something wrong with me, I have too much testosterone, etc...Yup, people have actually said that to me. Ngh, I fucking hate the evo-psycho brigade.

Not evolutionary. A social imposition put on women from things like the victorian age, religion(man dominated), or other anti-instict herd mentality.

It's probably perfectly natural for women to be as horny as men, it's learned behaviour most likey that sets up a situation that women are not.