Are men afraid of women who know what they want?

Shorty_37 said:

I have never faked it, why the hell would I?

I'm under the impression Mike is male. The only reason I make this point is that I'm not sure you should expect an answer from men. Rather, you shouldn't expect an accurate answer from men. And, hey, some of those answers are inflammatory. Some men might say, "Because you thought you were being nice", while others might say, "Because you were a bitch".

My generation is one raised on the idea that faked orgasms are common among women. Many a swiped copy of Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler asserted data allegedly surveyed among women suggesting that between one and two thirds of women have faked orgasms. I used to hang out with strippers who regularly claimed to fake orgasms with their partners. In those cases, speculation is a bit easier: the partners don't actually care about a genuine orgasm; if a woman doesn't sound like a porn-star voice-over, she must not be enjoying herself.

But, in general, it's not a question men can answer.
Ah, well, there you go, then. We seem to have overlapped. That happens sometimes, you know, when people aren't aiming for one-minute posts.

My apologies for taking too long about it.
Ah, well, there you go, then. We seem to have overlapped. That happens sometimes, you know, when people aren't aiming for one-minute posts.

My apologies for taking too long about it.

Thats okay. As long as we aren't aiming for 1 min sex lmao
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No, but I will go so far as to note that, having grown up in an era in which men were criticized for our lack of foreplay and being too quick about our climaxes, I was utterly befuddled when my last partner wanted the whole thing over and done with in fifteen minutes or less. In fact, if I could get it done in less than five—foreplay and all—so much the better.

And I could get it over and done with in less than five, as long as I spent some time "preparing" myself.
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..... I was utterly befuddled when my last partner wanted the whole thing over and done with in fifteen minutes of less. In fact, if I could get it done in less than five—foreplay and all—so much the better......

all the time??? :confused: Did you ask why?
No, but I will go so far as to note that, having grown up in an era in which men were criticized for our lack of foreplay and being too quick about our climaxes, I was utterly befuddled when my last partner wanted the whole thing over and done with in fifteen minutes of less. In fact, if I could get it done in less than five—foreplay and all—so much the better.

And I could get it over and done with in less than five, as long as I spent some time "preparing" myself.

Yep, hard for blokey to win.
Sometimes too quick ( shit, really? wasn't actually too quick for me, I can reach gratification, enlightenment and nirvana in less than fifteen minutes, where the hell were you or where was your head?, still thinking about the sales at the post xmas maelstrom?)
Sometimes too slow, " can you just come already?'

Excuse me! I was trying to "improve on last time"
4 and a half minutes was pathetic then but 5 minutes is boring tonight! Argghh! Masturbation does have its advantages!
but the word slut has to do with a woman's sexuality. Asshole doesn't have a thing to do with a man's sexuality. Stud does. What would be the male version of slut? Is there one?

Perhaps gigolo.
That's the kind of girl I want! Because as long as they don't lapse back into that girly behavior, the 'honorary males' are much less dramatic/bitch/moody, etc. than 'Paris Hilton' type girls.

By downhill, do you mean just ride a trail down a hill, or do you actually mean Downhill mountain biking, with the 8" suspension travel, high end bikes and such, down potetially dangerous Downhill trails?

Yeah I know what you mean, I hate the Paris Hilton types. When I see girls in nightclubs and at gigs pissed and having crying fits (for some reason where I live it seems to be fashionable for girls to have crying fits, at least one girl per event has one) I just want to smack them for being so pathetic. Go dance, or get rid of your shit feelings in the moshpit, but just fucking stop crying!!! :D

I mean the potentially dangerous downhill trails. :D

That was me when I was younger, except for the 'full of themselves' part. I was too shy. And there are plenty of men who love stupid naive confused shy girls.

Same here. Although it wasn't that I was shy, I'm just not the most emotionally literate person in the world. I am still somewhat naive (I am 17 after all), but more able to recognise that I may be about to seriously hurt someone's feelings.
A lot of men are afraid of women in positions of authority. Those men usually have very low self esteem.
By strong women do you mean the sexist idiots that do things such as get laws such as the vawa passed, the same ones that discriminate against men in the workplace, the same ones that refuse to accept the equal right to be punched in the face, the same ones that strongly believe in the concept that marriage is simply a means of taking wealth away from some poor sucker and the same ones that refuse to accept the equal right to paying the bills?

I have a good feeling that is the 'strong woman' that you are speaking of.
This and that

Orleander said:

all the time??? Did you ask why?

Yeah, but I got a generic answer.

• • •​

Angrybellsprout said:

By strong women do you mean the sexist idiots that do things such as get laws such as the vawa passed, the same ones that discriminate against men in the workplace, the same ones that refuse to accept the equal right to be punched in the face, the same ones that strongly believe in the concept that marriage is simply a means of taking wealth away from some poor sucker and the same ones that refuse to accept the equal right to paying the bills?

What's hilarious about your misogyny is that you consider being punched in the face a "right", or the obligation to pay for consumption a "right".

I mean, compared to the misogyny of old, sure, there is a "right" to pay bills inasmuch as women are allowed to undertake obligations of their own. In the meantime, though, you tend to be hollering about phantoms of your own creation. Perhaps if your argument focused on objective, statistical considerations instead of emotionally-driven, morbid hilarity like the "right" to be assaulted, you might find people taking you a little more seriously.

In the meantime, let's start with a simple one. How many men are raped by women in the United States each year?

Oh, oh. Here's an even simpler one: How many pregnant men are beaten by their female spouses or partners?

Now, one other thing that might help would be to stop focusing your anger on women and start thinking about this issue in terms of human beings. After all, as the saying goes, when women act like human beings, they are accused of trying to be like men.

I'll even throw you a bone:

Why Does Domestic Abuse Against Men Go Unrecognized?

Domestic violence against men goes unrecognized for the following reasons:
• The incidence of domestic violence against men appears to be so low that it is hard to get reliable estimates.

• It has taken years of advocacy and support to encourage women to report domestic violence. Virtually nothing has been done to encourage men to report abuse.

• The idea that men could be victims of domestic abuse and violence is so unthinkable to most people that many men will not even attempt to report the situation.

• The counseling and psychological community have responded to domestic abuse and violence against women. Not enough has been done to stop abuse against women. There has been very little investment in resources to address the issues of domestic abuse and violence against men.

• In most cases, the actual physical damage inflicted by men is so much greater than the actual physical harm inflected by women. The impact of domestic violence is less apparent and less likely to come to the attention of others.

• Even when men do report domestic abuse and violence, most people are so astonished, men usually end up feeling like nobody would believe them. It is widely assumed than a man with a bruise or black eye was in a fight with another man or was injured on the job or while playing contact sports. Women generally don't do those things.​


Now, just stop and think about all the history that goes into the social conditions that compel men to not report domestic violence. Just think about it for a minute. Because that isn't "women's fault". It's all of our faults. So instead of getting pissed off about the Violence Against Women Act, which responded to specific problems in society, start asking about why men, and also society in general have not taken certain steps. It's not because NOW or any other group of women are holding back such efforts. So stop blaming them for our inadequacy. Stop blaming our mothers for our fathers' doing (or lack thereof). You seem so determined to denigrate women who don't meet or conform to some abstract idyll of your own that people might just get the idea that you're a misogynist.

Oh, right. Too late.


Oregon Counseling. "About Domestic Violence Against Men". Revised May 20, 2007.
A lot of men are afraid of women in positions of authority. Those men usually have very low self esteem.


Exhibit A:

angrybellsprout said:
By strong women do you mean the sexist idiots that do things such as get laws such as the vawa passed, the same ones that discriminate against men in the workplace, the same ones that refuse to accept the equal right to be punched in the face, the same ones that strongly believe in the concept that marriage is simply a means of taking wealth away from some poor sucker and the same ones that refuse to accept the equal right to paying the bills?

I have a good feeling that is the 'strong woman' that you are speaking of.
"sometimes slapping a woman can be okay"- Sean Connery.

When I heard this I laughed so hard I almost cried. I don't condone bullying but lets be honest there are some crazy women out there who...I hope to equally crazy guys.
"sometimes slapping a woman can be okay"- Sean Connery.

When I heard this I laughed so hard I almost cried. I don't condone bullying but lets be honest there are some crazy women out there who...I hope to equally crazy guys.

There is nothing wrong with the equal right to being punched in the face. If she is doing something crazy enough that you'd punch a he in the face for, then you should just punch her all the same, as that would actually mean equal standards for equal sexes, but the sexist trolls around here hate the thought of equal standards, favoring privileges for females that males cannot have.
So is it a right or a privilege to be punched or to do the punching?
he's just saying some people deserve what they get; boy, girl, man, or woman. If you really check many spousal abuses, as you will find in any relationship between two people, the faults are almost never on one side alone. I think men have come a very long way in the treatment of women. They are continualy asked to hold their emotion, bottle it in whenever there's a rift, whenever his mate acts like a real cunt. Women however can get away with just about anything these days. This is fine, but the problem is that some women do what most people in power do ninty nine percent of the time, they abuse their previlage. Give a new born baby some sort of power and he will abuse it, I don't know, its some kind of idea drilled into our heads. God knows men abuse their previlages too, men have been doing that since before the first ever dawn. Since the first man climbed trees for them to get them fruits, we've followed with shivalry, appreciation, love, protection, equal rights, special rights, legal rights, civil rights,common rights, e.t.c. And what do we have to show for it? many are lesbians, sluts, dumb, self centered, irrational, "I think men are tools" assholes. Nobody in this world is automatically previlaged for anything, even your mother knows this, people appreciate things more when they earn it.
"Strong women" are terrified of the idea of being held to the same standards and same rules that men are held to.