Anyone ever seen a UFO?

UFO's are the modern equivalent of the headless horseman.

Not really. An alien UFO can exist. A NASA spaceship flying past an inhabited planet for some reason is an Alien UFO. Maybe a ghost can exist I don't know, we have a lot of invisible material out there. I've heard of a Dark Galaxy. Actually makes a lot of sense.
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Many many people saw headless horsemen in the past.
Some of them very intelligent people.
Can they all have been mistaken?
just read books , youtube

I have done this for many yrs

specifically , Jim Marrs , recently , book very ,very good

I have seen paintings with sky craft , etc. just watch any program , read books on the subject , with critisism

the eventuality of the reality of UFO's will come about in the end

they have been around for thousands of yrs

a good start would be ( now that I think about it ) the history of the Sumerians

fascinating , really

I've been interested in UFO's since I was a kid and have looked at numerous videos that claim to be of UFO's. I've followed the Disclosure Project with some interest. I've read about "supposed" reference to aliens or spacecraft in different ancient societies. However, I have yet to read or watch ANYTHING that isn't just an interesting theory. I like tuning into Ancient Aliens because I'm a sci-fi fan, not because I think it provides convincing evidence. I'll check out that Jim Marrs book you suggest but, for me, any evidence I have witnessed regarding UFO's/aliens is simply entertainment.
With home CGI now it is going to be impossible to tell the real from the fakes anyway. I could make a video better than 90% on the internet using free software.
specifically , Jim Marrs , recently , book very ,very good
Jim Marrs is a paranoid crank.

haven't you seen the news? air avation is all about helping people land and not crash into each other. their the ones falling asleep lately in the towers.
Pardon? So by "professionals of air deviation" you mean "air traffic controllers"?

your ignorence is obvious
And then you accuse me of ignorance. :rolleyes:

so i really can not take you as being very intelligent with these remarks and i know your very smart. so why the insults?
It's quite simple: you come across as decidedly not very intelligent and not smart.

you know i have good reasons to say their is sound evidence for ufo's. to say there isn't shows how irrational your behaving.
No you don't.

im not just your book reader hearsayer. i've eyewitnessed ufo's and not like you who was easily fooled some time back. eyewitnesses were with me and they can not explain what it was.
Maybe you should go back and read my posts.
Many many people saw headless horsemen in the past.
Some of them very intelligent people.
Can they all have been mistaken?

But lets add the "ease of falsity" to the event. How difficult is it to strap a dummy to a horse, and send the horse running aimlessly through the country-side?
How easy is it to fake a convincing crop circle? Not too easy.
Yet it's been done many times.
One could equally say the same about a genuine alien-created one that is convincing as well. You are weaving your belief system into your reply?

Update: I changed that into a harmless question.
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One could equally say the same about a genuine alien-created one that is convincing as well.
One could. If there actually was such a thing.

You are weaving your belief system into your reply?
My belief system? Maybe you haven't bothered checking on crop circles and the facts about them.
One could. If there actually was such a thing.

My belief system? Maybe you haven't bothered checking on crop circles and the facts about them.

Not all of them.
I still carry doubts about the validity of an "entirely-hoaxed anomaly".
Crop circles are guesswork. What would make you think that they are real? Maybe some unknown science in the patterns? Maybe a warning? The technology that makes them could also make them in other materials.. sand.. clouds, poppy fields, somebody's lawn. I think that the proof would come from seeing the shapes in more incredible places.
@Keith --

Is it possible that extraterrestrials are responsible for crop circles? Yes, though one must ask how likely that is. We know that it is possible for as few as one person, albeit a rather industrious person, to fake even incredibly complex and large crop circles. We know that there are thousands of people across the entire planet who've admitted to creating crop circles(usually for fun or to gain popularity after they confess). We also know that humans like to follow trends and also have a startling tendency to read too much into things. Given all of these facts it follows that the best explanation for all current and past crop circles is human origin as a hoax.
Many many people saw headless horsemen in the past.
Some of them very intelligent people.
Can they all have been mistaken?

Actually, fucking with someone (i.e. putting my head into my coat to make someone think I didn't have a head) is totally something I would do. Intelligent people can totally be trolled.

In fact, it would not surprise me if UFO's were a big troll by some military with advance aircraft (ours or Russia most likely).
The length of time the anomaly is allowed to perpetuate within a region of ancient human civilization, coupled with the amount of effort extended to perpetuate it (example: moving blue stones and digging encircled areas to mark them). Are not the few circles of plausible interest not in these regions specifically?
The length of time the anomaly is allowed to perpetuate within a region of ancient human civilization, coupled with the amount of effort extended to perpetuate it (example: moving blue stones and digging encircled areas to mark them). Are not the few circles of plausible interest not in these regions specifically?

What specific incident are you referring too?
The length of time the anomaly is allowed to perpetuate within a region of ancient human civilization, coupled with the amount of effort extended to perpetuate it (example: moving blue stones and digging encircled areas to mark them). Are not the few circles of plausible interest not in these regions specifically?

What about a star chart, we are here, we sent you a signal you can pick this signal up at these coordinates, monitor this area and you will hear the signal? Instead we get something that would take just as long to accomplish. Travel to our planet, and fold some wheat.
I think my examples clearly elaborate one region.
Your "examples" clearly don't.

There are such specific regions throughout the world.
How can your example "clearly elaborate ONE region" if there are, per your own words, "such specific regions throughout the world"? :shrug: