Are all discussions of God speculative nonsense?

I prefer the test to see if we can use our powers of reason to live sustainably on the planet. In that test, most religious people fail.
you have proved nothing, until you do, this god does not exist, I just said so. PROVE to me I am wrong. All you have done is pass me your opinion, thats not proof.
well that's all you've done so far - pass your opinion

But here, let me prove it to you once more - "I just said you are wrong"
Its not a test you will know passed until it is too late. You either pass or you do not.

It's notions like that that make me think that religion/spirituality is a dog fight, a struggle for survival.

Each man against every other man, and God against all, eh?
It's notions like that that make me think that religion/spirituality is a dog fight, a struggle for survival.

Each man against every other man, and God against all, eh?

If we all followed the word of God, not A god their would not be war. Man will be pitted against man very soon, and it is a struggle for survival. You clearly have a deep understanding of man kind, I hope you will apply it correctly. I do not need others in Heaven, only one I can think of to be happy. If I am the last man in Heaven the Lord will have a fighting chance.

Don't even consider God, if you don't want to you don't have to, just consider it good vs. evil, because that is the world we live in. Do not define yourself by nation. I do not expect you to believe in God, but believe in good. Will you fight against evil when the day comes? Or will you duped like most and fight the people of Russia, or North Korea? Being a communist does not make you a bad man, just a man with an alternate idea of government, hardly something to die for.

Tell me if you don't understand what I am saying because this part is very important.