Are all discussions of God speculative nonsense?

Like what?
That animals can talk human for instance or that seven headed monsters are real or that a water walking immortal God can somehow die?


no, like greed is good, or like there's nothing tragically and inherently wrong with humanity that we can't fix ourselves.
no, like greed is good, or like there's nothing tragically and inherently wrong with humanity that we can't fix ourselves.

All the creatures that we know look to themselves for leadership yet you want leadership from some alien God. Sigh.

There is no creature as far as we can know that is better equipped to lead man than man. Your invisible genocidal maniac proves my point.

All the creatures that we know look to themselves for leadership yet you want leadership from some alien God. Sigh.

There is no creature as far as we can know that is better equipped to lead man than man. Your invisible genocidal maniac proves my point.


man is leading man straight to hell honey. you haven't noticed? take a look around. turn on the news. our leaders are all war-mongering, greedy, corrupt, liars.
I don't understand what you mean by this statement.


The optimal awareness that we know of is man's.
The only way to raise above that is to consolidate the minds of many men and women.
If humans cooperate in that way then what would we need a God for?
You may have noted that secularism is doing that consolidating and you will note that it's system are better than any than any God has come up with.
That is why the world is going to it.

man is leading man straight to hell honey. you haven't noticed? take a look around. turn on the news. our leaders are all war-mongering, greedy, corrupt, liars.

I have mentioned to you that the main markers for evil, per capita are down.
If you are too lazy to check for yourself and live your lie then by all means, blindly do.

Prove your point or be seen as the hysterical liar that you are.

Greatest I am,

The optimal awareness that we know of is man's.

If by ''optimal'' you mean most favourable, again i'm not sure
what you mean. If by ''optimal'' you mean only, then you need to explain
how you know this, because as far as I can tell all creatures have awareness.

The only way to raise above that is to consolidate the minds of many men and women.

An ability you appear to have, based on your posts.

If humans cooperate in that way then what would we need a God for?

Do you believe in a spirit-soul, trancendant to the material world?

You may have noted that secularism is doing that consolidating and you will note that it's system are better than any than any God has come up with.
That is why the world is going to it.

The trouble with secularism is that it doesn't cater for the whole, only the part.
If you can't save a drowning man, you can save his clothes, so to speak.

We all know that doesn't work in reality.

Greatest I am,

If by ''optimal'' you mean most favourable, again i'm not sure
what you mean. If by ''optimal'' you mean only, then you need to explain
how you know this, because as far as I can tell all creatures have awareness.

We cannot be aware of what the extent of animal awareness is but we do know they have it.

Ours, as far as we can tell, is better or optimal in that we can for instance, look at the sky and using imagination and our ability to be aware of space and time, ponder what is out there. An animal is aware of it's immediate surroundings but man can be aware of much more.

An ability you appear to have, based on your posts.

My kingdom to be so blessed. I have touched such a mind only the once.
Perhaps I was lucky enough to retain something. I do not feel it if I did.
Explanation to follow.

Do you believe in a spirit-soul, trancendant to the material world?

The Godhead I know in a nutshell.
I was a skeptic till the age of 39.
I then had an apotheosis and later branded myself a Gnostic Christian with some Deist thrown in.
Gnostic Christian because I exemplify this quote from William Blake.

“Both read the Bible day and night, But thou read'st black where I read white.”

This refers to how Gnostics tend to reverse, for moral reasons, what Christians see in the Bible. We tend to recognize the evil ways of O T God where literal Christians will see God’s killing as good. Christians are sheeple where Gnostic Christians are goats.
This perhaps why we see the use of a Jesus scapegoat as immoral, while theists like to make Jesus their beast of burden. An immoral position.

During my apotheosis, something that only lasted 5 or 6 seconds, the only things of note to happen was that my paradigm of reality was confirmed and I was chastised to think more demographically. What I found was what I call a cosmic consciousness. Not a new term but one that is a close but not exact fit.

I recognize that I have no proof. That is always the way with apotheosis.
This is also why I prefer to stick to issues of morality because no one has yet been able to prove that God is real.

The cosmic consciousness is not a miracle working God. He does not interfere with us save when one of us finds it. Not a common thing from what I can see. It is a part of nature and our next evolutionary step.

I tend to have more in common with atheists who ignore what they see as my delusion because our morals are basically identical. Theist tend not to like me much as I have no respect for literalists and fundamentals and think that most Christians have tribal mentalities and poor morals.

I am rather between a rock and a hard place but this I cannot help.

I am happy to be questioned on what I believe but whether or not God exists is basically irrelevant to this world for all that he does not do, and I prefer to thrash out moral issues that can actually find an end point. The search for God is never ending when you are of the Gnostic persuasion. My apotheosis basically says that I am to discard whatever God I found, God as a set of rules that is, not idol worship, it but instead, raise my bar and seek further.

My apotheosis also showed me that God has no need for love, adoration or obedience. He has no needs. Man has dominion here on earth and is to be and is the supreme being.

The trouble with secularism is that it doesn't cater for the whole, only the part.
If you can't save a drowning man, you can save his clothes, so to speak.

We all know that doesn't work in reality.


The only problem I see in a fully secularized world is that by enhancing the individual freedoms that we all enjoy, we have to give up some of our collective dignity.

I do not know of any way around it though.

Let me try to give an example.
If you and I were to walk down a city street of such a nation, we would be assured the most freedom possible to do as we would like short of creating harm to another. On this this street as we stroll along with our children let's say, we would pass a church on the one corner, a brothel across the street, a bar at the other, a drug den at the other, a medical abortion at the next etc. All places of maximum freedom but collectively, to my way of thinking, not a city that I would say is dignified.
Again though, unless the freedoms of others is to be discriminated against for no good reason, that is the best that I can envisage.

Religions cannot get rid of the poor or slavery in their demographic pyramid. Democracy cannot get rid of poverty or slaves either, although we have more politically correct names for them. Perhaps this is the limit of dignity we can build into our systems.

Time will tell.

since the evidence you (lie and say you) seek comes from god and not man, you are the laughing stock. only those of us who know that aren't laughing. it's not funny.

ok lori state one fact that can even come close to being verified that god is around us i see evolution ALL OVER THE PLACE yet i dont see god anywhere. and as for now and forever you lori the religious are the laughing stock.

a child has an imaginary friend - they have an active mind
an adult has an imaginary friend- they are in the loony bin
an adult has an amaginary friend named god who created everything and has our lifes planned out for us- religious
Invisibility Disorder: They talk about invisibles, they feel the invisibles, they talk to the invisibles, etc.
all ideas about a god/gods come from us. there is no idea that is foreign, they are all coming from people. they are just projecting that onto a concept but that concept is from people and everything it entails.

it's speculative and it is not all speculative. we are naturally going to experience and observe our environment and speculate. that is how we grow but when it becomes 'nonsense' is when you don't know how to discern speculation and facts.

our innate creative force as well as our consciousness is real and should be honored in the sense that our questioning ability has the seeds of some truth as well. it's just important to realize that what we feel and think may be true in some cases and may not be all the time, since we don't have all the information and we are just trying but trying is the start of a journey of discovery which is personal and one may hit on some truths as well.
Simply, you are all non sense in this..

When someone raise a thread trying to proove that God don't exist, he thinks everyone else (who try to proove the contrary) are non sense, and not really trying try to see what they are saying or what they mean, or try to think like they do..
Same thing when someone who beleive in God is trying to proove the existence of God to an atheist..most of you here, don't try to think, how the other think, i did try to think like atheist do in the matter of the existence of God, and didnt work for me, it wasnt convincing for me, I'm still a beleiver, and very sure about that, no doubts..

Simply, discussing the existence of God here, is an empty circle, leads to nowhere, no results at all, since when you start that, as usualy, many people go to the side way, wich is, known to everyone, using offences, irony, and also criticizing (sorry if it is wrong spelled) the person they are discussing with, or try to controll the path of the discussion, instead of concentrating on one point, wich effcorse one point leads to another..

But in a thread about a topic, "the existence of God", that shouldn't include relegions, but what is wanted discuss about..
anyway, my point is, that most times, it starts at some point with saying somekind of "offences" and undirect discussion

(well, what i said wasn't based on this thread, but on what I used to see in the other threads with the same topic and such...)
ok lori state one fact that can even come close to being verified that god is around us i see evolution ALL OVER THE PLACE yet i dont see god anywhere. and as for now and forever you lori the religious are the laughing stock.

a child has an imaginary friend - they have an active mind
an adult has an imaginary friend- they are in the loony bin
an adult has an amaginary friend named god who created everything and has our lifes planned out for us- religious

Its different than that, maybe a more experience spiritual freak can explain it, but I can't. Each man has to find the faith for him self, all I have to say to people is keep an open mind about it.
Simply, you are all non sense in this..

When someone raise a thread trying to proove that God don't exist, he thinks everyone else (who try to proove the contrary) are non sense, and not really trying try to see what they are saying or what they mean, or try to think like they do..
Same thing when someone who beleive in God is trying to proove the existence of God to an atheist..most of you here, don't try to think, how the other think, i did try to think like atheist do in the matter of the existence of God, and didnt work for me, it wasnt convincing for me, I'm still a beleiver, and very sure about that, no doubts..

Simply, discussing the existence of God here, is an empty circle, leads to nowhere, no results at all, since when you start that, as usualy, many people go to the side way, wich is, known to everyone, using offences, irony, and also criticizing (sorry if it is wrong spelled) the person they are discussing with, or try to controll the path of the discussion, instead of concentrating on one point, wich effcorse one point leads to another..

But in a thread about a topic, "the existence of God", that shouldn't include relegions, but what is wanted discuss about..

I know exactly how the atheist thinks.. no proof.. no God. But the simple truth isthe proof is all around us. Just live your damn life, and spread the love. Oh, and Be Tee Dubs were living in a satanic society.