Are all discussions of God speculative nonsense?

What excellent Christian attitude the two of you display!
Such nice and God-loving people!
What excellent Christian attitude the two of you display!
Such nice and God-loving people!

speak for yourself signal. i love god, but i'm definitely not nice. "nice" implies insincerity. that's for people like you, until you slip and let your true colors show like you did above. oops!

More like a post conception of what is truly observed.

yes, but he is acting like we are supposed to be nice, just because we call ourselves Christians..and i think you can agree that just because a person is Christian does not make them better ..
yes, but he is acting like we are supposed to be nice, just because we call ourselves Christians..and i think you can agree that just because a person is Christian does not make them better ..

Signal might be a she.

Believers may show anger as a resort to not having anything else beyond their wishes, as I note on many forums, some of which are even worse than here. This can actually take away from any points they are trying to get across.
Greatest I am,

Are all discussions of God speculative nonsense?

I doubt it.

Many quote God’s WORD as coming from God’s own mind somehow yet that same WORD says that God is unknowable, unfathomable and mysterious.

The sun is ''unknowable'', ''unfathomable'' and ''mysterious'', yet we don't not believe it exists. Sure, there are things we know and understand about the sun, but we don't know or understand everything. In that way the sun is all of the above in its completeness. The same can be said of God.

That same WORD is full of contradictions which may help demonstrate that God truly does work in mysterious, illogical ways.

To come to that conclusion you would have to completely KNOW God (as mentioned above), so you have just contradicted yourself.
Apart from that, what you may misunderstand, or deem contradictory, may
not apply to someone else, unless you think you know all minds.

Those who say they know the mind of God, lie, if the Bible is to be believed. According to it, God is un-knowable.

You are claiming to know the mind of those who say they know the mind of God, yet you don't claim to be a liar. Double standards.
God may well be unknowable in the sense that God is the ocean while we are
a drop of the ocean, but we can know God through understanding ourselves. At present we try to know God by trying to analyse each and every component of the ocean while not realising that we are a main component.

Many claim a personal relationship to their God yet few will admit apotheosis.
Are you/they lying if no actual personal contact has occurred?

That's an excellent question.
The answer is, you'll never know unless you reach that stage.

Are all discussions, of any God, just speculative nonsense, or can a man actually know something of God’s thinking?

I believe that latter, but from our perspective and position, it's not easy.

Are we all just spinning our wheels in discussions.

Sometimes, but there most probably are moments when truth is hit upon.
We just have raise our awareness to the point where we can discriminate clearly.

you still refuse to understand this concept of God gave us the ability to choose..
its a cop out, for responsibility..IE If God exists he wouldn't let me do anything against his will..
get over the 'God lets' argument..God gave us free will. what you choose to do with it is your responsibility.
quit blaming God for all the evil in the world and blame the perpetrator.

Who's responsible for tsunamis and earthquakes?
nothing is supernatural. the word is a synonym for "non-existent". we simply do not understand all there is to understand about nature.

I understand that keeping a vision in your mind provides inspiration and insight. No god required.
I understand that keeping a vision in your mind provides inspiration and insight. No god required.

but wait! you gotta have the right vision. lots of people don't have any vision at all, much less the right one. lots of people are staring at lies and believing they're true!
Who's responsible for tsunamis and earthquakes?

i would not blame God for them..

<edit> also you have taken a statement about humanity and transposed it to the physical world..which in my opinion is not a good thing to do when arguing God.
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i would not blame God for them..

Believers should not forget that God made every single thing in the universe of nature and in human nature, as well, to operate exactly how it does in every way, using His unerring and all powerful knowing. His will be done.
Greatest I am,

I doubt it.

based on what?
What have you learned that you can know for sure and is not mere speculation?

The sun is ''unknowable'', ''unfathomable'' and ''mysterious'', yet we don't not believe it exists. Sure, there are things we know and understand about the sun, but we don't know or understand everything. In that way the sun is all of the above in its completeness. The same can be said of God.

A poor analogy. We can see the sun and feel it's effect.

To come to that conclusion you would have to completely KNOW God (as mentioned above), so you have just contradicted yourself.
Apart from that, what you may misunderstand, or deem contradictory, may
not apply to someone else, unless you think you know all minds.

You are claiming to know the mind of those who say they know the mind of God, yet you don't claim to be a liar. Double standards.
God may well be unknowable in the sense that God is the ocean while we are
a drop of the ocean, but we can know God through understanding ourselves. At present we try to know God by trying to analyse each and every component of the ocean while not realising that we are a main component.

That's an excellent question.
The answer is, you'll never know unless you reach that stage.

And yet many claim a personal relationship without a personal contact.
That means that they have an imaginary relationship.

I believe that latter, but from our perspective and position, it's not easy.

Sometimes, but there most probably are moments when truth is hit upon.
We just have raise our awareness to the point where we can discriminate clearly.


And how can one know when that truth is hit upon without confirmation from God himself?

but wait! you gotta have the right vision. lots of people don't have any vision at all, much less the right one. lots of people are staring at lies and believing they're true!

Like what?
That animals can talk human for instance or that seven headed monsters are real or that a water walking immortal God can somehow die?

i would not blame God for them..

<edit> also you have taken a statement about humanity and transposed it to the physical world..which in my opinion is not a good thing to do when arguing God.

Why not? He is said to have created the world. What about specific human parasites? You can't thank God for, for instance, saving some people from natural disasters and not blame him for the natural disaster in the first place. People are getting their knickers in a bunch over the cross at ground zero, and yet the people responsible were following the same God.