Anyone ever seen a UFO?

I don't know what it was ? Meteor probably. Big ball of fire streaking across a long bank of transom windows . It made me jump up of the couch in a hot flash . I also saw a streak in the air driving to work in the bay area one time . I thought what the fuck is that , Are we being attacked by Russia ? It turned out it was a test missile as before I got to the job it was announced on the radio not to be alarmed and then went into the explanation as to what we all saw . It streaked and then blew up .

My Mother and my Grandfather saw a u.f.o. while boating on Lake Memphremagog in Vermont were my grandpa had a lake house . It was disk like from what they have told us . They don't like to talk about it even with us close family members . They never went public either . They dismissed it as an anomaly.

I was just looking at pictures from when we was kids on the lake . I didn't know what the pictures were as some how my wife got them on here phone . I thought it was people water skiing. She told me were it was and then I realized it was my brother , cousin and my sister laying in the water . My brother and cousin look like they are walking on water . The lake is like a foot and a half deep for about 1 miles seems like . When we went fishing you had to push the boat out something like a mile before it was deep enough to start the out board motor , So yeah way out from the shore makes it look like your walking on water . Especially when you got a kids head as the only thing poking out of the water right next to the walkers
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Well 1982 a stealth fighter spotted would be a UFO.

Exactly,.... we know there are 'Black' projects that create secret aircraft, the U2, SR71, and 'Stealth' aircraft all operated secretly for some time, before being unveiled, and I'm guessing they are secret while they are cutting edge, so that implies there's a next generation of secret craft in service already, and who knows what that is capable of.

Interestingly, I read an article about the HRV2 (Hypersonic Re-entry Vehicle) as it was lost in flight recently, and this appears to be follow on technology from the 'Dynasoar' which was cancelled in 1963. Cancelled, or maybe the project just went black, and continued,.... who knows, but the USA may well have manned space capability it just doesn't admit to. As these hypersonic vehicles use various manoeuvres to skip on the atmosphere to maintain altitude, and perform tight turns, zig zagging to lose speed, some of their flight patterns match what people report as UFOs. Also, highly agile unmanned drones could be responsible, ... we've seen a few oddites in the sky at one of our favourite surf locations, which is near a 'disused' missile testing range, and just happens to be near the sea, so flights can take off and land without going over land, or therefore any populated area, away from prying eyes, well, except for a bunch of surfers who hang out at the beach after dark.
I'm trying to upload a picture to ask what it is but a security code is said to be missing. :shrug:

Anyways I have a couple of photo's of ufo's would like to share.

I've seen what appeared stars when I was in my late teens, during a meteor shower. My friends and I looked at it for a while before they seperated and disappeared horizontally across the sky in a blink of an eye.

I've seen a ufo in my mid twenties while driving with a friend home from work. This has been reported too. It shook the car around causing it to jerk like bad gas. Than the dashboard lights went out, and across this field nearby boeing area, a big round light bigger than a apartment complex was hovering for a moment and than disappeared into the ground across the field. Our vehicle than went to running fine and the dashboard lights went back on.
I don't know what it was ? Meteor probably. Big ball of fire streaking across a long bank of transom windows . It made me jump up of the couch in a hot flash . I also saw a streak in the air driving to work in the bay area one time . I thought what the fuck is that , Are we being attacked by Russia ? It turned out it was a test missile as before I got to the job it was announced on the radio not to be alarmed and then went into the explanation as to what we all saw . It streaked and then blew up .

My Mother and my Grandfather saw a u.f.o. while boating on Lake Memphremagog in Vermont were my grandpa had a lake house . It was disk like from what they have told us . They don't like to talk about it even with us close family members . They never went public either . They dismissed it as an anomaly.

I was just looking at pictures from when we was kids on the lake . I didn't know what the pictures were as some how my wife got them on here phone . I thought it was people water skiing. She told me were it was and then I realized it was my brother , cousin and my sister laying in the water . My brother and cousin look like they are walking on water . The lake is like a foot and a half deep for about 1 miles seems like . When we went fishing you had to push the boat out something like a mile before it was deep enough to start the out board motor , So yeah way out from the shore makes it look like your walking on water . Especially when you got a kids head as the only thing poking out of the water right next to the walkers

I've been watching alot of youtube videos of what appears meteors, but once they break the atmosphere they start to manuver as intelligent crafts.

I was a witness to four ufo's during a meteor shower. Maybe there is something to this.

Wouldn't our craft landing on another planet appear like a meteor?
Here is the photo! i'm trying to delete this because down loaded photo finally but wrong photograph. oops.
I hope got the photo right. heheh.

Did you see the object before or after you took the pictures? I ask because in the photo you get no sense of scale/distance so if you saw it after it was possibly a bug flying in front of the lens.
I did not notice it until after the picture was taken. I was thinking it was possibly a large raven. I too can not tell spacial perception is off.

I've got a problem with my other photo. It was taken during fireworks. Its with 3 lights in a triangle. But the photograph has been erased off the computer and unfortunately is not in the recyle bin either. :(

I zoomed in on it and I can almost make out black wings so I think your right!:D I was taking pictures of the clouds and color formations. I love taking pictures of clouds. It made for a beutiful picture. I have some with darker red and purples from the same day.
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I've got one, it's called a toilet and 20 tins of beans.
Yes I saw one, but as a skeptic, I'm open to it being swamp gas reflecting off a full moon or some other such shit.
That screams meteor to me, I've actually seen one like that where it gets brighter as it gets deeper in the atmosphere. However, the one I saw exploded spectacularly! (it was so bright the sun could have come out for a split second, like close by lightning)

No, it was up there and visible for about three minutes. In that time it tracked across an area a little bigger than that contained within the "dipper" portion of the big dipper. About four to five times the apparent width of the full moon when up in the air and off the horizon.

Meteors fall into the atmosphere fast, the time between light up and burnout is probably less than a second, even on the big ones.. Yeah, there's spectacular ones, and I have not seen those, but if that's what I was looking at, I've seen lots of smaller ones and would recognize it. The big ones are blobby and they get brighter. One time I actually saw smoke-it got close enough to me and to the ground that I saw the puff of space dust. Another one I saw must have had boron in it, it was a giant green fireball.

I've actually worked outdoors at night and got to see a meteor shower, also seen plenty of random meteors and satellites...also the ISS going over, also spent many years living under a major international airport landing vector.

I'm used to seeing stuff at night. This was something I never saw before or since.
No, it was up there and visible for about three minutes. In that time it tracked across an area a little bigger than that contained within the "dipper" portion of the big dipper. About four to five times the apparent width of the full moon when up in the air and off the horizon.

Meteors fall into the atmosphere fast, the time between light up and burnout is probably less than a second, even on the big ones.. Yeah, there's spectacular ones, and I have not seen those, but if that's what I was looking at, I've seen lots of smaller ones and would recognize it. The big ones are blobby and they get brighter. One time I actually saw smoke-it got close enough to me and to the ground that I saw the puff of space dust. Another one I saw must have had boron in it, it was a giant green fireball.

I've actually worked outdoors at night and got to see a meteor shower, also seen plenty of random meteors and satellites...also the ISS going over, also spent many years living under a major international airport landing vector.

I'm used to seeing stuff at night. This was something I never saw before or since.

Awesome, I wasn't trying to call you out or anything, just offering a possible explanation. I personally believe SOMETHING is going on but what it is I will not speculate on (another tread maybe I just want this not to turn into an argument).

Anyone else? There are over 400 active members and they say about 6% of the population has seen one and 24 people have not come forward yet so..... Let's hear um (read um lol) people!
Yes I saw one, but as a skeptic, I'm open to it being swamp gas reflecting off a full moon or some other such shit.

I am also a skeptic (about it being aliens), that is why I call what I saw a UFO and I am careful not to say it was aliens, it's just unidentified IDK what it was.
Awesome, I wasn't trying to call you out or anything, just offering a possible explanation. I personally believe SOMETHING is going on but what it is I will not speculate on (another tread maybe I just want this not to turn into an argument).

Anyone else? There are over 400 active members and they say about 6% of the population has seen one and 24 people have not come forward yet so..... Let's hear um (read um lol) people!

6% of the population has seen an unidentified flying object.. an object flying that they can't see properly. 90% of the population has seen something that they can't see properly on a Saturday night, and taken it home.