Are men afraid of women who know what they want?

THANK YOU!! Its what I keep saying. :bravo: Women have as varied sex drives as men and I don't understand why its wrong for a woman to have a strong sex drive.
I will NEVER say it's wrong for a girl to have a strong sex drive. But those kinds of girls seem to be almost mythical in existence.
But your def. of a strong female sex drive might be different than mine.
My def. is she wants to have it and puts forth effort (kids or not) to have it every day. Do you and your hubby get it on daily?<---not trying to be nosy, but it correlates to the point.

Are they treated differently? You are stating that there is a double standard for women right? Can you prove it with at least 10 cases where a guy is given "the pass" for being promiscuous?
I can't prove but I can be a witness to one.
My friends and I in college. We more or less gave each other high fives when one of us nailed a new girl. But that was college, everyone was out to have a good time, even the girls.
NOW...with that said, I would only give them a high five if they slept with a girl that they didn't dupe.
I could never respect a guy who got laid by duping girls.

I'm so sick of men who only want a vacuous zombie with no brain for a girlfriend. Thank you. You just restored my faith.
Glad to help. However it seems that guys like myself aren't very common, and the ones that do exist, are usually taken.
Kinda like the nice girls who aren't very moody or bitchy...girls like that are always off the market.

No, girls definitely need to fuck too. They get evil and irrational when they don't.
Yeah, but getting you girls to have sex sometimes is like prepping a race car for a race, or trying to get a Jaguar E-type to actually start/run. Most of the time we don't want to jump through hoops. Metaphorically speaking, we want a Toyota Camry or Honda Accord that we can just turn key and go.*

*I don't mean foreplay by all that. I was talking about how guys are more or less always ready, but women aren't. If they are the least bit emotional about something, 'headache', or pissed off, etc. forget about it. We might as well just go spank it then.

I'd LOVE to meet and date a girl that liked to hit it as much as I do (meaning like, everyday), that had a personality that I could withstand on a daily basis. But it seems to be one or the other, and I can't accept that.

I know how you mean, I hate how when I go moshing at metal concerts I get comments like 'You're a right violent one aren't you?' These guys mean it in a nice, kind of admiring way, but still. When men do it it's normal, when a girl does it she's seen as being an over-testosteroned bulldyke. Why?
Pfft. I guess the guys are initimidated by that kind of behavior. I'm not but I usually don't go after those types either(even though that's exactly the type of girl that I want). Because girls like that tend to be just 'one of the guys' and they are hard to snag for dating sometimes.
I'm an athletic person with an athletic build and mentality, and very outdoorsy. I want a girl with a similar mentality, not some credit card swiping, cell phone yakking, bitchy pageant queen.*
If I find a girl that will go mountain biking with me, and likes it, I believe I would have to marry her.

*I wasn't directing that towards you, Orly. I've just seen how bitchy some of those girls are. There was an episode of Moment of Truth on the other night and this pagent queen was on there that nailed the stereotype.
I will NEVER say it's wrong for a girl to have a strong sex drive. But those kinds of girls seem to be almost mythical in existence.
But your def. of a strong female sex drive might be different than mine.
My def. is she wants to have it and puts forth effort (kids or not) to have it every day. Do you and your hubby get it on daily?<---not trying to be nosy, but it correlates to the point.....

.... not some credit card swiping, cell phone yakking, bitchy pageant queen.*
If I find a girl that will go mountain biking with me, and likes it, I believe I would have to marry her.

*I wasn't directing that towards you, Orly. I've just seen how bitchy some of those girls are. There was an episode of Moment of Truth on the other night and this pagent queen was on there that nailed the stereotype.

About 1 week a month (every month) my husband has to put out every day. Otherwise it averages about 4x a week. It doesn't have to be a big production. I don't know what women have against an afternoon quicky, but some want this big deal about it. Its gotta be 'making love' and 'quickies are fucking and that's wrong and nasty and blech'. :rolleyes: STUPID!!!! And I put out even if I'm not exactly in the mood. Maybe I'll get more in the mood once we start. :shrug: Or what's the harm in just making him happy? (For that one week he has to whether he feels like it or not, I owe him.)

Oh, and I met some of those pageant girls as well. Nice Christian girls who prayed and did group hugs <barf> all the while cutting eachother down.
About 1 week a month (every month) my husband has to put out every day.
I hope and pray that I never get into the position (pun fully intended) that your husband is in. You must've worn him out over the years or something.

Oh, and I met some of those pageant girls as well. Nice Christian girls who prayed and did group hugs <barf> all the while cutting eachother down.
Women like that are a good argument for being gay.
I think you're pretty much right here, a growing number of guys these days don't see promiscuity as a good thing anymore because so many women act the same way and they've realised how unattractive they find such a quality for anything other than a one off fuck. Conversely a large number of modern women seem to now have the old male attitude that being promiscuous is cool, and then wonder why lots of people call them sluts and don't want anything more with them than gratuitous sex. It seems to me that there's almost a non-existant gap in the double standard anymore, it's just an old oft-regurgitated phrase, after all, if only men want one off sex, then where in fact are they getting it?

No, I think the double standard is alive and well. At least where I live. I find that if I talk about sex I'm judged as very shallow and unsavoury, by other females particularly. Talking about love is fine, but the attitude is that girls are only allowed to want love, not sex. Which seems unnaturally schismatic to me. I want both sex and love, I thought everyone did.

Because girls like that tend to be just 'one of the guys' and they are hard to snag for dating sometimes.

Yeah, I know how you mean. Girls like that end up being honorary males for some reason.

If I find a girl that will go mountain biking with me, and likes it, I believe I would have to marry her.

I go mountain biking...well downhill biking anyway :D:D:D
Yeah, I know how you mean. Girls like that end up being honorary males for some reason.
That's the kind of girl I want! Because as long as they don't lapse back into that girly behavior, the 'honorary males' are much less dramatic/bitch/moody, etc. than 'Paris Hilton' type girls.

I go mountain biking...well downhill biking anyway :D:D:D
By downhill, do you mean just ride a trail down a hill, or do you actually mean Downhill mountain biking, with the 8" suspension travel, high end bikes and such, down potetially dangerous Downhill trails?
No, I think the double standard is alive and well. At least where I live. I find that if I talk about sex I'm judged as very shallow and unsavoury, by other females particularly. Talking about love is fine, but the attitude is that girls are only allowed to want love, not sex. Which seems unnaturally schismatic to me. I want both sex and love, I thought everyone did.
I guess I happen to live in a more liberal place then because it is definately different where I live, most people sleep around regardless of gender.:shrug:
I could understand if you talked about sex all the time around the same people they might begin to think you have a one track mind and then they'll make connections to how you might act, especially if you always seem to have a new boyfriend or something. They're wrong of course, but in a conservative place I can see where the connection comes from.
Knowing what you want is just another way to say you are idealistic, and probably unrealistic. Indeed, men should be afraid of women like this. They want their relationships to fit some image. They are less likely to try and work out the inevitable problems.
My wife is the toughest woman I know!!! She has an Iron Will that is unbelievable. She doesn't always know what she wants, but she know when she wants. As to the bed, SHE ALWAYS KNOWS WHAT SHE WANTS!!!

(Even if it contradicts what she wanted yesterday!!!)
I've never been one for having a man guess what I want. So I always flat out say what I want or what I'm feeling or what I'm thinking.
All it ever did was confuse my husband. He was so used to translating and trying to understand what a woman wanted.
We finally had to sit down and I had to fully explain that what I say is what I mean.
u could say the same thing about men too. Many men fall for younger women just to make them feel good about something...anything. Don't get me wrong, young women are dumb, stupid, naive, confused, and exponentially full of themselves.

That was me when I was younger, except for the 'full of themselves' part. I was too shy. And there are plenty of men who love stupid naive confused shy girls.
That was me when I was younger, except for the 'full of themselves' part. I was too shy.
Most people are somewhat naive when they are younger.

And there are plenty of men who love stupid naive confused shy girls.
Because those kinds of women are much easier to dupe into giving up some sex. They tend to have low self esteem and are easily manipulated by a charming guy who gives them attention.
yeah, I don't see scatter brained as being much of a deal breaker either. If he forgets something, I can always staple a post-it note to his forehead. ;)
Unless she's blond and sucks my dick. Then I'm cool with it.

Women are responsible for their own orgasms.
I don't care who's responsible for the female orgasm, as long as she doesn't fake them, I'm cool.
Don't fake orgasms ladies. We'd rather be ineffective than decieved.

Hehe..a little joke for you all:
Q: Why do women fake orgasms?
A: Because they think we care!

Don't fake orgasms ladies. We'd rather be ineffective than decieved.

I have never faked it, why the hell would I? :shrug:
I think this one needs a poll, because I am curious how many women have faked one...
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