Are men afraid of women who know what they want?

Sam how can i answer that question? I wasnt rasied that was and i dont have the same fears as these guys seem to. If anything i fear the physical pain women can cause (as i said i grew up with 2 sisters and one of them was rather vicious). I dont fear being seen as a wimp for seeking medical assistance for my physical OR psycological health and welbeing so how can i understand someone who does?
...I dont fear being seen as a wimp for seeking medical assistance for my physical OR psycological health and welbeing so how can i understand someone who does?

well, your guy friends. And since your an EMT, don't you run into these kinds of guys?
Oh hell yes but the atitude is as forigen to me as having a vagina would be:p

It is an area of health policy that facinates me but is totally confusing because its almost the exact oposite of the atitude to especially mental health that i have

As for asking them in general the people your talking about are the ones who's heartatacks are pronounced dead on the scean unfortuantly:(

Oh and i only have female friends:p
Not evolutionary. A social imposition put on women from things like the victorian age, religion(man dominated), or other anti-instict herd mentality.

It's probably perfectly natural for women to be as horny as men, it's learned behaviour most likey that sets up a situation that women are not.

I thought there was some piece of research which says women are less horny because we have almost no testosterone? At leat according to The Female Brain there is...

Anyway, one night Jani jumps up on the drum riser or something, holds the microphone in front of himself like a dick, and makes a grinding motion. For some reason, though, he falls forward, crashing down on the microphone and impaling himself with the RF transmitter.

I know it's horribly cruel, but I couldn't help having a big laugh when I read that.

Tell me it's the same for both partners. That is the point I disagree with.

It does feel better for the woman when you do it harder...:D
EDIT TO ADD: Anti flag i will add this one just for you (trust be the truth will be funnier than ANYTHING you can make up)

What is GTN used for treating and what commonly perscribed drug stops you using it?:p
It's viagra isn't it? It clearly causes problems with the blood supply.
yes its viagra and its alternitive (which i cant rember right now:p) because they both act in the same way (viagra locally, GTN globally)
Boys play with cars, girls play with dolls.
Men think and women feel.
Men are hard (they don't have much feelings) and women are soft.
Men are tough and women are sensitive.

why is it ok for men to do somthing and be seen has a great guy, but when a woman does it, we get this double standards?

Because men and women are different. If a man has sex with many, it means that he is good (because it's hard to get a woman), but if a woman does the same, she is a slut (because it's easy to get a man).

why do men like to tell women what to do?

Because men are dominant and women are submissive.
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men tell women what to do because its what they were raised with. They see their moms waiting on their dads, waiting on them, so they grow up and expect the same from their wives.

And nothing freaks a guy out more than a woman who knows what she wants in bed.

not really
I have already given plenty of examples of the sexism that feminists have pushed into the USA, thus proving my point that feminism is purely sexism. Also, posts such as the above don't help to prove me wrong when feminists constantly attempt to smear anyone who dares to stand up to the sexism that feminists push as woman haters.

Either way, keep up the good fight for the feminist cause, maybe you can get a new round of legislation that bans men from being able to seek shelter from domestic violence (at least continue refusing to allow men to seek that shelter after it was written into law), or further discriminate against men in the field of education.

If you cared at all about equality, then you would be fighting against feminists and feminism.

your using the same arguement that conservatives use against gays how is wanting the same rights wanting special rights
Yeah ABS, what pjdude said, WANTING EQUAL RIGHTS IS NOT WANTING SPECIAL RIGHTS. I'm really sick of you going on about how women have all the rights. Why then do women get discriminated against in the workplace the second they have kids, whereas it's seen as perfectly normal for a man to have both a high flying career and children?
So when are the sexists going to start pointing out the 'special rights' that I'm advocating instead of simply attacking the idea of equal rights between the sexes?
So when are the sexists going to start pointing out the 'special rights' that I'm advocating instead of simply attacking the idea of equal rights between the sexes?

your not getting the analogy. There are no special rights, just the claim that EQUAL RIGHTS are special rights.

This article is a pretty good reason why I view sex the way that I do:

It basically says that sexual compatibility is a MUST for any relationship to succeed.
My libido is probably above average, even for a guy. So I'm not going to be compatible with a woman who; 1. doesn't like to have sex that often and 2. is one of those that wants to wait for forever to have sex. Does that mean I would consider them less of a woman? Not at all. They just aren't the right fit for me.
That plays on what I was talking about before. Yes, there must be emotional compatibility, but there also must be sexual compatibility; which is something that a lot of women (except for shorty, Orly and visceral LOL) downplay. Just like this quote from the article reflects:
Those who believe passion inevitably fades may downplay the sex factor, picking someone they think would be a good father or a good wife even if they're not an ideal lover, Berman adds.
(Insert title here)

Mikenostic said:

This article is a pretty good reason why I view sex the way that I do ....

.... It basically says that sexual compatibility is a MUST for any relationship to succeed.

The article itself is a travesty. To that end two points should suffice:

• These people decided to marry one another.

• Therapist Berman's three points of advice all tend toward men's satisfaction.​

Look, I know sex is important. Duh. That's a no-brainer. But what I disagree with are a number of less-apparent facets of your outlook. In the "Divorce because of" debacle, you made it about character: a woman isn't decent if she doesn't meet your sexual schedule. In this topic, we've encountered the idea that emotional and physical satisfaction are equal burdens. We've also seen the idea that partners' roles in sexual intercourse are equal. I disagree with both of these. Doesn't mean sex isn't important.

Ain't touching the bit about the car.

Does that mean I would consider them less of a woman? Not at all. They just aren't the right fit for me.

Which makes this a change of your expression. And that's something I can better understand.

That plays on what I was talking about before. Yes, there must be emotional compatibility, but there also must be sexual compatibility; which is something that a lot of women ... downplay. Just like this quote from the article reflects

And that is to people's detriment. Of course, I'm one who thinks marriage is a crock. Too bad the guy in that article feels it necessary to have an affair, but, hey, he chose to get married. And so did his wife. Life goes on, and this is how he's going to deal with it.
i am just trying to get down to why men expect double standards from women, tattoos are ok for men and not women, sex with lots of people is ok if your a guy but not if your a woman, are we still having to endure this sexism shit that women have to deal with?

Hey guess what guys women can now vote!

Yeah, men are racists. After all they find it unattractive when the woman is overly masculine!

/me looks forward to all the strawmans
Just remember that expecting men to be allowed to go to domestic violence shelters is a special right, and not an equal right...

If you dare to suggest that a man be able to do this, then you are really suggesting that gays shouldn't be allowed to marry.
Mod Hat - Say huh?

Mod Hat — Say huh?

Angrybellsprout said:

Just remember that expecting men to be allowed to go to domestic violence shelters is a special right, and not an equal right.

(A) What the hell are you talking about?

(B) This is relevant to the topic ... how?

(C) We have, thus far, accommodated your digressions, but you didn't seem to think it worth your time to acknowledge that effort or even respond to the inquiries arising therefrom. There are myriad issues pertaining to men who suffer domestic violence; mixing the general and particular as you seem to be doing is a common ruse for avoiding any real discussion of a subject. If you wish to be taken seriously, please make at least some effort to communicate your point instead of posting low-effort condemnations of people and ideas you dislike.