Are all discussions of God speculative nonsense?

I think it's reasonable. Thoughts and wishes exist only in your head, which is no miracle at all.

i'm not talking about a miracle; i'm talking about everything that happens every day all day long. desire and thought are the precursors to any and all actions or accomplishments. you know this.

and even if the result is not what you would expect, i think all desires and all thoughts change things on some level.
i'm not talking about a miracle; i'm talking about everything that happens every day all day long. desire and thought are the precursors to any and all actions or accomplishments. you know this.

and even if the result is not what you would expect, i think all desires and all thoughts change things on some level.

That's fine, but it doesn't depend on any supernatural agent.
God lets all sorts of evil things happen,
you still refuse to understand this concept of God gave us the ability to choose..
its a cop out, for responsibility..IE If God exists he wouldn't let me do anything against his will..
get over the 'God lets' argument..God gave us free will. what you choose to do with it is your responsibility.
quit blaming God for all the evil in the world and blame the perpetrator.
That's fine, but it doesn't depend on any supernatural agent.

nothing is supernatural. the word is a synonym for "non-existent". we simply do not understand all there is to understand about nature.
you still refuse to understand this concept of God gave us the ability to choose..
its a cop out, for responsibility..IE If God exists he wouldn't let me do anything against his will..
get over the 'God lets' argument..God gave us free will. what you choose to do with it is your responsibility.
quit blaming God for all the evil in the world and blame the perpetrator.

I don't blame any God for letting things happen, blaming horned angels/fiends/goblins/plastic gnomes or silly.I will however argue the blame game that plays out when a person claims to believe in an omniscient creator and still blames humans for their actions. In that scenario the perpetrator is God.
I will however argue the blame game that plays out when a person claims to believe in an omniscient creator and still blames humans for their actions. In that scenario the perpetrator is God.

your argument says if someone blames God,blame ppl, if someone blames ppl, then blame God..where is personal responsibility in this??
your argument says if someone blames God,blame ppl, if someone blames ppl, then blame God..where is personal responsibility in this??
I think you misunderstood what I said darling. An omniscient God would know everything about humans before creating them, the creation would be a staged play. There is no free will in that.God created them with knowledge of what was to come, God would be the perpetrator of this play. Not everyone thinks a God needs to be omniscient though.

I do take responsibility for my actions. I do not pass it around like a hot potato.
I think you misunderstood what I said darling. An omniscient God would know everything about humans before creating them, the creation would be a staged play. There is no free will in that.God created them with knowledge of what was to come, God would be the perpetrator of this play. Not everyone thinks a God needs to be omniscient though.
this is another will..
i believe God created us with the ability to choose.
i do not believe that Gods knowledge of our actions negate our free will.
its not an either/or condition.
you still refuse to understand this concept of God gave us the ability to choose..

This is meta-religion, and it is not part of the Bible.

The Bible does not say anywhere anything to the effect of "You are free to choose whatever religion you want, you can be a Muslim or a Christian or a Hindu, I, God, do not mind, for you will be doing My will."

It appears you bring up free will so that you can criticize people and shift the burden of proving the Absolute Truth on them.
Insert deity here,

An omniscient God would know everything about humans before creating them, the creation would be a staged play.

Just as the director of a play would know everything about his cast before
performance. Okay.

There is no free will in that.God created them with knowledge of what was to come, God would be the perpetrator of this play. Not everyone thinks a God needs to be omniscient though.

The actors, although working from a script, can change the outcome of the play without tampering with the original script. No two performances are ever the same.

Free will, is not about changing the set script, it is about how you express that script. That individual knowledge is part and parcel of a living entity (soul). It is what makes it so.

The Bible does not say anywhere anything to the effect of "You are free to choose whatever religion you want, you can be a Muslim or a Christian or a Hindu, I, God, do not mind, for you will be doing My will."
yea..the bible also doesn't say we are suppose to develop a hierarchy of believers and gain power through politics..

the fact that God left the choice to adam and eve to eat the apple is proof enough that he gave us the ability to choose.
if he really did not want us to choose,he would not have created the apple in the first place.

It appears you bring up free will so that you can criticize people and shift the burden of proving the Absolute Truth on them.
nope..just to get ppl to rethink how they think of God.
If you don't advocate any definitive stances that people should take, then you are just wasting everyone's time.

now you are just telling me to tell ppl what to do.
setting me up to take responsibility for others choices..
the more you continue this line of argument,the more i think you do not know how to take responsibility for your own actions/decisions/beliefs..IE why did you do that?..because he told me to..NO! this is not taking responsibility for your own beliefs, this is looking for someone to blame.

talk about not taking a stance..make up you you want 'do as your told' or 'think for yourself'?
now you are just telling me to tell ppl what to do.
setting me up to take responsibility for others choices..
the more you continue this line of argument,the more i think you do not know how to take responsibility for your own actions/decisions/beliefs..IE why did you do that?..because he told me to..NO! this is not taking responsibility for your own beliefs, this is looking for someone to blame.

talk about not taking a stance..make up you you want 'do as your told' or 'think for yourself'?

it's his standing trolling argument. you haven't caught on yet? he thinks it's clever.