Are men afraid of women who know what they want?

Hmm apparently bleeding penis can and does happen, even during oral sex, due to bursting of blood vessels from over enthusiastic partners. Dang!

(off line reference)
Shorty 37 said:

Ahhhhhhhhhh we aren't into the same kind of stuff apparently you are into

What? You're not into enthusiastic f@cking? Seriously, you don't even have to be kinky or overtly rough. For some guys, all they need to do is sink to the hilt.

• • •​

S.A.M. said:

Hmm apparently bleeding penis can and does happen, even during oral sex, due to bursting of blood vessels from over enthusiastic partners. Dang!

Oh, yeah. Few things in the world will humble a man like bleeding out of his penis.
Did you know its actually possable to break your penis. its not a bone break (because there ISNT a bone:p) but rather a rupture in the vain in the mussle which causes it to remain erect. It is surposed to EXSTREMLY painful, fortunatly its never happened to me because it requires surgury to fix
Society has dictated that women should get the emotional support 24/7, but men can only have sex when the woman is in the mood. If they think they're entitled to emotional support all the time, why can't we have sex when we want?

What do you mean by this emotional support 24/7 :shrug: What do you consider "emotional support exactly"?
its a vascular tare but because the symptoms tend to be the same as for a break its called "broken"
thats a tricky question to answer

(BTW a funny story, i read about a women who had to get a mobile phone removed from her vagina because she had been using it as a vibrator and it got stuck:p)

As to why men wouldnt want to seek medical assistance its hard to explaine (personally i dont have the same problem seeking medical help)

Shame? that men are surposed to be "the strong one" and seeking treatment would be a sign of weakness
Shame that everyone feels discusing sex related issues with anyone else (again i personally dont have a problem with this) because sociaty thinks sex is "wrong" and should be hidden
Embarisment of having to expose yourself before some white coat
Fear of ridicule?

There are lots of reasons why sexually realted issues are not discused with your doctor, the sad thing is most problems people suffer from with there sexual health a GP can actually help with
But they seem to affect men more than women. Is it because we get over that kind of embarrassment during pap smears and childbirth, while a man's first experience is usually a prostate exam at 40.
well men are statisically less likly to see a doctor for ANY reason so i think it goes MUCH further than sexual health

Put it this way, if you started getting chest pain radiating down your left arm what would you do?

Most guys would wait hours if not days before seeking medical treatment
Last one before I head out to a Floater show.

There is a story about the band Warrant, group of guys prone to onstage accidents such as a broken nose from a frontstage lineup when the bassist smacked somebody (frontman Jani Lane, I think) in the face with the head of his bass.

Anyway, one night Jani jumps up on the drum riser or something, holds the microphone in front of himself like a dick, and makes a grinding motion. For some reason, though, he falls forward, crashing down on the microphone and impaling himself with the RF transmitter.

Later, at the hospital, he was so embarrassed by the injury that he told a nurse it was ... a dog bite.
I dont think its that women are smarter but it does go back to the fundimental differences between men and women.

If a women has a problem (emotionally or physcially) she is STATISICALLY more likly to talk to someone. That someone maybe a friend, partner, family or medical proffessional. Men however are taught from a VERY young age that they arent surposed to complain, or talk about there feelings or problems. They are taught to hold that inside. Its why most men rarly cry except with PHYSICAL pain (ie if you hit a guy in the balls his eyes will tear but he wont cry when he is upset).

To be honest changing this sterotype is one of the best things feminisium has done for the world but it takes ALONG time to change.

Young men (my age for instance) are more likly to go to a doctor for depression than someone my dad's generation and DEFINITLY more likly than my grandparents.

This goes for physical symptoms as well, including those for a heart atack which is why most women will have there heart atack in hospital where it can be treated and most men will have it at home where they will probably die before reciving the care that could save there lives

This is something that is the focus of LOTS of health policy advisers, social justice workers in the health sector and even femist groups.

Its a sad reality

Now on to sexual health

When it comes to sexual matters most men wont talk about them even with there friends or partner. Women tend to do this better than men do. This is why so many cases of impotence are left untreated, because although the treatment is there few men seek it. Its also one of the reasons for the higher rate of mortality from prostate cancer, because unlike women who HAVE mamograms, DO check themselves, men DONT seek the regular health checks they need. Actually i should see if i can find a study on homosexual v hedrosexual male health, i have a feeling that homosexuals would be more likly to seek medical care but im not sure on that:p
so basically it isn't women holding men back, its men holding men back. Women want to be equal to men, but men would never want to be equal to women.

I cant answer that orleander except to say one thing. I have herd it said that "a man isnt a womens worst enermy other women are" maybe men fall into the same trap, taught by there fathers to "suck it up" and "be a man" insted of seeking the help they need. I cant really say because i never had that sort of pressure, my father is someone i could always go to when i had a problem as is my mother and i DO seek medical and psycological treatment when needed

I still felt embaristed when the millatry doctor wanted to feel by balls to check for god knows what (i aplied to join the reserve at one stage but never went through with it)
(BTW a funny story, i read about a women who had to get a mobile phone removed from her vagina because she had been using it as a vibrator and it got stuck:p)

My best friend works at the hospital........ohhhhhhh the stories I hear!!

How about this for embarrassing and PAINFUL. This guy came in who had put a lightbulb up his butt. It shattered cutting, shredding up his insides with splinters of glass :eek:

i herd another one where a man sliped on a bike and riped his scrotem. This was one we learned about at uni because we have to know how to treat a bleeding scrotem:p

i herd another one where a man sliped on a bike and riped his scrotem. This was one we learned about at uni because we have to know how to treat a bleeding scrotem:p

At least you can explain that one . The one I mentioned above I mean you can't really say "Oh it was an accident". :confused: I would rather die than have to go in and explain that. Let alone be treated for it.
I cant answer that orleander except to say one thing. I have herd it said that "a man isnt a womens worst enermy other women are" maybe men fall into the same trap, taught by there fathers to "suck it up" and "be a man" insted of seeking the help they need. I cant really say because i never had that sort of pressure, my father is someone i could always go to when i had a problem as is my mother and i DO seek medical and psycological treatment when needed

I still felt embaristed when the millatry doctor wanted to feel by balls to check for god knows what (i aplied to join the reserve at one stage but never went through with it)

So do assertive women encroach on hallowed ground with these men? Is that why some men are more likely to dissolve into the background when faced with a woman who knows her own mind?