Are men afraid of women who know what they want?

Don't pull a muscle reaching so far

Mikenostic said:

It takes two to have sex. So you can throw the statement in bold above right out the window.

Now you're just reaching.

Yes, it takes two to have sex.

Don't pretend it's the same thing for each person, though.

Society has dictated that women should get the emotional support 24/7, but men can only have sex when the woman is in the mood.

You know, colloquialism and stereotype are just fine for a sympathetic joke between men. But they don't make for a proper argument about the reality of interpersonal relationships. They're mere stereotypes.

If they think they're entitled to emotional support all the time, why can't we have sex when we want?

Because the mental and physical aren't the same. I would have thought this is obvious, but thank you for correcting me on that gross error.

The proper comparison would be that a woman demanding constant emotional support can give none. And, yes, I've been through that before, too. Some people are just like that.

Actually no I won't, not in the long term .... I could have very easily have put up with her crap to keep getting laid, but I didn't.

Actually, I think you're wrong on that. You could not have very easily put up with it to keep getting laid, else you would have.

As Chatha mentioned, people will put up with more than they normally would (that goes for men and women) when they are getting something they want that makes up for it.
Some women will date men they otherwise find physically unattractive if he's loaded...and at that point, it's not about the man.

Maybe if you had come up with something other than the gold-digger stereotype, I could take that point more seriously.

Because you're right. People endure discomfort in exchange for things they want. Most people, for instance, hate their jobs. At least, it seems that way. Yet they get up and go to work and do at least enough to stay employed because they want the money.

But, to use my former partner as an example, I have no idea what it was she was getting out of the relationship. Sure as hell wasn't money. She lied to me to stay in it even while she didn't like me as a person and didn't like having sex with me. And like I said elsewhere, nobody should have to feel that way just to get laid, or whatever. Seriously, I don't understand what it was she got out of the relationship, and she never has answered the question.

And likewise you could be simply interpreting my point poorly. Some of the other members here seem to understand what I'm getting at.

So ... women are separate from people? You think the mental and physical are equivalent? You really do think men should mistreat and disrespect women?

Like I said, a pattern develops; that last about mistreating and disrespecting women seems like a sentence that didn't come out quite the way you intended, but then you followed it up with the bit that held women and people as separate groups. You assert that sex and emotional support are equivalent obligations. Are you qualified to make that assertion? How many times have you been penetrated? How many times has a man ejaculated inside you? Or on you? Or in your mouth? None? Why not? Do you think you could withstand a half-hour of rutting from the receiving end three-hundred times a year? How about one hundred eighty? Fifty-two? After all, your comparison suggests quite clearly that the sexual act is the same for both partners.

And the suggestion that your love for another human being depends on your sexual satisfaction, constitutes an obligation to your sexual satisfaction, is problematic. Certainly, you can find partners who will fulfill that standard, but they will more often or not require greater psychological and emotional investment on your part.

For the most part, I think I get what you're saying. I just disagree. And we should expect that there will be others who seem to understand what you're saying and are more sympathetic. The contextual themes of your argument are hardly unique.
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On genetics

Nietzschefan said:

Not evolutionary. A social imposition put on women from things like the victorian age, religion(man dominated), or other anti-instict herd mentality.

It's probably perfectly natural for women to be as horny as men, it's learned behaviour most likey that sets up a situation that women are not.

There is an evolutionary aspect to it:

Virgin birth, known to biologists as parthenogenesis (from the Greek, "parthen" meaning virgin or maiden and "genesis," beginning), has been seen in other species over the years. Some lizards occasionally produce offspring in this way. So do several species of fish, including a female hammerhead shark at the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha that produced offspring without a male last year.

The shark example is particularly striking because sharks are very primitive living fish, having shared a common ancestor with us over 400 million years ago. Biological cloning is not a recent invention of scientists; it is an ancient ability. And sharks, fish and lizards are probably only the tip of the iceberg. We know of virgin birth only in those rare instances when we’ve been lucky enough to see it. Nobody knows how common it is because there has been no systematic search for the phenomenon.

The big question these virgin births raise is this: If some females can get along without males, why does any species have males? The reason is simple. With virgin birth, hatchlings are simply genetic duplicates of the mother. In a world of clones, there would not be enough variation for populations to adapt. Virgin birth, then, is a great stopgap measure to ensure the survival of a species, but works against it in the long haul

Cloning is one of many mechanisms species use to survive in a dangerous world. Indeed, the diversity of reproductive strategies seen in animals staggers the imagination. Some reptiles do not determine sexes genetically, but rely on different incubation temperatures to determine the development of males and females. Other creatures can actually switch sexes during their lifetimes, being born male and developing as females. Still others can switch sexes based on behavioral cues in the social group. There is no one way that creatures start development, grow and form sexes — there are many varied ways.


The role of a male—delivering genetic material to a future generation—evolved as an afterthought. In utero, even with a Y chromosome, you develop as a female until certain other things—mostly hormonal doses from the mother—occur. There are, walking among us, human XY females. In other words, the default human being is female.

This should not, however, be taken to rule out the tremendous influence of cultural and environmental influences. Rather, we should not discount genetics. Neither should we exploit the "facts of life".


Shubin, Neil. "Birds Do It. Bees Do It. Dragons Don't Need To." New York Times. February 24, 2008. See
tiassa i do have to dispute you on one point, you constantly sugest that sex is unplesant from the womans perspective which i have to say is wrong (well if i dont my partner would beat me:p)

Infact she enjoys it so much SHE is the one bitching at ME that we dont have enough
Tiassa as an intrem comment playboy bunny asked me to post this:p

playboy bunny said:
i enjoy it.

if i didnt i woudlnt do it.

if i didnt enjoy it, i wouldnt be craving it when i cant have it.

wat do u think? do u think i moan like that coz i dont enjoy it?

you can quote me if you like

When she has read the exact context of your quote i sent her she promised futher responces:p
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this is my last post here but she did ask me to post this for her

Playboy Bunny said:
i don't think sex is unpleasant, as i said, i wouldn't do it if i didn't enjoy it.

I enjoy being cum in, on, etc, but don't ask me why.

maybe its a perverse power situation - i have let u do what u want on or in me, so you owe me.

maybe its a matter of feeling needed - you need me to be able to do it, so while you're doing it with me, you're not going anywhere else, thus I'm still needed for the next time you want to do it.

all i know is when you do cum in me, i feel satisfied . it feels good. don't know why. maybe i feel I've "done my job" (though i disagree somewhat, when u cut out the rest of life, its what women were put on the earth for, to be ejaculated in and have kids. we're basically walking cum receptacles)

maybe its because i know you've enjoyed yourself as well, hence you have cum, and i feel good that i have made you feel good.

or, at the end of the day, maybe its because i like orgasms that i like sex and that it feels good. :D

problem? (if Ur going to quote me, spell check and make sure it makes sense, i have a wicked hangover and cant be bothered)
That's not quite it, mate

Asguard said:

tiassa i do have to dispute you on one point, you constantly sugest that sex is unplesant from the womans perspective which i have to say is wrong (well if i dont my partner would beat me)

I would dispute that my point is that sex is inherently unpleasant for a woman. I'm just surprised that some people think that it's the same.

Do I need to be macho about it? Have you ever drilled a woman so hard she was sore the next day? You know, f@cked her so hard she couldn't walk straight? Did she like it? Yes? Did she want to subject her aching, bruised flesh to it again right away? No? How dare she!

Wait, wait ... how dare she?

Tell me it's the same for both partners. That is the point I disagree with.

Infact she enjoys it so much SHE is the one bitching at ME that we dont have enough

Enjoy it while it lasts, mate. I remember going five times a day for weeks. And hell, I miss it. I remember six-hour sessions. And, hell, I miss them. And even as one who has been criticized for being both too gentle and too rough—and, while that confusion was frustrating, hell, I miss it—I could never expect it to last forever, and unless I want to start feeding cocaine to college students, I'm not sure I'll ever get it like that again.

Unless I want to take it for six hours and, hell, I don't know if I could. I never have. I've been f@cked to the point that I wasn't consciously experiencing time, but I don't think even that was more than an hour of actual banging.

Of course, I don't have a vagina, and that point works both ways. But my point is that it's simply not the same for the person doing the penetrating and the person being penetrated.
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I would dispute that my point is that sex is inherently unpleasant for a woman. I'm just surprised that some people think that it's the same.

Do I need to be macho about it? Have you ever drilled a woman so hard she was sore the next day? You know, f@cked her so hard she couldn't walk straight? Did she like it? Yes? Did she want to subject her aching, bruised flesh to it again right away? No? .

That can work both ways. Though I admit, guys are more likely to grin and bear it :D
um tiassa, have you ever had a women squish your balls while she was riding on your lap?

How about want so much sex that you dick is sore?

Shorty 37 said:

No can't say that I have. But I have made him wake up sore the next day

I've been chafed to bleeding before. Ever make him bleed internally by f@cking him too hard?

• • •​

Asguard said:

um tiassa, have you ever had a women squish your balls while she was riding on your lap?

Occupational hazard. It's ... I'm going to say it's not quite the same thing. I've also had the bad bend, too. Again, it's just not quite the same thing.

How about want so much sex that you dick is sore?

I've had so much sex that I've been sore. But I'm an advocate of masturbation, so I haven't endured that kind of desperate need for release. I mean, maybe. But it doesn't stand out.
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Are we talking strap-ons? :eek: :D

Oops guess not.

But chafing is not so rare with prolonged sex, bleeding internally would be a bit difficult unless he's already got other physical problems.
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